Your Compete Quotient

Hello and welcome!

We're excited to have you here. Below, you'll find a set of questions designed to assess your skills and traits that are crucial for improving your performance in competitive exams and enhancing your overall competitiveness. These 11 skills have been identified through research as key factors that can significantly influence your success in competitive endeavors.

Please take a moment to read each question carefully and choose the option that best reflects your personal experience and abilities. There are no right or wrong answers here – we're simply interested in understanding your unique strengths.

Rest assured that your responses will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. We will only use identity markers for analysis, and all responses will be aggregated for research purposes.

Thank you for participating, and let's get started!

Hello and welcome!

We're excited to have you here. Below, you'll find a set of questions designed to assess your skills and traits that are crucial for improving your performance in competitive exams and enhancing your overall competitiveness. These 11 skills have been identified through research as key factors that can significantly influence your success in competitive endeavors.

Please take a moment to read each question carefully and choose the option that best reflects your personal experience and abilities. There are no right or wrong answers here – we're simply interested in understanding your unique strengths.

Rest assured that your responses will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. We will only use identity markers for analysis, and all responses will be aggregated for research purposes.

Thank you for participating, and let's get started!

I feel I manage my time well
Not at all like me
Not like me
Somewhat like me
Like me
Very much like me
I find that I am overwhelmed by my daily routine
Not at all like me
Not like me
Somewhat like me
Like me
Very much like me
I find that, even though I want to be on time, I am often late
Not at all like me
Not like me
Somewhat like me
Like me
Very much like me
Even if I do not like to do something, I still complete it on time
Not at all like me
Not like me
Somewhat like me
Like me
Very much like me
I put off things I do not like to do until the very last minute
Not at all like me
Not like me
Somewhat like me
Like me
Very much like me
I can correctly estimate the time I need to complete my tasks
Not at all like me
Not like me
Somewhat like me
Like me
Very much like me
I plan my daily activities
Not at all like me
Not like me
Somewhat like me
Like me
Very much like me
I understand exactly what I am supposed to do as a student
Strongly Disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
I have specific, clear goals to aim for as a student
Not at all like me
Not like me
Somewhat like me
Like me
Very much like me
The academic goals I have are challenging, but reasonable (neither too hard or too easy)
Not at all like me
Not like me
Somewhat like me
Like me
Very much like me
I understand how my academic performance is measured
Not at all like me
Not like me
Somewhat like me
Like me
Very much like me
I have deadlines for meeting my study goals
Not at all like me
Not like me
Somewhat like me
Like me
Very much like me
If I have more than one goal to accomplish, I know which ones are most important and which are least important
Not at all like me
Not like me
Somewhat like me
Like me
Very much like me
Sometimes I can’t stop myself from doing something, even if I know it is wrong
Not at all like me
Not like me
Somewhat like me
Like me
Very much like me
I do certain things that are bad for me if they are fun
Not at all like me
Not like me
Somewhat like me
Like me
Very much like me
I wish I had more self-discipline
Not at all like me
Not like me
Somewhat like me
Like me
Very much like me
I am good at resisting temptation
Not at all like me
Not like me
Somewhat like me
Like me
Very much like me
I have no trouble keeping track of my tasks like completing the assignments and preparation for the exams
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
I am good at remembering conversations I had with my teachers/instructors and friends
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
I have no trouble remembering where I have put my textbooks and other material
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
I am good at remembering content and lectures, and reproduce it well during exams
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
I am usually able to remember exactly where I read or heard a specific concept related to a topic
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
I am good at concentrating during classes and practicals
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
I am able to understand all the concepts taught from the start to the end during the class and practicals
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
I have no trouble concentrating during conversations with my teachers and friends
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
I am good at concentrating when reading subject textbooks and listening to long lectures
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
There are people in my life that will always be there for me
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
There are people in my life that care for me
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
There are people in my life that instill me with the confidence to deal with pressure
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
There are people in my life that enhance my self-esteem
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
There are people in my life that give me advice when I am performing poorly
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
There are people in my life that give me constructive criticism
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
How often do you feel left out
Not at all
Extremely so
How often do you feel isolated
Not at all
Extremely so
How often do you feel there are people you can talk to
Not at all
Extremely so
How often do you feel there are people you can turn to
Not at all
Extremely so
How often do you feel like a part of a group of friends
Not at all
Extremely so
How often do you feel in tune with others around you
Not at all
Extremely so
In uncertain times, I usually expect the best
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
If something can go wrong for me, it will
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
I’m always optimistic about my future
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
I hardly ever expect things to go my way
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
I rarely count on good things happening to me
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
Overall, I expect more good things to happen to me than bad
Strongly disagree
Somewhere in-between
Strongly Agree
I have been obsessed with a certain idea or project for a short time but later lost interest
Not At All Like Me
Mostly Unlike Me
Somewhere In-Between
Mostly Like Me
Very Much Like Me
I often set a goal but later choose to pursue a different one
Not At All Like Me
Mostly Unlike Me
Somewhere In-Between
Mostly Like Me
Very Much Like Me
I finish whatever I begin
Not At All Like Me
Mostly Unlike Me
Somewhere In-Between
Mostly Like Me
Very Much Like Me
Setbacks do not discourage me
Not At All Like Me
Mostly Unlike Me
Somewhere In-Between
Mostly Like Me
Very Much Like Me

You failed a mock exam. The marks for two other recent assignments were also poorer than you would want. The feedback from the teacher for the assignment is quite harsh saying ‘lack of understanding’ and ‘poor writing,’ but it also says that the work can be improved. Similar comments were made by the tutors who marked your other two assignments.

What would you do?

You failed a mock exam. The marks for two other recent assignments were also poorer than you would want. The feedback from the teacher for the assignment is quite harsh saying ‘lack of understanding’ and ‘poor writing,’ but it also says that the work can be improved. Similar comments were made by the tutors who marked your other two assignments.

What would you do?

I would work harder
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
I would keep trying
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
I would think more about my strengths and weaknesses to help me work better
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
I would give myself encouragement
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
I would feel like everything was ruined and going wrong
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
I would begin to think my chances of success at school were poor
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
Please rate your degree of confidence ranging from cannot do at all to highly certain can do for the following statements.
Please rate your degree of confidence ranging from cannot do at all to highly certain can do for the following statements.
Get teachers to help me when I get stuck during my studies
Cannot do at all
Can rarely do
Somewhere-in between
Can usually do
Highly certain can do
Get another student to help me when I get stuck during my studies
Cannot do at all
Can rarely do
Somewhere-in between
Can usually do
Highly certain can do
Get myself to study when there are other interesting things to do
Cannot do at all
Can rarely do
Somewhere-in between
Can usually do
Highly certain can do
Learning my subjects at school
Cannot do at all
Can rarely do
Somewhere-in between
Can usually do
Highly certain can do
{"name":"Your Compete Quotient", "url":"","txt":"Hello and welcome! We're excited to have you here. Below, you'll find a set of questions designed to assess your skills and traits that are crucial for improving your performance in competitive exams and enhancing your overall competitiveness. These 11 skills have been identified through research as key factors that can significantly influence your success in competitive endeavors. Please take a moment to read each question carefully and choose the option that best reflects your personal experience and abilities. There are no right or wrong answers here – we're simply interested in understanding your unique strengths. Rest assured that your responses will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. We will only use identity markers for analysis, and all responses will be aggregated for research purposes. Thank you for participating, and let's get started!, I feel I manage my time well, I find that I am overwhelmed by my daily routine","img":""}
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