PACE Southeast Michigan - Participant Rights and Responsibilities

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Please review the below slideshow and be prepared to answer questions. 
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Participants have rights. However, those rights go away in the following circumstances:
If they owe money to PACE
If they live in a group home
Their rights do not go away
If they have dementia
True or False: Participants have the right to be free of harm. However, PACE can use physical or chemical restraints for disciplinary purposes.
If a participant doesn’t understand what we are explaining to them about their medical care or condition, which of the following should we do?
Try different ways of helping the participant understand (ex: use different words, consider if an interpreter is needed, consider if hearing is a problem, etc)
Talk about something else, they probably won’t understand anyway
Tell their family members instead, as long as they know it’s OK
Give them a handout about their condition and move on to the next participant
Participants have the right to disenroll from the program for the following reasons:
They do not like the food
The ride on the bus is too long
They don’t like the color of the walls in the Day Health Center
All of the above- participants may disenroll for any reason, at any time
True or False: Participants have the right to review a copy of his/ her medical records.
According to the training and policy, participants have the right to access to which of the following:
A phone
A computer
A camera
A private ride in a luxury vehicle
Participants have responsibilities for all of the following except:
To use affiliated hospitals
To take your medication as the PACE physician orders
Pay monthly fees on time
Complete advanced directives
If a participant feels his/her rights have been violated, they should:
Speak directly to Jeff Burmeister- he’s the only one who can get these reports
Tell their friends and family, but not PACE
Report to a staff member who will share the information with the Center Manager
Write their issues down- PACE only accepts this in writing
If a violation of participant rights is reported, PACE will:
Investigate thoroughly and follow up accordingly
Apologize, and send a bouquet of flowers
Write the issue down and place it in a book and review it twice yearly
Tell the participant they should disenroll if they are unhappy
If I am not sure whether something is a violation of a participant’s rights, I should:
Ask a leader, or review the Participant Rights which are posted in every center
Do it anyway, I can always apologize later
Ask the participant if they feel like something violates their rights
Call the 800 number listed in the policy
{"name":"PACE Southeast Michigan - Participant Rights and Responsibilities", "url":"","txt":"First Name, Last Name, Please select your department","img":""}
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