City of Inglewood - Workplace Violence Prevention Training

Welcome to the Training!
This training consists of a video segment, ten test questions, and three case scenarios.  A certificate of completion is awarded after 80% of the test questions are answered correctly.  You may attempt to re-take the training 4 times, or you will need to wait 24 hours to re-take the training. 
Be certain that you have a full hour to complete the training in one sitting. 
Training Video = 30 minutes
Quiz = 10 minutes
Case Scenarios = 5 minutes
Completion of all tasks = 45 minutes
Disclaimer: The information provided in this training material and quiz is for instructional purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice. Times are approximate. As always, if you have any questions about policies and practices, please seek assistance from the Human Resources Department by email at or by phone at (310) 412-5460.
Welcome to the Training!
This training consists of a video segment, ten test questions, and three case scenarios.  A certificate of completion is awarded after 80% of the test questions are answered correctly.  You may attempt to re-take the training 4 times, or you will need to wait 24 hours to re-take the training. 
Be certain that you have a full hour to complete the training in one sitting. 
Training Video = 30 minutes
Quiz = 10 minutes
Case Scenarios = 5 minutes
Completion of all tasks = 45 minutes
Disclaimer: The information provided in this training material and quiz is for instructional purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice. Times are approximate. As always, if you have any questions about policies and practices, please seek assistance from the Human Resources Department by email at or by phone at (310) 412-5460.
Your Department:
Your email address so we can send you your certificate:
Enter your name as is should be printed on your certificate (do NOT use all caps or all lower case):
Test Questions
The following screens include 15 test questions. You must get 12 correct to pass the test, or you can re-take the test 4 times. After that, you will need to wait 24 hours to re-take the training. At the end, you can enter your name and email and a certificate of completion will be emailed to you and retained for your employer if they have set up an account.
Test Questions
The following screens include 15 test questions. You must get 12 correct to pass the test, or you can re-take the test 4 times. After that, you will need to wait 24 hours to re-take the training. At the end, you can enter your name and email and a certificate of completion will be emailed to you and retained for your employer if they have set up an account.

The five ways to respond to conflict ranging from passive to aggressive are: Avoiding, Accommodating, Compromising, Collaborating, and Forcing. 

Working alone late at night does not present a risk factor for encountering violent behavior.  
 Level 1 warning signs are bullying, intimidation, and verbal abuse.  
Level 2 threats usually result in an emergency response from police, fire, and/or paramedics.  
You should never put yourself in harm's way as a response to workplace violence.
Sometimes it is better to team up to respond to an episode rather than respond individually on your own. 

To reduce emotion, you need to become more authoritative and yell and become angry.

Hiding out or sheltering in place is always the best response regardless of the circumstances.
Employers have policies against retaliation so employees should feel comfortable bringing a potential issue, problem or suspicion to the attention of management.
After an event, an incidence report should be completed that includes details about any physical attacks, weapon involvement, threats, sexual assault, and the consequences of the incident, including any involvement of law enforcement, among other information.
What is the best approach to being aware of workplace violence?
A. Constant Vigilance! Be aware of your surroundings and notice any warning signs.
B. Report any suspicions to prevent a situation from occurring.
C. Respond according to the situation to diffuse stress and emotion.
D. Use your resources: Supervisor or Manager, Police or Authoritative Person.
E. All of the above are good approaches to becoming more aware of workplace violence.
Which of the following is NOT an essential part of diffusing a tense situation?
A. Don't take it personally; we don't always know what is going on in someone's life.
B. Practice self-care.
C. Use active listening to understand the other person's perspective.
D. Argue your point strongly to make sure you are heard.
What would you do?
A person enters the facility and is obviously angry.  The person begins raising their voice, becoming agitated, and makes a threatening statement. What would you do in this situation? Choose the best answer.
A. Call the Police and let them handle it.
B. Try to calm them down by speaking slowly and calmly.
C. File an incident report.
D. Raise your voice so they listen to you.
What would you do?
The angry person kicks over a trash bin making a mess and makes another threatening statement before storming out of the premises.  What would you do in this situation? Choose the best answer.  
A. Get my manager or security involved if possible.
B. Ignore the situation and leave the premises quickly.
C. Get angry with the person and tell them to get out.
D. Call the police immediately.
What would you do?
The irate person comes back an hour later brandishing a long metal pole.  What would you do in this situation?  
A. Call the police or 911 or other authority as instructed.
B. Respond to the person aggressively by yelling back.
C. Run and take shelter.
D. Try to reason with the person.
How satisfied are you with the training?
{"name":"City of Inglewood - Workplace Violence Prevention Training", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to the Training!     This training consists of a video segment, ten test questions, and three case scenarios.  A certificate of completion is awarded after 80% of the test questions are answered correctly.  You may attempt to re-take the training 4 times, or you will need to wait 24 hours to re-take the training.      Be certain that you have a full hour to complete the training in one sitting.      Agenda:     Training Video = 30 minutes Quiz = 10 minutes Case Scenarios = 5 minutes   Completion of all tasks = 45 minutes     Disclaimer: The information provided in this training material and quiz is for instructional purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice. Times are approximate. As always, if you have any questions about policies and practices, please seek assistance from the Human Resources Department by email at or by phone at (310) 412-5460., Your Department:, Your email address so we can send you your certificate:","img":""}
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