How to use although/though/even though/but/however with correct punctuation

Welcome to this online training.
You will study rules, examples and do some interactive exercises. You can do this training multiple times.
Welcome to this online training.
You will study rules, examples and do some interactive exercises. You can do this training multiple times.
First, let's look at the use of ALTHOUGH/THOUGH/EVEN THOUGH
1.ALTHOUGH is a conjunction that can be used to contrast ideas. It is quite formal and is often used in writing. As this is a subordinating conjunction, the clause starting with ALTHOUGH can be the first or the second clause in the sentence, so you can see “ALTHOUGH” at the start of the sentence or in the middle.
Make sure you put a comma at the end of the clause when you start the sentence with ‘although', to separate the two clauses from each other.
Although he is an experienced manager, he can still make wrong decisions from time to time.
He is still my best friend although we don’t see each other very often.
2.THOUGH has exactly the same meaning as ‘although’, but it tends to be just a bit more informal and is used in speaking more than in writing. The punctuation rules are the same. 
Though people warned me against it, I still went ahead and did it.
You are still making the same mistake though I corrected you so many times.
3. EVEN THOUGH is similar, but makes the contrast stronger.
Even though I was begging him for help, he didn’t lift a finger.
1) Make sure you don’t put commas right after ALTHOUGH, THOUGH, EVEN THOUGH!
*Even though, I was begging him for help, he wouldn't listen. WRONG.
*Even though I was begging him for help, he wouldn't listen. CORRECT
2) Do not add the conjunction "but" to sentences starting with "Although". This is not needed and it makes the sentences harder to read. One conjunction per complex sentence is usually enough. 
*Although he struggled with the task at first, but he managed to complete it on time. WRONG
Although he struggled with the task at first, he managed to complete it on time. CORRECT
Let’s do a little recap:
First, let's look at the use of ALTHOUGH/THOUGH/EVEN THOUGH
1.ALTHOUGH is a conjunction that can be used to contrast ideas. It is quite formal and is often used in writing. As this is a subordinating conjunction, the clause starting with ALTHOUGH can be the first or the second clause in the sentence, so you can see “ALTHOUGH” at the start of the sentence or in the middle.
Make sure you put a comma at the end of the clause when you start the sentence with ‘although', to separate the two clauses from each other.
Although he is an experienced manager, he can still make wrong decisions from time to time.
He is still my best friend although we don’t see each other very often.
2.THOUGH has exactly the same meaning as ‘although’, but it tends to be just a bit more informal and is used in speaking more than in writing. The punctuation rules are the same. 
Though people warned me against it, I still went ahead and did it.
You are still making the same mistake though I corrected you so many times.
3. EVEN THOUGH is similar, but makes the contrast stronger.
Even though I was begging him for help, he didn’t lift a finger.
1) Make sure you don’t put commas right after ALTHOUGH, THOUGH, EVEN THOUGH!
*Even though, I was begging him for help, he wouldn't listen. WRONG.
*Even though I was begging him for help, he wouldn't listen. CORRECT
2) Do not add the conjunction "but" to sentences starting with "Although". This is not needed and it makes the sentences harder to read. One conjunction per complex sentence is usually enough. 
*Although he struggled with the task at first, but he managed to complete it on time. WRONG
Although he struggled with the task at first, he managed to complete it on time. CORRECT
Let’s do a little recap:
Choose THREE sentences that have correct punctuation:
Although, it rained a bit, we still enjoyed our walk.
Although it rained a bit, we still enjoyed our walk.
Although it rained a bit we still enjoyed our walk.
We still enjoyed our walk. Although it rained a bit.
We still enjoyed our walk although it rained a bit.
We still enjoyed our walk although, it rained a bit.
Although we arrived late but we managed to catch the train.
Although we arrived late, we managed to catch the train.
Now let's look at the use of the conjunction BUT.
BUT is also used to show contrast, but if you are using ‘but’ to paraphrase a sentence with ‘although’, you need to make some more changes, putting ‘but’ in the other clause, not the clause that had the conjunction ‘although”:
Look at the following pairs of sentences to see what changes have been made:
Although he is an experienced manager, he can still make wrong decisions from time to time.
He is an experienced manager but he can still make wrong decisions from time to time.
(NOT: *But he is an experienced manager, he can still make wrong decisions)
He is still my best friend although we don’t see each other very often.
We don’t see each other very often but he is still my best friend.
Remember that ‘but’ is a coordinating conjunction, so it should be in the middle of the sentence. Avoid starting your sentences with “But”  in formal writing.
I admit I made a mistake. But I had been given the wrong information. -  Avoid this in formal writing.
I admit I made a mistake but I had been given the wrong information. - Much better! 
Let’s do a little recap.
Now let's look at the use of the conjunction BUT.
BUT is also used to show contrast, but if you are using ‘but’ to paraphrase a sentence with ‘although’, you need to make some more changes, putting ‘but’ in the other clause, not the clause that had the conjunction ‘although”:
Look at the following pairs of sentences to see what changes have been made:
Although he is an experienced manager, he can still make wrong decisions from time to time.
He is an experienced manager but he can still make wrong decisions from time to time.
(NOT: *But he is an experienced manager, he can still make wrong decisions)
He is still my best friend although we don’t see each other very often.
We don’t see each other very often but he is still my best friend.
Remember that ‘but’ is a coordinating conjunction, so it should be in the middle of the sentence. Avoid starting your sentences with “But”  in formal writing.
I admit I made a mistake. But I had been given the wrong information. -  Avoid this in formal writing.
I admit I made a mistake but I had been given the wrong information. - Much better! 
Let’s do a little recap.
Which of the following sentences is the correct paraphrase of the one below? Choose ONE only.
Although I am supposed to be on a diet, I still eat a chocolate or two from time to time.
I still eat a chocolate or two from time to time, but I am supposed to be on a diet.
I am supposed to be on a diet but I still eat a chocolate or two from time to time.
I am supposed to be on a diet. But I still eat a chocolate or two from time to time.
But I am supposed to be on a diet, I still eat a chocolate or two from time to time.
Now let's look at the word HOWEVER.
“However’ can also be used to show contrast.
“However” is not a conjunction like 'although' and 'but', so it follows different punctuation rules. It is often used to contrast ideas in two different sentences. It is typically used at the start of the sentence and must be separated by a comma from the rest of the sentence.
People warned me against it. However, I still went ahead and did it.
Alternatively, you can put “however’ in the middle of the sentence, but you will need to use a semi-colon (;) before it.
People warned me against it; however, I still went ahead and did it.

Now let’s do a little recap.

Now let's look at the word HOWEVER.
“However’ can also be used to show contrast.
“However” is not a conjunction like 'although' and 'but', so it follows different punctuation rules. It is often used to contrast ideas in two different sentences. It is typically used at the start of the sentence and must be separated by a comma from the rest of the sentence.
People warned me against it. However, I still went ahead and did it.
Alternatively, you can put “however’ in the middle of the sentence, but you will need to use a semi-colon (;) before it.
People warned me against it; however, I still went ahead and did it.

Now let’s do a little recap.

Choose TWO sentences that have correct punctuation.
I was very excited to receive their job offer however I had already accepted another.
I was very excited to receive their job offer. However I had already accepted another.
I was very excited to receive their job offer. However, I had already accepted another.
I was very excited to receive their job offer, however, I had already accepted another.
I was very excited to receive their job offer; however, I had already accepted another.
I was very excited to receive their job offer however, I had already accepted another.
Now let's look at the following sentences to summarise the differences in the use of ALTHOUGH/THOUGH, BUT, HOWEVER.
Note that the order of the clauses and the punctuation changes, yet the meaning of each sentence remains the same:
You are still making the same mistake although I corrected you so many times.
Although I corrected you so many times, you are still making the same mistake.
Even though I corrected you so many times, you are still making the same mistake.
I corrected you so many times but you are still making the same mistake.
I corrected you so many times! However, you are still making the same mistake.
I corrected you so many times; however, you are still making the same mistake.
Now let's do some practice.
Now let's look at the following sentences to summarise the differences in the use of ALTHOUGH/THOUGH, BUT, HOWEVER.
Note that the order of the clauses and the punctuation changes, yet the meaning of each sentence remains the same:
You are still making the same mistake although I corrected you so many times.
Although I corrected you so many times, you are still making the same mistake.
Even though I corrected you so many times, you are still making the same mistake.
I corrected you so many times but you are still making the same mistake.
I corrected you so many times! However, you are still making the same mistake.
I corrected you so many times; however, you are still making the same mistake.
Now let's do some practice.
Paraphrase the sentence below as many times as possible, using ‘although” and “however” but without changing the meaning. Make sure to use correct punctuation, including commas and capital letters. You will see all the possible options on the next page after you have finished.
SENTENCE: The weather was sunny but we stayed indoors.
ORIGINAL SENTENCE: The weather was sunny but we stayed indoors.
The possible paraphrasing options with 'although' and 'however'. 
Although the weather was sunny, we stayed indoors.
We stayed indoors although the weather was sunny.
The weather was sunny. However, we stayed indoors.
The weather was sunny; however, we stayed indoors.
You can go back and correct your sentences if necessary! 
ORIGINAL SENTENCE: The weather was sunny but we stayed indoors.
The possible paraphrasing options with 'although' and 'however'. 
Although the weather was sunny, we stayed indoors.
We stayed indoors although the weather was sunny.
The weather was sunny. However, we stayed indoors.
The weather was sunny; however, we stayed indoors.
You can go back and correct your sentences if necessary! 
Paraphrase the sentence below as many times as possible, using ‘but” and “even though” but without changing the meaning. Make sure to use correct punctuation, including commas and capital letters.
You will see all the possible options on the next page after you have finished.
SENTENCE: She is a very smart student; however, she found this test difficult.
Original sentence: She is a very smart student. However, she found this test difficult.
Possible options with 'but' and 'even though':
She is a very smart student but she found this test difficult.
Even though she is a very smart student, she found this test difficult.
She found this test difficult even though she is a very smart student.
You can go back and correct your sentences if necessary! 
Original sentence: She is a very smart student. However, she found this test difficult.
Possible options with 'but' and 'even though':
She is a very smart student but she found this test difficult.
Even though she is a very smart student, she found this test difficult.
She found this test difficult even though she is a very smart student.
You can go back and correct your sentences if necessary! 
Paraphrase this sentence as many times as possible, using ‘however” and “but”, without changing the meaning. Make sure to use correct punctuation, including commas and capital letters.
SENTENCE: Although many people disagreed with Mike’s idea, I supported him wholeheartedly.
You will see all the possible options on the next page after you have finished.
Original sentence: Although many people disagreed with Mike’s idea, I supported him wholeheartedly.
Paraphrasing options with 'however' and 'but':
Many people disagreed with Mike’s idea. However, I supported him wholeheartedly.
Many people disagreed with Mike’s idea; however, I supported him wholeheartedly.
Many people disagreed with Mike’s idea but I supported him wholeheartedly.
You can go back and correct your sentences if necessary! 
Original sentence: Although many people disagreed with Mike’s idea, I supported him wholeheartedly.
Paraphrasing options with 'however' and 'but':
Many people disagreed with Mike’s idea. However, I supported him wholeheartedly.
Many people disagreed with Mike’s idea; however, I supported him wholeheartedly.
Many people disagreed with Mike’s idea but I supported him wholeheartedly.
You can go back and correct your sentences if necessary! 
Final exercise!
Can you please make your own sentences on the topic of studying online:
  • Two sentences with ALTHOUGH or EVEN THOUGH
  • Two with HOWEVER
  • One sentence with BUT
Please make sure you use correct punctuation: capital letters, full stops, commas, semi-colons.
This is the end of this training!
Good work! 
By the way, if you liked this training you can also study the following lesson:
Conjunctions in Simple, Compound and Complex sentences.
This is the end of this training!
Good work! 
By the way, if you liked this training you can also study the following lesson:
Conjunctions in Simple, Compound and Complex sentences.
{"name":"How to use although\/though\/even though\/but\/however with correct punctuation", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to this online training.   You will study rules, examples and do some interactive exercises. You can do this training multiple times., Name:, First, let's look at the use of ALTHOUGH\/THOUGH\/EVEN THOUGH   1.ALTHOUGH is a conjunction that can be used to contrast ideas. It is quite formal and is often used in writing. As this is a subordinating conjunction, the clause starting with ALTHOUGH can be the first or the second clause in the sentence, so you can see “ALTHOUGH” at the start of the sentence or in the middle.   Make sure you put a comma at the end of the clause when you start the sentence with ‘although', to separate the two clauses from each other.   Examples:  Although he is an experienced manager, he can still make wrong decisions from time to time. He is still my best friend although we don’t see each other very often.     2.THOUGH has exactly the same meaning as ‘although’, but it tends to be just a bit more informal and is used in speaking more than in writing. The punctuation rules are the same.    Examples:  Though people warned me against it, I still went ahead and did it. You are still making the same mistake though I corrected you so many times.     3. EVEN THOUGH is similar, but makes the contrast stronger.   Even though I was begging him for help, he didn’t lift a finger.       AVOIDING TYPICAL ERRORS:   1) Make sure you don’t put commas right after ALTHOUGH, THOUGH, EVEN THOUGH! *Even though, I was begging him for help, he wouldn't listen. WRONG. *Even though I was begging him for help, he wouldn't listen. CORRECT   2) Do not add the conjunction \"but\" to sentences starting with \"Although\". This is not needed and it makes the sentences harder to read. One conjunction per complex sentence is usually enough.    *Although he struggled with the task at first, but he managed to complete it on time. WRONG   Although he struggled with the task at first, he managed to complete it on time. CORRECT     Let’s do a little recap:","img":""}
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