EPPD Earth Day 2020

A vibrant underwater scene showcasing coral reefs, marine life, and environmental conservation themes, capturing the essence of Earth Day efforts and awareness.

Earth Day 2020 Quiz: Test Your Knowledge!

Are you ready to challenge your understanding of our planet and its environmental issues? Join us for this engaging quiz that covers a wide range of topics related to Earth Day and conservation efforts. From marine life protection to the effects of plastic pollution, this quiz is designed to educate and inspire change.

  • Multiple choice questions
  • Learn about biodiversity and global warming
  • Discover how you can make a difference
24 Questions6 MinutesCreated by CaringTree237
What can you do to help protect coral reefs?
Buy and use oxybenzone and octinoxate - free sunscreen
Avoid purchasing coral
Choose seafood that has been sustainably sourced
All of the above
Nearly 40% of the 11,000 different bird species on Earth are experiencing a significant increase.
Sounds from sonar devices and boats negatively affect whales
Poaching is a severe threat to elephants. How many elephants are killed for their tusks?
50 per day
15 per day
175 per week
100 per day
Why is plastic dangerous for marine life?
A) They mistake it for food and cannot digest it
It is not dangerous because they use plastic waste for habitats
B) They can get tangled in it which hinders their ability to swim
Both A and B
Where does the majority of plastic waste end up?
Burned for energy
How many millions tons of plastic are dumped in our oceans every year?
1 million tons
8 million tons
20 million tons
50 million tons
In 2016 the Paris agreement was signed on Earth day
Deforestation is the second leading cause of global warming
Which of the following is a problem arising from deforestation
Loss of biodiversity
Harming of indigenous people
Hurting the economy
All of the above
Which land based ecosystem has the most biodiversity?
Tropical rainforests
How much of Earth is covered by forests?
Which of the following is not considered to be a renewable energy source?
Natural gas
Which of the following are negative impacts of burning fossil fuels?
They contribute to environmental degradation and pollution
They harm local communities
They contribute to human health problems
All of the above
What international agreement set the ground work for phasing out Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other substances known to deplete the Ozone layer
Montreal Protocol
Geneva protocol
Multi-effect protocol
EMEP protocol
The Stockholm Convention of 2001 aimed to reduce what chemical substances that are known to bio - accumulate and pose a risk to human health?
Carbon dioxide derivatives
Nuclear byproducts
Mercury compounds
Persistant Organic Pollutants (POPs)
The melting of the Greenland ice sheet poses an immediate threat to the survival of which animal?
Polar bears
Killer whales
What are the R's of waste management
Refuse, Refrain and Redeem
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Remix, Reinvent and Redistribute
Remove, Return and Relocate
Which takes the longest to break down or disintegrate?
Disposable diapers
Hard plastic container
Aluminium can
Plastic 6 pack holder
In the average home which of the following uses the most water?
Flushing the toilet
Filling the bathtub
Taking a 10 minute shower
Washing one load of clothes
Which of the following accounts for the greatest percentage of energy uses in the home?
Heating and cooling
Clothes washer and dryer
Computer and monitor
Where is the Earth located in the Solar System
2nd planet from the sun
3rd planet from the sun
4th planet from the sun
What is the largest ocean on Earth
Pacific Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Indian Ocean
How old are the oldest trees
3000 years
6000 years
9000 years
400 years
{"name":"EPPD Earth Day 2020", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you ready to challenge your understanding of our planet and its environmental issues? Join us for this engaging quiz that covers a wide range of topics related to Earth Day and conservation efforts. From marine life protection to the effects of plastic pollution, this quiz is designed to educate and inspire change.Multiple choice questionsLearn about biodiversity and global warmingDiscover how you can make a difference","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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