Based on arbitrary facts what breakfast are you that I would kill for as a 6 year old

A colorful, surreal illustration of a whimsical breakfast table featuring a variety of humorous and chaotic breakfast foods, resembling a childlike adventure, with cartoonish characters representing different breakfast options.

What Breakfast Are You?

Ever wondered what breakfast food truly embodies your chaotic childhood self? Discover which delicious option resonates with your 6-year-old spirit in this whimsical quiz.

Answer quirky questions about childhood motivations, absurd dilemmas, and nostalgic preferences, and find out which breakfast you would go wild for back in the day!

16 Questions4 MinutesCreated by TastyPancake42
Your mother has taken you to Target- what is your prime motivation?
I want to SIT. IN. THE. CART.
Run over to the game section to play demos on all the broken controllers
Ask your mom twelve times for a drink from Starbucks
You know that giant tower of bouncy balls? Yeah, that
To stay as far away from the freezer section as I can because that shit is COLD
Fuck you, I hate target I stay in the car
Which of these make you want to punch something the most?
Socks + Crocs
This fucking pie
Grown man wearing one of these
You found out RIGHT AFTER YOU POURED A BOWL OF CEREAL that somebody drank the milk and only left a tablespoon left.
Stubbed your toe :(
The kid that always wears a suit to class has just asked to "play devils advocate for a minute here"
Why are you here?
Much like the humble hedgehog in a paper tube, I need enrichment
I don't fucking know you tell me
I'm HERE???!!??
My tragic anime backstory
I just like taking quizzes, okay? Jeez
Pick a Nightvale quote because I said so
I like my coffee like I like my nights. Dark, endless, and impossible to sleep through.
There is a thin semantic line seperating the weird and beautiful, and that line is covered in jelly fish.
You are an ancient, absent god, discussed only rarely by literary scholars. So if you don't believe, no one will.
Death is only the end if you assume that the story is about you.
Kill it with kindness, and if that doesn't work, kill it with sharp sticks and knives!
New billboards have appeared all over town, bearing the image of a turkey sandwich and the single word “HARLOT” in large, block letters.
You are small and powerless- what is your next move?
Tell my older sibling that it's my turn on the wii
Make myself a microwaved tortilla with only cheese on it
Consume an otterpop
Watch Cartoon Network and become scarred for life after seeing the Courage the Cowardly Dog "Return the Slab Episode"
Lay down in the sunbathed carpet while the worries of the world glide over you. Much like a cat.
Blanket Fort.
Which of these things that are impossible to prove do you believe in?
A God
That people are inherantly good
That people are inherantly evil
The world is flat
I don't believe in anything
Coffee or tea?
Fuck you
Which of these things that I have enjoyed at one point do you enjoy the most presently? (I am aware of my brain rot, yes)
Over the Garden Wall
La La Land
Gravity Falls
My Hero Academia
Steven Universe
Brooklyn 99
Buzzfeed Unsolved
How do you imagine youself dying?
In a blazing glory. Everyone will witness my demise.
Much like a dying star, I will implode on myself, and a beautiful array a colorful gases will paint the dark cosmos behind me
Quietly decomposing in the forest, finally a friend on the mushrooms.
I will be killed by someone. My crimes and transgressions will finally rise so great that I am eliminated from my sinful position
Hopefully in my sleep?? I am afraid.
Probably on the shitter lmao
I don't like to think about death
You are 8 years old. Your parents ask you how you want to celebrate your 9th birthday- what's your gameplan.
For some unexplainable reason, I want to go bowling so badly that this entire party will be based around it.
Simple sleepover with friends
I dont like celebrating birthdays
You already KNOW we're going to the arcade
Giant party at the house with a pinata and games
We will go see,,, a movie,,,,
Astrological Signs?
Sounds like something a virgo would say ://
No, fuck you
I think that they're pretty neat. I don't always agree with them, but they can be fun.
Ahahaha I'm sorry ;P I'm a [insert sign here], we're quirky like that
Oh?? You mean like Homest-
I'm the one that killed the previous question
Pick a nickname for my cat that my family calls him
Thomas because that's his fucking name
Stinky boy!!!
Bitch man
Bastard Child
Opinion on raisins?
Pick a snack
Lime Tostitos
Salt and Vinegar Chips
A handful of cheese at 1am
Who are you
A man of mystery
The man behind the slaughter
A simple lad
I don't know
The shadows you see when you're half-asleep
The flicker in the corner of your eye
The version of others that they have forgot
The gods are angry. Please type your offering here
{"name":"Based on arbitrary facts what breakfast are you that I would kill for as a 6 year old", "url":"","txt":"Ever wondered what breakfast food truly embodies your chaotic childhood self? Discover which delicious option resonates with your 6-year-old spirit in this whimsical quiz.Answer quirky questions about childhood motivations, absurd dilemmas, and nostalgic preferences, and find out which breakfast you would go wild for back in the day!","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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