An illustration of diverse food items arranged in a safe kitchen environment, highlighting concepts of food safety and hygiene, with vibrant colors and clear labels.

Loron Mundial Aihan Seguru Quiz

Welcome to the Loron Mundial Aihan Seguru Quiz! Test your knowledge about food safety practices and the importance of safe food handling. This quiz is designed to help you understand key concepts regarding food hygiene and protection against foodborne illnesses.

Join us and discover why safe food handling is crucial:

  • Learn about effective practices to prevent contamination
  • Understand the significance of temperature control
  • Enhance your knowledge on protecting public health through safe eating
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by CookingGuide247
Ida ne'ebe maka Lo'os liu?
Fase liman antes han
Fase liman depois de kaer foer
Fase liman depois sintina
Fase liman depois de kaer fase ka kaer labarik nia foer
Fase liman antes kaer no prepara hahan
5 nee los hotu kedas
Tambasa tenke fase liman bebeik?
Tamba mikroorganismu bele moris iha liman, iha hena hamoos meja, iha sasan sira liuliu ai koa naan
Liman ne'ebe foer, bele iha mikroorganismu ne'ebe bele halo kabun moras, muta no seluk tan
Rua ne'e lalos hotu
Pasu balun mantein hahan tasak ho seguru.
Modo tasak ona, labele rai besik ho hahan matak hanesan naan manu, naan karau no ikan
Tudik no Ai kua-naan uza ba hahan matak, labele uza hamutuk ho naan tasak.Hahan matak hanesan na'an ka ikan
Hahan tasak tenke rai iha hahan fatin ne'ebe ho matan, taka metin no labele iha kontaktu ho hahan matak.
Tolu ne'e los hotu
Hahan matak hanesan naan no ikan tenke haketak husi hahan tasak. tambasa?
Hahan matak iha mikroorganismu ne'ebe bele transfere ba hahan tasak
Tamba naan matan nia raan ka been bele halo hahan tasak dois lalais
Tenke tein hahan hanesan sopa to'o temperatura .... Grau Selsius
Tambasa tenke tein hahan to tasak, liuliu na'an manu ho medida boot?
Tamba na'an mos bele iha mikrobiu, no tein to'o tasak didiak bele ajuda hamate
Hahan matak bele iha mikroorganismu ne'ebe fo moras ba ita ema, tein halo tasak sei hamate mikrobiu sira ne'e
1 mak lo'os no ida seluk la lo'os
Saida mak ita labele halo?
Rai hahan tasak iha temperatura ambiente liu husi oras rua
Husik hahan tasak nakloke ka la taka metin
La hamanas hahan tasak antes han
Hahan zeladu ka malirin la rai iha temperatura menuz husi 5 grau selsius
Resposta iha leten lo'os hotu kedas
Tambasa presiza rai hahan iha temperatura menuz husi 5 grau selsius
Prevene mikroorganismu hodi moris ho habarak aan
Tamba microorganismu balun moris iha temperatura 5 grau selsius
Resposta rua ne'e los hotu
Tema husi loron mundial aihan seguru ba tinan ida ne'e mak saida?
Aihan seguru, ba Moris Saudavel
Aihan Seguru, Ba Ema Hotu
Aihan Seguru, ba Saude ida Di'ak Liu
Ai-han Seguru Selebra kada tinan iha loron .......
7 Junu
6 Junu
30 Junu
{"name":"LORON MUNDIAL AIHAN SEGURU", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Welcome to the Loron Mundial Aihan Seguru Quiz! Test your knowledge about food safety practices and the importance of safe food handling. This quiz is designed to help you understand key concepts regarding food hygiene and protection against foodborne illnesses. Join us and discover why safe food handling is crucial: Learn about effective practices to prevent contamination Understand the significance of temperature control Enhance your knowledge on protecting public health through safe eating","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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