Deep blue sea quiz

An artistic representation of a blue whale swimming in the deep ocean with bubbles and vibrant aquatic life

Deep Blue Sea Quiz

Test your knowledge about one of the most magnificent creatures of the ocean—the blue whale! This engaging quiz will challenge your understanding of their behavior, diet, and the mysteries of their communication.

Are you ready to dive in and discover fascinating facts? Check out these topics:

  • Diet and Feeding Habits
  • Sound and Communication
  • Social Behavior
  • Size and Weight
5 Questions1 MinutesCreated by SwimmingWhale42
Blue whales eat big fish
Blue whales are the loudest creatures on the planet
Their tounge weigh as much as a crab
Blue whales only swim in small groups
Their pulses, groans and moans can be heard from up to 1,000 miles away
{"name":"Deep blue sea quiz", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge about one of the most magnificent creatures of the ocean—the blue whale! This engaging quiz will challenge your understanding of their behavior, diet, and the mysteries of their communication.Are you ready to dive in and discover fascinating facts? Check out these topics:Diet and Feeding HabitsSound and CommunicationSocial BehaviorSize and Weight","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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