V3 - Future Perfect 16-35

What time did Lynne tell Janeway to be at the Mess Hall for dinner (surprise Birthday party)?
What is Chakotay's fathers name?
What is the job of the enzyme Anhydroxyfalinase?
Unwind the tightly coiled DNA strands, so they can be copies
Trigger a reaction called hydrolysis, which breaks larger molecules into smaller units
To catalyse the reaction of two byproducts, the result when the cell processes nutrients
WTF?! I am a (insert profession here), not a doctor!
How long did it take Revi to figure out what was wrong with the Arnett?
23 minutes
10 minutes
1 hour
3 hours
What was taken from Janeway when Lynne told the little boy to "give it back"?
Who is Alison Necheyev's Aunt?
Admiral Allison Necheyev
Admiral Alynna Necheyev
Admiral Alynna Nechevey
Admiral Allison Nechevey
Why was Code Grey created?
In response to Seska's betrayal
To escape from Neelix's bad cooking
In case the Borg came back
It was an internal code for senior staff officers
What was keeping Janeway up every night?
She was having nightmares
Lynne was having nightmares and waking her up
Worrying about how to get them back to Earth
What did Revi do to Seven to get her out of bed?
Tickled her
Electrocuted her
Removed the bedcovers
Brought her coffee
How far was Voyager away from home when they picked up Lynne?
70,000 light years
50,000 light years
35,000 light years
20,000 light years
What device did Chakotay use to assist him in his journey to the spirit world?
What song did Lynne play for Janeway on her birthday?
In your eyes/Peter Gabriel
Love Me Tonight/Tom Jones
Shimmering warm and bright/Bel Canto
You can leave your hat on/Joe Cocker
How did Janeway explain Code Grey mean to First Nestos?
Prepare for Battle
Run like hell
Time to drink Gin and Tonic
Being attacked from within
Why did Seven believe that Janeway knew she and Revi would become lovers?
She sent them both on holiday together
Lynne mentioned it to Seven
She was perceptive
She gave them the same time off
What, according to Seven, was a most efficient learning device?
Her observations of the crew
Her interlink with Revi
Her talks with Janeway
Holodeck simulations designed by B'Elanna
What did Revi share with Seven, apart from her mind and body?
Her thoughts
Her emotions
Her logic
Her humanity
What did Seven threaten she would do, if Chakotay touched Revi again?
Cut off his arm
Report him to Starfleet Command
Stun him with a high-energy beam
How did B'Elanna help Lynne with the Arnett's?
She manipulated the security logs
She helped tie them up
She lied to Janeway
She identified the main suspects
What loose thread allowed Janeway to work out the truth about Lynne's bruises?
The last Arnett's to beam out were unconscious
B'Elanna's resignation
She couldn't see the Arnett's faces during the beam out
She found a flaw in the security logs
What act did Seven refer to, when questioning Janeway's moral compass?
Her treatment of the Maquis
Her treatment of the Borg Queen
Her treatment of T'sin Lessia
Her treatment of First Duras
{"name":"V3 - Future Perfect 16-35", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What time did Lynne tell Janeway to be to the Mess Hall for dinner(surprise Birthday party)","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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