Histology 4D

A detailed and colorful diagram illustrating the stages of ovary and kidney development in human embryology, featuring labeled structures like oogonia, mesonephros, and metanephros in a scientific style.

Exploring Ovary Development and Kidney Formation

Test your knowledge on the intricate processes of ovary and kidney development with this comprehensive quiz. Dive deep into human embryology and learn about the stages and components involved in gonadal and renal system formation.

  • Multiple question types to enhance learning
  • Designed for students and enthusiasts of anatomy
  • Discover fascinating facts about human development
11 Questions3 MinutesCreated by LearningGermCell42
Ovary development:
Oogonia arise from the endoderm of the yolk sac
Occurs by the 10th week of gestation
Primordial germ cells differentiate into the oogonia
SRY protein is unnecessary for development
First the cell cluster with PGC occypy the medullary part of the ovary
The cell clusters with primitive germ cells occupy the medullary part of the ovary
The cell clusters surrounding one primitive germ cells to form the primordial ovarian follicles
Ovary development:
Cortical cords remains close to the surface
Occurs later than testis development
Primordial germ cells develop into graafian follicles
In the 7th week the second generation of cortical cords are formed
Ovary development starts at the 7th week of gestation
Oogonia arises from the endoderm of the yolk sac
Occurs earlies than the testis development
Permanent kidneys arise from:
Meso and pronephroi
Meta and pronephroi
What is true?
Pronephron is a nonfunctional organ in humans
Leydig cells by the 8th week of gestation begins the production of testosterone
Mesonephros proper degenerates
Gonocytes are differentiated within the endodermal cells of the yolk sac wall
AMH or MIS is secretory products of leydig cells
In males the Müllerian duct differentiated into the epididymis, vas deferens etc.
Which statements are correct?
The definite kidney becomes functional near the 12th week
AMH or MIS is the secretory product of sertori cells
Primordial of kidney and gonads derive from the intermediate mesoderm
Wolffian leydig cells are formed by proliferation of mesodermal cells
In females the Müllerian duct degenerates due to the action of AMH and MIS
Mesonephros is the first organ in kidney system development
During the gonadal system development, both paramesonephric mullarian ducts and mesonephrin are present in both sexes:
Paramesonephric are newly produces ducts as invaginations of the mesodermal epithelium
In females the wolffian duct regress in the absence of testosterone
In females the Wolffian duct degenerates
The mullerian duct in femals differentiate into the oviduct, uterus and upper part of vagina
In males the mullarian duct degenerate due to the action of AMH
Wolffian ducts are formed during the metanephros development
In males the wolffian ducts differentiation is under maternal estrogen control
Paramesonephric ducts; müllerian ducts:
Are newly produced ducts as invaginations of the mesodermal epithelium
Are female specific
In males they degenerate due to AMH
In females it differentiates into the oviducts, uterus and upper part of the vagina
Are formed during pronephros development
Are male specific
Hormonal control of female sex differentiation:
The development of external genitalia is stimulated by placental estrogens
Estrogens are included in this process
The uterine tube development depends on maternal estrogens
The only source for hormones involved in sex organ differentiation is placental hormones
Only maternal hormones are involved in sex organ differentiation
What is true regarding mesonephroi?
Each mesonephros consists of a renal corpuscle and mesonephric tubules, which opens into the mesonephric duct
Each mesonephros proper degenerates, wolffian ducts are derivatives in males
Are derived from the mesoderm
Consists of approximately 40 glomeruli
They begin developing in the late 4th week
Are derived from the endoderm
Consists of approximately 400 glomeruli
Begins to develop in the 8th week
What is true regarding the pronephric system?
Pronephros are nonfunctiona
Arises from the intermediate mesoderm
Degenerates by the end of the 5th week
Pronephric ducts open into cloaca
Pronephros perform extremely important functions in adults
Primordal germ cells differentiate into oogonia
Oogonia arises from the endoderm of the yolk sac
Occured by 10th week of gestation
Starts at the 4th week of gestation
What is true regarding metanephros?
There are two sources for metanephros: ureteric bud and metanephric mesoderm
It is a primordium of the permanent ovary
It is a primordium of the permanent kidney
Begins development in the 5th week
{"name":"Histology 4D", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge on the intricate processes of ovary and kidney development with this comprehensive quiz. Dive deep into human embryology and learn about the stages and components involved in gonadal and renal system formation.Multiple question types to enhance learningDesigned for students and enthusiasts of anatomyDiscover fascinating facts about human development","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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