Aspects of life in Germany and West Germany

How many worked for the arms manufacturer Krupp in 1918?
What proportion of working age women were in work by 1918?
What did the emergency government in 1918 given women?
How many women were elected to the Reichstag between 1919 and 1932?
Which article of the Weimar Constitution gave women equal rights in principle?
To what level had birth rates fallen in 1925 from 128 per 1,000 in 1911?
What level of women were in work in 1925, almost reaching pre-war levels?
How many female lawyers were there by 1933?
By 1933, the number of women doctors had doubled, what level were they at in 1925?
Which group was hostile to female workers?
Which subculture amongst women that involved smoking, revealing clothes, short hair and sexual freedom emerged in the 1920s?
What was the name of the fear this inspired in men across Germany?
What proportion of women were unemployed in 1932 compared to 46% of men?
Which Chancellor passed a law enabling the dismissal of women in public service who had earning husbands?
What was the Nazi slogan regarding women?
What organisation did the Nazi's set up for female party members?
And which organisation was set up for non party members?
What did the Nazi's pass laws to prevent?
How much money was given in grants to families for each child born?
Young couples were given what to incentivise marriage between "pure" Germans?
Which programme, started in 1936 by the SS, encouraged the breeding of pure Aryan couples?
What about the marriage loans incentivised procreation?
In what year were women excluded from working in the legal profession?
In what year was the Mother's Cross introduced, rewarding women for procreation?
How many kindergartens and creches were the NSV operating by 1942?
By how much did the employment rate of women go up between 1939 and 1944?
In October 1940, what were women allowed to do?
How many more women were there than men in 1948?
How much higher was the divorce rate in 1948 than it had been in 1946?
What was set up in 1953 to provide wives and mothers with benefits?
Which Article of the Basic Law provided absolutely equal rights for women?
When was the Marriage and Family Law revised to give women equal rights in marriage?
What percentage of women believed a man's job was more important in 1982?
And what percentage thought a woman should stop work upon marriage?
What women's rights group was set up in January 1968?
Which particular right was inhibited by Paragraph 218 and was a key focus of women's rights groups?
What percentage of women with a child under 15 had a paid job?
And what proportion of these were working part time?
What new architectural movement sprung up in the Weimar Republic?
And what art movements became popular during this time?
Which composer embraced expressionism?
Which government organised film consortium made Fritz Lang's Metropolis?
Which famous horror film was released in 1922?
Which paragraph of the Criminal Code allowed the banning of obscene media?
What special schools for "elite" young boys were set up by the Nazi's in 1933?
How many teachers were members of the National Socialist Teachers League in January 1933?
When were "undesirable" teachers purged by the Nazi's?
When did the Nazi's gain control over teacher appointments?
What proportion of teachers were in the NSTL by 1937?
In 1938, 2500 new teachers qualified against how many vacancies?
How much of the curriculum was dominated by sport?
What subject did the Nazi's introduce to pursue their aryan ideals?
What organisation was set up for children aged 6-10?
What was set up for 14 year old boys after the Jungvolk?
Young girls were first placed into the Jungmadel and the BDM, what was the final group?
What did the Nazi's believe was the role of the German people in European culture?
How many books were burnt on 10th May 1933?
What was set up in 1933 to control all creative arts?
Which movement organised trips to the opera, theatre and museums for workers?
What event did the Nazi's use to promote German sport?
How many medals did Germany win at the 1936 Olympics?
Mother's day was celebrated on whose Birthday during the Nazi era?
Which building project could house over 100,000 occupants?
Who still controlled education during the allied occupation?
How many children were in gymnasium schools in 1980, compared to 853,400 in 1960?
How many students were in university in 1980, compared to 239,000 in 1960?
Which act of 1971 provided funding and loans for working class children to incentivise university?
Which book by Alexander and Margarete Mitscherlich advocated that Germans confront their Nazi past?
Which article of the Weimar Constitution allowed ethnic minorities the freedom to speak their own languages?
How many Jewish people lived in Germany in 1933?
Where did 1/3 of the Jewish population live?
Which Jewish Foreign Minister was assassinated in 1922 by the Organisation Consul?
How many members did the German Peoples Offensive and Defensive Alliance have in 1923?
How many Jewish soldiers had fought in WW1, with 12,000 dying?
Which Lander passed laws against Gypsies?
How many solely Polish speaking people lived in Germany in 1925?
How many Poles left Germany between 1925 and 1933?
How many mixed race babies were believed to have been born as a result of the Ruhr crisis?
When did the Nazi's begin compulsory sterilisation for "unfit" people?
How many people are believed to have been sterilised between 1934 and 1945?
When were the Nuremberg Race Laws adpoted?
Which event in 1938 saw attacks on Jews?
How many Jews emigrated between 1933 and 1939?
How many Jews were believed to have been killed by Einsatzgruppen?
Which city had a notable ghetto?
Which conference decided on the Final Solution?
Hown many refugees were in Germany by 1947?
How many guest workers took the 870,000 lost mining jobs between 1961 and 1971?
When did the government put an end to hiring new guest workers?
Which company offered guest workers voluntary severance packages?
What percentage of the 200,000 foreign children in education were Muslim in 1983?
What did ethnic groups organise themselves into?
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