APHON Curso de Quimioterapia Y Bioterapia para Proveedores en Espanol (Tijuana, Mexico del 11-14 de Marzo de 2020)

En relación con la quimioterapia, es correcto afirmar que:
Es más efectiva en los tumores de crecimiento lento
Puede destruir células normales de crecimiento rápido como las células del tracto gastrointestinal
Por la toxicidad no se puede usar más de un tipo de quimioterapia en cada ciclo
Todas las respuestas son correctas
Son vías (formas) a través de las cuales usted puede contaminarse con quimioterapia:
Pinchazo con una aguja contaminada
Ingesta a través de alimentos y bebidas contaminadas
Contacto directo con conexiones contaminadas con quimioterapia
Todas las respuestas son correctas
Los elementos de protección personal protegen al manipulador y al ambiente de la contaminación con agentes citotóxicos/biológicos. Entre estos elementos están
Guantes y cabina de seguridad biológica
Guantes y batas
Guantes, batas, cubiertas de zapatos, máscaras faciales
Guantes, batas, mascarilla con protección respiratoria, máscaras faciales, protectores oculares
Change in family member's health
I experienced this within the past 12-14 months
I experienced this within the past 12-14 months
I experienced this within the past 12-14 months
Marital Separation or from relationship partner
I experienced this within the past 12-14 months
Change in number of marital arguments
I experienced this within the past 12-14 months
Marital reconciliation
I experienced this within the past 12-14 months
Sex difficulties
I experienced this within the past 12-14 months
I experienced this within the past 12-14 months
Addition to family
I experienced this within the past 12-14 months
Business readjustment
I experienced this within the past 12-14 months
Spouse begins or stops work
I experienced this within the past 12-14 months
Fired from work
I experienced this within the past 12-14 months
Change to a different line of work
I experienced this within the past 12-14 months
Change in work responsibilities
I experienced this within the past 12-14 months
Change in work hours, conditions
I experienced this within the past 12-14 months
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Trouble with boss
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Change in financial status
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Mortgage or loan over $30,000
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Mortgage or loan under $20,000
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Foreclosure of mortgage or loan
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Trouble with in-laws
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Outstanding personal achievement
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Personal injury or illness
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Starting or finishing school
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Change in schools
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Revision of personal habits
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Change in living conditions
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Change in residence
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Change in recreational habits
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Change in church activities
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Change in social activities
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Change in number of family gatherings
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Change in sleeping habits
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Change in eating habits
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Christmas season
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Minor violations of the law
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
Jail Term
I experienced with within the past 12-14 months
{"name":"APHON Curso de Quimioterapia Y Bioterapia para Proveedores en Espanol (Tijuana, Mexico del 11-14 de Marzo de 2020)", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Death of Spouse, Death of close family member, Death of close friend","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/15-627209/aphonlogo-4c.png?sz=1200"}
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