The Spoon Energy Quiz

A playful, colorful illustration of a cozy setting featuring two cartoon spoons, one large and one small, cuddling under a blanket while popcorn is scattered around, evoking a fun and friendly atmosphere.

Find Your Spoon Energy

Discover your true spoon energy with this fun and engaging quiz! Whether you're the cozy small spoon or the protective big spoon, this quiz will help you see where you fit in the spoon spectrum.

  • 12 quirky questions
  • Relatable scenarios
  • Find out what kind of "spoon" energy you have!
12 Questions3 MinutesCreated by ChillingSpoon27
You're on the light rail and some crackhead is making a scene. How would you react?
Just ignore what the tweaker is saying
Calmly try to diffuse the situation
Go over to said crackhead and start screaming. You've gotta protect your friends, after all.
Get super nervous. Maybe cry.
Get off of light rail as soon as possible. I ain't tryna die today.
Your girl/man wants to watch a sappy romance. You down?
I mean, if it is what they want.
Only if I can pick my favorite one. Probably gonna be the Notebook.
You will NEVER catch me watching a chick-flick.
Why do I have to wait for my significant other to watch it?
Sure, but I will make jokes about it the whole time.
You walk into class and find out that you had a 10 page research paper due that class period. What do you do?
Walk out of class
Fake tech problems
Fess up and turn it in late.
Apologize and start crying
You are in a park and come across the playground. How do you react?
Push Billy off the swing
Get extremely elated and run to the slide
Walk past. What else would I do?
Grab your friends and start playing tag
Think about all the fun you had when you were a kid
How do you approach making new friends?
I don't
Talk to everyone who I pass
Let someone else do the talking. I will be a friend by association
Insert yourself into every conversation
Let people come to you
Apple or Android?
Google Pixel
Whatever works the best
The cheapest
What kind of clothes do you normally wear?
Looks fresh off the Worship Live stage
Something comfortable
Whatever is clean
Name brand or nothing
If I like it, I wear it. I don't have a style
You get told that you have small spoon energy. What now?
Get extremely defensive
Laugh because you know that it isn't true and move on
Accept it
Why would I want to be anything else? I can watch the WHOLE movie, no hair in my face, I get to be held, what is wrong with being a small spoon????
Agree but feel awkward
Your friends invite you out, but you have homework to do. What do you do?
Drop everything and go. Who cares about grades anyway?
I don't have the ability to say no if I am invited somewhere
Get it done quickly before you go, or stay up late and finish it
Say no and get your work done well
Do your homework while you are with them
Someone dares you to go into the 12 inch snow without a coat or shoes. What do you do?
I can't say no to a dare, no matter what it is.
Sounds dope, I'm in.
Absolutely not, that is so stupid. I ain't tryna pull a Richie and get frostbite.
Only if they pressure me to do it
Sure! They have to do it with me, it will be more fun
Be honest, if you had to guess, what energy do you think you have?
Definitely big spoon
Definitely small spoon
Small spoon, sadly
I think big spoon?? I don't know anymore. Who am I?
Somewhere in the middle
People tell me I'm a small spoon, but I don't believe them
Doesn't matter either way
What would you do if this quiz told you that you have big spoon energy?
I'm cool with that
Why am I even taking this quiz?
Thats surprising
Rub it in everyone's face
I knew it all along
{"name":"The Spoon Energy Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Discover your true spoon energy with this fun and engaging quiz! Whether you're the cozy small spoon or the protective big spoon, this quiz will help you see where you fit in the spoon spectrum.12 quirky questionsRelatable scenariosFind out what kind of \"spoon\" energy you have!","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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