Friday Flash Poll: Why do we need an International Women’s Day?

Which of the following issues do you feel are most concerning for women? (Select the three most important to you)
Financial security
Family breakdown and abuse
Personal safety in the community
Affordable housing
Health concerns, either physical or mental
Coping with the physical challenges of ageing
Ability to continue to care for others
Transport availability
Please Specify:
If one of the following issues could be fixed today, which should it be?
Financial security
Personal safety at home
Personal safety in public
Suitable compensation for care (including dependents and elders)
End sexual harassment
Equal opportunity in the workplace
Narrow the superannuation gap
Should baby boomer women, many of whom have limited or no superannuation, be compensated with a more generous Age Pension?
{"name":"Friday Flash Poll: Why do we need an International Women’s Day?", "url":"","txt":"Which of the following issues do you feel are most concerning for women? (Select the three most important to you), If one of the following issues could be fixed today, which should it be?, Should baby boomer women, many of whom have limited or no superannuation, be compensated with a more generous Age Pension?","img":""}
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