Teeth+development, oral cavity & esophagus
Teeth and Oral Anatomy Quiz
Test your knowledge of the intricate details regarding teeth development and the anatomy of the oral cavity and esophagus. This quiz features a comprehensive range of questions designed for students and professionals alike.
Key Features:
- 38 Engaging Questions
- Multiple Choice and Checkbox Formats
- Covers Essential Topics in Dental and Oral Health
The oral cavity is lined with?(single choice)
Simple cuboidal epithelium
Columnar epithelium with cilia
Stratified squamous epithelium
Columnar epithelium
The stratified squamous epithelium lining the oral cavity may be?
Only stratified squamous epithelium nonkeratinized
Stratified squamous epithelium nonkeratinized & kertinized
Stratified squamous epithelium nonkeratinized & keratinized
Stratified squamous epithelium partially keratinized
What is true about flattened superficial cells of the oral epithelium?
Undergo continuous desquamation (loss at the surface)
Do not undergo continuous desquamation (loss at the surface)
The shed cells of nonkeratinized or parakeratinized oral epithelium retain their nuclei
The shed cells of nonkeratinized or parakeratinized oral epithelium do not retain their nuclei
The keratinized cell layer in oral epithelium is best developed in? (singel choice)
Lining mucosa
Red vermilion zone
Masticatory mucosa
Lamina propria
What is true about the epithelium in the oral cavity?
Contains stem cells
Rich motor innervation
Contains transient antigen-presenting cells
Rich sensory innervation
What is true about the lips?
Both lips have three differently covered surfaces
The internal mucous surface has lining mucosa with, thick, non keratinized epithelium and many minor labial salivary glands
The red vermilion zone of each lip is covered by thick keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
The outer surface has thin skin, consisting of epidermal and dermal layer, sweat glands, and many hair follicles with sebaceous glands
What is true about the red vermilion zone of the lips
Is covered by thick keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
Is covered by very thin keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
Is transitional between the oral mucosa and skin
Contains salivary- and sweat glands
Lacks salivary- and sweat glands
Kept moist with saliva from tongue
Have no underlying CT
The underlyning CT is very rich in both sensory innervation and capillaries.
The lingual papillae:
Are elevations of the mucous membrane
There are three types
There are four types
They assume various forms and functions
Filiform papillae:
Very numerous
Cuboidal in shape
Elongated conical shape
Heavily keratinized
Least numerous
Smooth surface, helps spread the saliva
Rough surface, helps with movement of food during chewing
Do not contain taste buds
Fungiform papillae:
Less numerous
Lightly keratinized
Innervated cores of lamina propria
Taste buds are present
Foliate papillae:
Parallel ridges on each side of the tongue, best developed in children
Posterior to the sulcus terminalis
Rudimentary in humans, especially older individuals
Taste buds are present
Vallate (circumvallate) papillae:
Largest papillae
8-12 vallate papillae are normally aligned just in front of the terminal sulcus
Taste buds are most abundant
What is true about taste buds?
Ovoid structures within the stratified epithelium on the tongues surface
Present in keratinized filiform papillae
Has 50-100 cells
About 50% of the cells are elongated gustatory (taste) cells.
Gustatory (taste) cells have a 7- to 10 days life span
Supportive cells are present
Basal stem cells are present
Each bud rest on basal lamina
Taste buds can detect at least five broad categories of tastants, pair correctly:
Sodium ions- salty
Hydrogen ions form acid- sour
Sugar and related compounds - sweet
Alkaloids and certain toxins- bitter
Amino acids such as glutamate and aspartate - umani
How many of the permanent teeth ar preceded by primary teeth? (single choice)
The crown of the tooth is covered by?(single choice)
Acellular enamel
Dental pulp is composed by:
Mesenchymal CT
Ground substance
Basal cells
Thin collagen fibers
Mesenchymal stem cells
Where does odontoblast derive from?
The cranial neural crest that line the tooth´s pulp cavity
Mesenchyme of the developing pulp cavity
What is true about odontoblast?
Important for the maintenance of dentin matrix
Do not continue predentin production into adult life
Stimulated to repair dentin if tooth is damaged
Specialized for collagen and GAG synthesis
What is true about Enamel?
Hardest component of the human body
Contains collagen
96% calcium Hydrixyapatite
Contains many proteins
In a developing tooth bud:
The matrix for enamel is secreted by ameloblasts
Ameloblasts are a part of specialized epithelium in the tooth bud called enamel organ
Derive for the ectodermal lining of the embryonic oral cavity
Secreted a matrix lacking collagens
What is true about esophagus?
Is a muscular tube
Esophageal mucosa has nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
Submucosa do not contain mucus secreting glands
Submucosa contains esophageal glands
Near the stomach the mucous contains esophageal cardiac glands
Contains only smooth muscle
The upper 1/3 the muscularis is exclusively skeletal muscle
The middle portion is a combination of skeletal- and smooth muscle
The lower on third is exclusively smooth muscle
The distal 1-2 cm of the esophagus is covered by serosa.
The rest (except 1-2 cm distal) is enclosed by loos CT of the adventitia-> blends into the surrounding tissue
Mark the correct sentences about von Ebner ̝s glands:
Release lingual lipase
Are associated with circumvallate papillae
Serous salivary glands
Are composed of mucous tubules
Are not present in human
Are present only in tongue
Dental pulp contains odontoblasts
Dental pulp is highly vascularized
Dental pulp consists of collagen fibrils
Enamel is mostly composed of calcium hydroxyapatite
Dental pulp consists of fibroblasts
The organic matrix of dentin contains only type III collagen
The organic matrix of dentin contains only type I collagen
Oral cavity:
Striated muscle in the lips makes these structures highly mobile for ingestion and speech
The hard palate and gingiva are lined with stratified squamous keratinized epithelium
Circumvallate papillae are associated with salivary glands
Taste buds contain gustatory cells
Taste buds contain supportive cells
Ducts of von ebner glands surround filiform papillae
Skin part of lip contain sebaceous glands
Oral cavity:
Each part is lined with keratinizied stratified squamous epithelium
Taste buds contain lipase that prevents the formation of hydrophobic film
Foliate papillae are poorly developed in human
Periodontal ligament is highly calcified connective tissue
There are taste buds in circumvallate papillae
The dentin of teeth crown is covered with cementum
Skin part of lip does not contain sebaceous glands
Vallate papilla contains lipase which prevents the formation of hydrophobic film
Odontoblasts are present in:
Pulp only
Root formation:
Takes place as the crown is completely shaped
Root dentin is influenced by Hertwigs root sheath
Takes place before the appostitional stage of the crown
Include the synthesis of enamel
Is through the formation of the cervical loop
Mark structures covered by keratinized epithelium:
Hard palate
Circumvallate papilla
Filliform papilla
Ventral surface of tongue
Tooth formation (odontogenesis)
The first stage is formation of dental lamina
Also cap and bell stage are recognized
Odontoblasts and dentin are derivatives of enamel organ
Origin of dentin is mesenchyme
Origin of enamel is ectoderm
Which structures are present in dentinal tubules?
Unmyelinated axons
Tissue fluid
Blood vessels
Tome ̝s fibers (odontoblast processes)
The lip:
Does not contain any glands
Skin region is covered by non-keratinized epithelium
Labial glands are present in the red lip region
The core is composed of skeletal muscle
It has sebaceous and seromucous glands
Which of the following contains amelogenins?:
Periodontal ligament
{"name":"Teeth+development, oral cavity & esophagus", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge of the intricate details regarding teeth development and the anatomy of the oral cavity and esophagus. This quiz features a comprehensive range of questions designed for students and professionals alike.Key Features:38 Engaging QuestionsMultiple Choice and Checkbox FormatsCovers Essential Topics in Dental and Oral Health","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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