eBook Matchmaker

You're just about to unwrap your Blind Date With A Book but you want a snack. You pick:
Chocolate covered grasshoppers
An assortment of candy
Fancy cheese that has name you can't pronounce and crackers
A decadent piece of chocolate cake
Cookies you made from your grandma's recipe
You're ideal vacation would be
Private island where you can be alone with your thoughts or your significant other
Visiting museums and libraries
Visiting a movie theme park
Going to an opulent resort where you can hang with your pals
Going to Alcatraz to learn about some of the infamous inmates
You find out a really juicy secret. What do you do with this info?
Hide the details of the secret in the first letter of a poem and give the poem to your significant other
Find your bff and confess every juicy detail in a dramatic fashion
Hold on to the secret. If aliens invade the planet you'll have a bargaining chip
Write the secret in your journal so that when you become rich and famous people will know you knew first.
Write the secret on a piece of paper using lemon juice and hide it in the floor boards
You're at a coffee shop and are about to buy a drink. You pick:
A new tea with hidden flavors
Fun, whimsical bubbe tea
A latte with pretty design in the milk
Your friends would describe you as:
If you're life were a movie it would be...
The Hunger Games
The King's Speech
The Notebook
Star Wars
{"name":"eBook Matchmaker", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QFYI65B5E","txt":"You're just about to unwrap your Blind Date With A Book but you want a snack. You pick:, You're ideal vacation would be, You find out a really juicy secret. What do you do with this info?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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