Mini-Med Fall 2017 Honors Quiz

What is your first and last name?
A 26 year old female presents to your office to get her pre-entrance "physical exam" for medical school. You measure her vital signs and find that her height is 5'1 and weight is 135 lb. What BMI category would this patient belong in?
A 3 year old presents to her pediatrician's office with a BP of 100/50, HR of 120, and RR of 24. Are these vital signs considered normal?
Yes--they are normal
No--they are abnormal
Which of the following is a pulse located in the distal forearm that can be used to determine an individual's heart rate?
Radial Pulse
Carotid Pulse
Popliteal Pulse
Dorsalis Pedis Pulse
Which of the following describes arterial pressure during relaxation of the heart? Contraction of the heart?
Systolic, diastolic
Diastolic, systolic
Joe is a 22 year old male presenting to the doctor's office with stomach pain that began 1 week ago. He appears diaphoretic and nauseous with high sensitivity to loud noises and bright lights. You obtain her vital signs and note her pulse is 110 BPM, blood pressure is 148/86, respirations are 16, and temperature is 98.6 degrees F. Select each of the findings that is abnormal.
Blood Pressure
Which of the following are used by physicians to generate a differential diagnosis? Select all that apply.
Chief Complaint
History of Present Illness
Vital Signs
Physical Exam
You are a medical student interviewing a new patient presenting at Dr. Brown's practice. Dr. Brown asks you to interview the patient and acquire a complete history and physical exam. You knock on the door, enter, introduce yourself to the patient, and wash your hands. What is the best next step in this patient encounter?
Ask the patient about their health insurance provider
Determine the name of the patient's previous physician
Elicit the chief complaint
Which of the following are componenets of the past medical history (PMH)?
All of the above
Rich is a 15-year old male presenting with left shoulder pain for the past two weeks. Two weeks ago, he fell off of the swings and heard a popping sound upon impact. Today, he presents with a dull pain in his upper arm that is continuous and worsens upon movement of his arm away from the body or straightening of the elbow joint. He describes the current pain as a 5 out of 10 and denies any radiation. Rich has been taking ibuprofen, which usually helps relieve the pain temporarily. The immobility of his left arm has prevented Rich from carrying out day-to-day activities such as showering and eating. He has also been unable to play soccer, thereby adding to his frustration with his current condition. Which of the following components of the past medical history are missing from this case scenario?
True or False: It is important to obtain the history of present illness (HPI) in the order of CLODIERS.
True or False: It Is best to assess the respiratory rate without making the patient aware that you are measuring their breathing.
Which of the following is not considered a "vital sign"?
Blood Pressure
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Body Fat Percentage
Heart Rate
Which of the following is NOT a way in which patients with hypertension can manage their high blood pressure?
Decreased sodium intake
Increased alcohol/tobacco Intake
Physical activity
Which of the following heart valves helps transport deoxygenated blood? (Select all that apply)
Mitral Valve
Aortic Valve
Tricuspid Valve
Pulmonic Valve
True or False: Diastole is when blood moves from the atria into the ventricles.
Lea is 58 year old female presenting to the emergency room with acute chest pain radiating to her shoulders and jaw. Her vital signs are: BP 190/130, RR: 19, Pulse 72. She is also noted to have retinal hemorrhaging on physical exam. Which of the following best describes this patients condition?
Hypertensive Urgency
Hypertensive Emergency
Which of the following arteries are diseased in the condition known as Coronary Artery Disease?
All Systemic Arteries
Pulmonary Arteries
Cardiac Arteries
Which of the following is NOT a sign/symptom of a myocardial infarction (MI)?
Chest Discomfort
Upper Body Discomfort (ex in jaw, arms, shoulder, neck, back)
Shortness of Breath
Extreme fatigue
None of the above
True or False: Respiration is the movement of gas (air) into and out of the lungs.
Which of the following species is responsible for most cases of pneumonia?
Staphylococcous aureus
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Streptococcus viridans
Michael is 7 year old male presenting with a chief complain of bouts of extreme wheezing and shortness of breath. He has no fever but does report a cough that produces a thick sputum. You are concerned that Michael has developed asthma. What is the primary cause of symptoms in asthma?
Which of the following are normal lung sounds heard during auscultation?
Bronchial Sounds
Which of the following is the leading cause of preventable death in the US?
Coronary Artery disease
Cigarette Smoking
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Osteoarthritis is a disease due to break down of ______ from wear and tear of joints over long periods of time, leading to stiffness, pain, and decreased range of motion.
Mrs. Stark is a 68 year old patient presenting with joint pain and stiffness that has increased over the past few years. She has a history of diabetes and coronary artery disease. She worked as a secretary for 35 years before retiring at the age of 65. She has spent the past three years travelling and was most recently on a trip to Thailand. Her vital signs are BP: 135/70, RR: 16, Pulse: 68, BMI: 28. Which of the following puts Mrs. Stark at the greatest risk of osteoarthritis?
Age and BMI
Recent travel to Thailand
History of Heart Disease
Work as Secretary
Which of the following groups is at the greatest risk of developing osteoporosis?
Premenopausal women
Postmenopausal women
Prepubertal men
Postpubertal men
Which of the following tests is not used to determine if a patient has a rotator cuff injury?
Cremasteric Reflex
Apley Scratch Test
Empty-Can Test
Infraspinatus Test
Leslie presents to the emergency room with a very painful and swollen forearm Her friend Anne reports that Leslie was walking up the steps of town hall to attend a meeting when she slipped and fell down the steps, landing on her left hand. An x-ray of Leslie's forearm indicates a simple fracture of the radius. Leslie is worried about how long her fracture will take to heal completely. Which of the following is the most accurate regarding healing fractures?
Fractures can take 2-4 weeks to heal completely
Fractures can take 3-9 months to heal completely
Fractures can take up to 3-9 years to heal completely
Which of the following is not a componenent of the small intestine?
True or False: Some degree of lactose intolerance is present in the minority (<50%) of the population.
Which of the following is a characteristic of both type I and type II diabetes mellitus?
Immune related
Low blood insulin levels
Inability to use glucose
Monica presents to the emergency room after being found unresponsive by her mother. Her mother notes that recently Monica has been drinking more water and using the bathroom more than usual. Monica has lost 7 pounds in the past 3 months, and has been more tired and irritable. Today, Monica's vital signs are BP: 100/78, RR: 32 and deep, Pulse: 120 bpm, Temp: 95.2°F . Her breath is noted to have a fruity smell. Lab tests show her blood glucose is 1600 mg/dL. What is the most likely cause of Monica's immediate symptoms?
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Type II Diabetes
Which of the following organs is responsible for producing bile?
Which of the following describes a type of stroke caused by low perfusion to an area of the brain?
What does the "S" in the FAST pneumonic for a suspected stroke stand for?
Uneven Smile
Slurred Speech
Trouble with Sight
Severe headache
Devika is a 23 year old female presenting to your office. She works as a chef at a popular Italian restaurant, but has been having trouble at work recently because she is unable to differentiate between different scents. During elicitation of her PMH, she reports being in a car accident several weeks ago. Which cranial nerve may have been damaged during this accident, causing her presenting symptoms?
Cranial Nerve 1
Cranial Nerve 2
Cranial Nerve 3
Cranial Nerve 4
What cell is activated when there is damage in the brain?
Microglial Cells
You have a 68 year old female patient with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking 1 pack of cigarettes a day for the past 30 years. She has a friend who recently experienced a stroke and is concerned about having one herself. What advice would be appropriate to give this patient regarding stroke prevention?
Healthy diet consisting of more fruits/vegetables
Exercise, 2.5 hours per week
Stop Smoking
All of the above
Alex is a 72 year old male presenting to the emergency room with signs of a stroke. Alex has a history of heart disease, obesity, and prior hemorrhage. You order a CT scan of the brain to determine if the patient has undergone a stroke and find that the Alex has not had a hemorrhagic stroke. Is it appropriate to treat Alex with a "clot buster", medically known as a tissue plasminogen activator?
{"name":"Mini-Med Fall 2017 Honors Quiz", "url":"","txt":"An 26 year old female presents to your office to get her pre-entrance \"physical exam\" for medical school. You measure her vital signs and find that her height is 5'1 and weight is 135 lb. What BMI category would this patient belong in?, A 3 year old presents to her pediatrician's office with a BP of 100\/50, HR of 120, and RR of 24. Are these vital signs considered normal?, Which of the following is a pulse located in the distal forearm that can be used to determine an individual's heart rate?","img":""}
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