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New submissions in quant-ph on Mon, 25 Apr 22
[2204.10324] Chen-Fu Chiang, Paul M. Alsing: Grover Search Inspired Alternating Operator Ansatz of Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm for Search Problems
[2204.10336] L. Pereira, J. J. García-Ripoll, T. Ramos: Parallel QND measurement tomography of multi-qubit quantum devices
[2204.10341] Tianci Zhou, Aram W. Harrow: Maximal entanglement velocity implies dual unitarity
[2204.10371] Tomás Santiago-Cruz, Sylvain D. Gennaro, Oleg Mitrofanov et al.: Resonant Semiconductor Metasurfaces for Generating Complex Quantum States
[2204.10395] Shin Funada, Jun Suzuki: Effect of Wigner rotation on estimating unitary-shift parameter of relativistic spin-1/2 particle
[2204.10450] Alexander Cerjan, Terry A. Loring, Fredy Vides: Quadratic pseudospectrum for identifying localized states
[2204.10471] Yingkai Ouyang, Peter P. Rohde: A general framework for the composition of quantum homomorphic encryption \& quantum error correction
[2204.10487] Daowen Qiu, Le Luo: Distributed Grover's algorithm
[2204.10498] Lin Htoo Zaw, Clive Cenxin Aw, Zakarya Lasmar et al.: Detecting quantumness in uniform precessions
[2204.10515] Qilin Wang, Jianhe Yang, Rongfang Liu et al.: Modulating quantum evolution of moving-qubit by using classical driving
[2204.10571] Lijiong Shen, Chang Hoong Chow, Justin Yu Xiang Peh et al.: Distributing Polarization Entangled Photon Pairs with High Rate over Long Distance through Standard Telecommunication Fiber
[2204.10609] Jerzy Paczos, Kacper Dębski, Piotr T. Grochowski et al.: Quantum time dilation in a gravitational field
[2204.10616] Alberto Barchielli, Alberto Santamato: The eight-port homodyne detector: the effect of imperfections on quantum number generation and on detection of quadratures
[2204.10626] A. S. Holevo: Log-Sobolev inequality and proof of Hypothesis of the Gaussian Maximizers for the capacity of quantum noisy homodyning
[2204.10639] Paulo J. Cavalcanti, John H. Selby, Jamie Sikora et al.: Simulating all multipartite non-signalling channels via quasiprobabilistic mixtures of local channels in generalised probabilistic theories
[2204.10643] Mikhail Y. Shalaginov, Michael Dubrovsky: Quantum Proof of Work with Parametrized Quantum Circuits
[2204.10671] Kamil Khadiev, Aliya Khadieva, Alexander Knop: Exponential Separation between Quantum and Classical Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams, Reordering Method and Hierarchies
[2204.10694] Edward Pearce-Crump: A Multigraph Approach for Performing the Quantum Schur Transform
[2204.10724] Alessandro Ferreri, Hannes Pfeifer, Frank K. Wilhelm et al.: On the interplay between optomechanics and the dynamical Casimir effect
[2204.10737] Kabgyun Jeong, Junseo Lee: Quantum Rényi Entropy Functionals for Bosonic Gaussian Systems
[2204.10741] Nikolay V. Tkachenko, Yu Zhang, Lukasz Cincio et al.: Quantum Davidson Algorithm for Excited States
[2204.10778] Olivier Rousselle, Pierre Cladé, Saïda Guellati-Khélifa et al.: Quantum interference measurement of the free fall of anti-hydrogen
[2204.10780] Nadjat Amaouche, Ishak Bouguerche, Rahma Zerimeche et al.: Anti-PT-symmetric harmonic oscillator and its relation to the inverted harmonic oscillator
[2204.10786] Giulia Gemme, Michele Grossi, Dario Ferraro et al.: IBM quantum platforms: a quantum battery perspective
[2204.10798] Francisco Riberi, Leigh M. Norris, Felix Beaudoin et al.: Frequency estimation under non-Markovian spatially correlated quantum noise: Restoring superclassical precision scaling
[2204.10801] Francisco M. Fernández: On the Q-BOR-FDTD method
[2204.10804] Rahma Zerimeche, Rostom Moufok, Nadjat Amaouche et al.: Inverted oscillator: pseudo hermiticity and coherent states
[2204.10812] Armanda O. Quintavalle, Paul Webster, Michael Vasmer: Partitioning qubits in hypergraph product codes to implement logical gates
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in quant-ph on Mon, 25 Apr 22","img":""}
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