What Kind of Magician Are You?

A whimsical illustration of different types of magicians casting spells in a magical forest, with elements representing various magical powers and personalities.

What Kind of Magician Are You?

Ever wondered what type of magician you would be if you had magical powers? This quiz is designed to help you discover your magical persona based on your preferences and ways of thinking.

  • Understand your magical inclinations.
  • Engage with different aspects of problem-solving.
  • Find out how your personality aligns with magic!
13 Questions3 MinutesCreated by CastingDreams345
If you have to pick one, which method best helps you retain new information?
Listening to someone explain the information
Reading about the information
Seeing a visualization of the ideas involved
Getting hands-on experience with the information
Would you describe yourself as "tidy?"
Yes, I rarely make messes and quickly clean up after myself
No, I often make messes and forget to clean
If you could learn magic, what would you want to do with it?
I'd want to help others
I'd want to make the things I always imagined making
I'd want have the power to protect myself and my loved ones
I'd want to trivialize mundane tasks so I could focus on my work, education, and/or hobbies
I'd want to learn more about magic itself
I'd want to meet magical creatures
I'd want to do things outside the realm of normal humans
You live in a village, and a foreign military is marching upon your town. There are not enough guards to fend off the assault, so the able-bodied villagers must help. You are an able-bodied villager. How would you feel most qualified to assist?
Fortifying the walls and buildings of strategic importance
Spying on enemy soldiers
Evacuating the children, sick, and elderly
Fending off attacking soldiers
Attacking the army head-on
Healing the wounded
Assisting in a variety of smaller tasks
Your friend's birthday is coming up and you want to buy them a present, but you don't know what they want. How do you figure it out?
Ask them directly
Ask a mutual friend for help brainstorming ideas
Go to the store and see if there's anything they might like
Buy something you'd want someone to get you
You're a student and want a classmate to be your friend. How do you go about acquiring their friendship?
Talk to them in class until they seem comfortable around you, then invite them to hang out
Ask them to be your friend
Sit next to them and hope
Pine from afar and do nothing
You have an empty flowerbed in your garden. How do you decide what to plant?
Pick whatever flowers and plants look pretty in the moment
By researching which flowers work best together
By planting whatever seems useful (herbs and edible flowers, flowers to keep bugs away, et cetera)
By looking into the symbolic meanings of flowers and formulating a secret message
How do you decide which show to watch next?
If nothing new immediately comes to mind, I'll rewatch an old favorite
I'll browse and see what looks interesting
I'll do some research—see what people are talking about and how the ratings are
I'll ask my friends for recommendations
When making an important decision, do you trust your instincts?
Yes, completely
Yes, to a reasonable degree
No, I need to do my research first
No, my first idea is rarely my best
Only when I keep coming back to the same idea
Do you make plans? To what degree? (Pick the most accurate)
No, I prefer to stay as flexible as possible
No, but I should
Yes, but I usually only plan one or two things and improvise the rest
Yes, I like to plan what I'll do and on which days, but I avoid strict schedules
Yes, I prefer to set specific time frames for tasks
Finish the sentence with what you agree with most: "When life gives you lemons..."
"...make lemonade."
"...don't make lemonade, make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN LEMONS, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE?!"
"...make orange juice and leave them wondering how you did it."
You've received evidence definitively proving the existence of ghosts. What do you do with it?
Nothing, these things are best left alone
Nothing, I don't trust what people would do with this information
Give it to the news media, the people need to know
Give it to someone in the scientific community, more research needs to be done
Give it to the news media, people can sort this out for themselves
Sell it, I could use it to pay the bills or donate to charity
Nothing, the world is not ready yet
At work, you email someone at another office asking for non-essential help. They get back to you quickly and say they'll help. But a week passes and you don't hear anything else from them. What do you do next?
Email them again, asking for a status update
Do it yourself, though it'll be more difficult
Talk to your boss about it, and ask them to check for you
Ask someone else at their office and see if they've heard anything
Wait a little longer, it's only been a week and it's not that important, anyway. Maybe they're busy
Ask someone else for help
Explain the situation to a trusted coworker and ask them what you should do
{"name":"What Kind of Magician Are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Ever wondered what type of magician you would be if you had magical powers? This quiz is designed to help you discover your magical persona based on your preferences and ways of thinking.Understand your magical inclinations.Engage with different aspects of problem-solving.Find out how your personality aligns with magic!","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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