Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in math-ph on Fri, 28 May 21
[2105.12851] R. Camassa, G. Falqui, G. Ortenzi et al.: Hamiltonian aspects of 3-layer stratified fluids
[2105.13215] Frédéric Klopp, Jeffrey Schenker: On the spatial extent of localized eigenfunctions for random Schrödinger operators
[2105.13308] N.J.B. Aza, J.-B. Bru, W. de Siqueira Pedra et al.: Large Deviations in Weakly Interacting Fermions -- Generating Functions as Gaussian Berezin Integrals and Bounds on Large Pfaffians
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in math-ph on Fri, 28 May 21","img":""}
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