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After being in touch with my coach and addressing my concerns with them:
After being in touch with my coach and addressing my concerns with them:
I try to form healthy habits that can make me more disciplined in studying and other things.
0 - Not at all
1 - A little
2 - Somewhat
3 - Moderately
4 - Very much so
When I make a plan, I am able to stick to it till I finish the task.
0 - Not at all
1 - A little
2 - Somewhat
3 - Moderately
4 - Very much so
I am able to keep myself focused on the task at hand even when I face distractions.
0 - Not at all
1 - A little
2 - Somewhat
3 - Moderately
4 - Very much so
I am able to keep myself focused on the task at hand even when I face distractions.
0 - Not at all
1 - A little
2 - Somewhat
3 - Moderately
4 - Very much so
I try to find someone who can hold me accountable (accountability partner - e.g., friend, parent, sibling etc) to help remain focussed on my tasks.
0 - Not at all
1 - A little
2 - Somewhat
3 - Moderately
4 - Very much so
Overall, I am able to stay disciplined and focused in my work.
0 - Not at all
1 - A little
2 - Somewhat
3 - Moderately
4 - Very much so
{"name":"Self-discipline", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QFLDBZ3TN","txt":"Name, PSID, Grade","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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