Criteo Global Challenge 2017

Welcome to the Criteo Global Challenge 2017!
Please read the following instructions before starting the quiz:

  • The quiz includes 53 questions on 6 different categories.
  • There is always ONE correct answer UNLESS stated "multiple correct answers", in which case you have to select more than one good answer.
  • You have to click on 'NEXT' after each question to move on.
  • You won't be able to go back to the previous question once you clicked on 'NEXT'.
  • You will have 60 minutes to complete the quiz.
  • You have to complete the quiz to have your results captured. If you stop in between your results may not be accounted for.
Welcome to the Criteo Global Challenge 2017!
Please read the following instructions before starting the quiz:

  • The quiz includes 53 questions on 6 different categories.
  • There is always ONE correct answer UNLESS stated "multiple correct answers", in which case you have to select more than one good answer.
  • You have to click on 'NEXT' after each question to move on.
  • You won't be able to go back to the previous question once you clicked on 'NEXT'.
  • You will have 60 minutes to complete the quiz.
  • You have to complete the quiz to have your results captured. If you stop in between your results may not be accounted for.
Please enter your full name!
What is your team?
Please select your tiering!
Tier 1
Please select your office!
Please select your market!
Please select your market!
When did you join Criteo?
Q1 2017
Q2 2017
Before 2013
Category 1: UNIVERSAL MATCH / ATTRIBUTION (10 questions)
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Category 1: UNIVERSAL MATCH / ATTRIBUTION (10 questions)
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Which of the following best describes Universal Match?
A unique process that ensures that bids are placed at the right price and right time for each individual consumer
A unique process that uses consumer insights to predict which product is most likely to lead to a sale for that individual consumer
A unique process for understanding the individual purchase intent of consumers across all devices, browsers and apps, creating a single view of each consumer
A unique process that ensures that every ad design is optimized for every impression
How many consumers does Criteo reach?
1.2 Billion+ consumers monthly
1.6 Billion+ consumers monthly
2 Billion+ consumers monthly
2.4 Billion+ consumers monthly
How many of a user’s devices are taken into account in the prediction?
2 devices
3 devices
All the user’s browsed devices
None, we don’t take into account cross device in the prediction
Complete the sentence: Using Criteo User Graph helps with…
€�measurement across all devices
...measurement across all devices and all online media
...measurement across all media
...measurement across all devices and all media
Which of the following figures is true of User Graph?
3.3 billion devices
18,500 participating websites
700 million exact-match ids
3.3 billion exact-match ids
Which of the following is the most accurate definition for attribution?
Attribution is finding out what online channels or devices convert best
Attribution is finding out which devices are most valuable to conversion
Attribution is understanding what shapes customer’s decisions and the value of each touch-point in the user journey
Attribution is understanding what shapes user’s decisions
What is the expected uplift when moving from same device sales to cross device sales attribution in Management Center ?
What will an advertiser with deduplication (DD) parameter see in Management Center in the Same Device Sales column?
The same device sales Criteo counts + the FB same device sales
The same device sales Criteo counts
The same device sales attributed to Criteo
The same device sales Criteo counts + a percentage of FB same device sales based on the average attribution rate of the advertiser
Which of the following are single touchpoint attribution models? (Multiple correct answers)
Last click
Which is the most used attribution method among our customers?
Single touchpoint
Multi touchpoint
Complete the sentence: Criteo primarily…
… assists with sales coming from the last click
… assists with sales coming from the first click
… assists with sales on parts of the user journey earlier than the last click
… assists with branding
Category 2: ENGINE & BUSINESS MODELS  (11 questions)
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Category 2: ENGINE & BUSINESS MODELS  (11 questions)
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Which of the below are the key components of the Criteo Engine?
Universal Match, Optimization Models and Kinetic Design
Universal Match, Predictive Bidding, Product Recommendations and Kinetic Design
Predictive Bidding, Product Recommendations and Kinetic Design
Universal Match, Product Recommendations and Kinetic Design
For every online buyer, how many shopping intent signals does the Criteo Engine evaluate?
1,200 +
12,000 +
Which of the following accounts are eligible for ARO? (Multiple correct answers)
Uncapped budget, DPA live
Uncapped budget, stop & go campaign
Capped budget, DPA live
Uncapped budget, app campaign
Does the client need to sign an additional document to activate ARO?
What is to be expected when activating ARO?
+5% Rext at same performance target
+15% Rext at same performance target
+20% Rext at same performance target
No Rext uplift but less time consuming campaign management
With ARO, is it possible to have different COS targets per category?
Yes, and it is highly recommended to optimize performance
Yes, but you should ask your AX for recommendation
No, ARO can only be set at campaign level
No, ARO can only be set at advertiser level
Does smoothing still work with ARO?
What is the impact of VO on other metrics? (Multiple correct answers)
VO activation could impact the COS as we would prioritize the value of the product over its price
VO activation will reduce the number of sales by a factor of 10
VO activation will triple the reach and audience
VO activation will increase the share of displays on high value products
What should you do before activating a Value Optimization campaign?
Include the value coefficients in the feed and start the campaign
Include the value coefficients in the feed and wait at least 10 days to activate the campaign
Include the value coefficient in the trackers and wait at least 7 days to activate the campaign
Create a new partner, include the value coefficient in the trackers and wait at least 5 days to activate the campaign
For which campaigns should you NOT activate Value Optimizer?
Campaigns with Facebook DPA live
App Advertising campaigns
Campaigns with RO (COS Optimizer)
Client optimizing towards CPO only
For Value Optimizer, how does the client send us the different product values?
Through the trackers
Through the feed
In a flat file
Through a code at the header level of their site
Category 3: APP ADVERTISING (10 questions)
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Category 3: APP ADVERTISING (10 questions)
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Which is the primary challenge that advertisers are looking to solve with App Advertising?
Mobile apps are quickly abandoned, advertisers are struggling to keep users engaged
Content within an app isn't of interest to certain audiences
Mobile app updates are difficult to schedule
Mobile app users typically browse less products and add less to the basket
Which of the following statements are true about App Advertising? (Multiple correct answers)
Predicts new consumers who are likely to download your app
Brings users back to your app to browse and to purchase
Boosts engagement with dynamic ads based on each user's real-time interests
Scales reach across more than 555K mobile apps
How much has App Advertising been able to increase user retention?
How many more products do users who have been exposed to App Advertising view versus those who have not?
1.5 times more
3 times more
4.5 times more
6 times more
Does App Advertising leverage all of the key components of the Criteo Engine?
Yes, all key components: Universal Match, Product Recommendation, Predictive Bidding and Kinetic Design
No, only Predictive Bidding and Product Recommendation
No, only Product Recommendation, Predictive Bidding and Kinetic Design. Universal Match will be a feature in Q4.
No, only Product Recommendation, Predictive Bidding and Universal Match. Kinetic Design will be a feature in Q4.
Which order accurately reflects a list ranked from MOST to LEAST preferred integration method for App Advertising?
App Events SDK, Mobile Measurement Partner, App Events API
App Events SDK, App Events API, Mobile Measurement Partner
Mobile Measurement Partner, App Events SDK, App Events API
Mobile Measurement Partner, App Events API, App Events SDK
True or false? A client who is live on Facebook DPA for Mobile Web is automatically live on DPA for App.
False, you need to activate DPA for App separately, as this is the only way to allow clients to manage their budgets separately
False, TS needs to activate DPA for App in TOP
True, a client who is live on DPA is automatically live for both Mobile Web and App
True, but Criteo is not able to track Facebook DPA for App and clients should use their Analytics Tool for this
Which of the following are recommended when launching App Advertising? (Multiple correct answers)
Collect hashed emails for Cross Device matching
Activate App deeplinking event for Facebook DPA
Activate Universal Links for redirection on iOS
Create a dedicated advertiser for your App campaign
Which of the following clients may NOT qualify for App Advertising?
<10k DAUs (Daily Active Users)
>10k DAUs (Daily Active Users)
>100k MAUs (Monthly Active Users)
<100k Downloads per Operating System
Complete the following sentence: Upon clicking on an App Advertising banner, a user who no longer has the app will be ….
€�. Redirected to the app store to install the advertiser’s app
€� redirected to a blank page in the mobile web browser
€� redirected to the advertiser’s mobile site
€� redirected to an error page in the app they are currently browsing
Category 4: KINETIC DESIGN (9 questions)
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Category 4: KINETIC DESIGN (9 questions)
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What is Kinetic Design?
Criteo’s creative team
Criteo’s creative technology
Criteo’s ad catalog
Criteo’s design style
Which of the following make up Kinetic Design? (Multiple correct answers)
What does RTCO stand for?
Renderer Total Creative Optimization
Real-Time Criteo Optimization
Real-Time Creative Optimization
Rapid Total Creative Optimization
Which of the following statements is true about RTCO? (Multiple correct answers)
RTCO is powered by the Criteo Engine
RTCO chooses which Business Rules to apply
RTCO allows designers to create the best design framework
RTCO selects the best ad layout and design elements to display
What’s the best way to perform a creative A/B test?
Use the creative A/B test tool
Split the campaign
Ask your local AX to perform an AB test
Ask Central Sales to perform an AB test
What does a design framework include?
A client’s predefined ads
A client’s branded design elements and styles
The Creative Services team’s design toolset
Only the CTA and the layout
Which of the following is a main responsibility of the Creative Services team?
Creating ads for clients on the fly to suit publisher inventory
Designing each individual ad based on client preferences
Building the client’s branded design framework with Composer
Designing ads based on the results given by Real-Time Creative Optimization
Which of the following would NOT be part of a client design framework?
Ad size
Text styles
Complete the following sentence: Enabling more ad layouts results in … (multiple correct answers)
€� better personalization
€� worse performance
€� increased performance
€� a better design framework
Category 5: LEGAL (6 questions)
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Category 5: LEGAL (6 questions)
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What is the role of the Commercial Legal team?
To rubber stamp contracts, approve deals, answer operational questions about Criteo’s services
To review and negotiate contracts in partnership with Sales, consider risk, provide templates and support general legal requests
To negotiate contracts and deals directly with partners once Sales has done the initial pitch and got a prospective client interested in Criteo services
To provide information about data privacy law and issues related to cookies
An advertiser wants to work with us but you have a doubt if their products comply with Criteo’s Advertiser Guidelines. What should you do?
Look at Criteo’s Internal Advertising Guidelines for the country where the campaign will run and fill in the Internal Ad Guidelines Escalation Form if needed
Look at Criteo’s Internal Advertising Guidelines for the country where the advertiser’s head office is located and determine whether we can work with the client
Email your legal counsel and ask for his/her written confirmation that it is ok to work with this client
As long as the client’s products comply with all laws and regulations in the country where the campaign will be run, we can work with the client
What is the primary purpose of an NDA?
To ensure that Criteo will not misuse a Client’s confidential information when providing the Criteo Service
To identify and agree on the key business and contractual understandings that will form the basis of the final agreement (such as price and length of the campaign)
To protect any confidential information that either Criteo or a potential partner may disclose to the other during initial discussions of whether to enter into a formal relationship
To ensure that the data collected from the Client’s website is handled in a manner consistent with applicable data privacy laws
A client signs a Criteo IO. Your contact then sends an email: in order to be on our vendor system, please just tick this box: I hereby accept the client terms and conditions. What should you do? (Multiple correct answers)
Tick the box. Client has signed an IO so it’s OK
Forward the email request to local Commercial Legal with background information
Tell the client that it’s impossible to accept their terms
Tell the client that it is not possible to accept terms with a click-box and ask them to send through a Word version of the terms as Criteo is allowed to sign paper documents.
When Criteo provides its Display Service to Clients, Clients must agree to Criteo’s standard Terms and Conditions. How does the Client agree to Criteo’s standard Terms?
Criteo’s standard Terms are automatically attached to the back of the IO and are sent to the client
The Client signs two documents: (1) the IO; and (2) the standard Terms and Conditions
A link to Criteo’s standard Terms is incorporated into the IO, so when the Client signs the IO, it agrees to Criteo’s standard Terms
The Client is sent a pop-up box where they have to tick “I accept”
If Criteo has agreed to make modifications to its Terms and Conditions for a particular Client, how do those modifications become part of the Agreement between Criteo and the Client?
The changes are written directly into the IO, in the section entitled “Particular Conditions”
The changes are made in the form of an “Addendum to Criteo’s Standard Terms and Conditions,” and attached to the IO
The Client signs a completely separate set of “custom” Terms with the client, which is uploaded to House along with the IO
They don’t, because Criteo never agrees to make modifications to its standard Terms and Conditions
And last but not least .....
Category 6: INDUSTRY KNOWLEDGE - Publisher landscape and competition -  (6 questions)
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And last but not least .....
Category 6: INDUSTRY KNOWLEDGE - Publisher landscape and competition -  (6 questions)
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Complete the following sentence: Header Bidding is an advanced programmatic technique that allows publishers to offer inventory…
€� to multiple ad exchanges simultaneously before making calls to their ad servers
€� to multiple ad exchanges simultaneously, replacing their adserver
€� to multiple ad exchanges simultaneously after making calls to their ad servers
€� to a single ad exchange without any adserver
A client is running Google alongside Criteo in order to drive more sales from retargeting. Which of the below are key talking points to address with the client? (Multiple correct answers)
Running with multiple retargeting partners is a good way to drive more sales
We don’t recommended running with multiple retargeting partners because Criteo is often losing vs Google
We don’t recommend running with multiple retargeting partners because you risk over-exposing your users and as a result, negative association with your brand and fewer sales
Two partners bidding on your behalf results in wasted ad spend
In comparing Criteo to Google, which of the following correctly states Criteo’s unique selling points? (Multiple correct answers)
Criteo’s reach goes beyond Google’s ecosystem
With Google, you waste time on campaign administration and management
Unparalleled user-to-device matching accuracy, compared to Google’ probabilistic model
Criteo offers personalized ads while Google only offers static ads
Which of the following are services that Google provides? (Multiple correct answers)
Attribution tool
Tag management system
PLA (Product Listing Ads)
Email Retargeting
Which of the following is true about Facebook Custom Audiences?
Ads target users on their news feed only
Reaches Custom Audiences on a cost efficient, CPC bidding model only
Allows advertisers to create targeted Facebook Ads for people on their customer list
Allows advertisers to create targeted Facebook Ads for brand new customers that aren't on their customer list
Which of the below is NOT a key differentiator for Facebook Dynamic Ads?
Maximum reach - far beyond the Facebook and Instagram ecosystem
Product recommendations – Criteo drives on average 28% of sales from products not previously viewed on-site
Kinetic Design – unique, compelling and personalized brand experiences with dynamically assembled ads using Active Elements
Control and transparency – Full control over CPC and real-time insight into performance
{"name":"Criteo Global Challenge 2017", "url":"","txt":"Please enter your full name, What is your team?, Please select your office!","img":""}
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