AEES Officer Elections

A vibrant university campus with students engaging in environmental activities, showcasing teamwork and community spirit.

Vote for Your AEES Treasurer!

Welcome to the AEES Officer Elections quiz where you can cast your vote for the Treasurer position! Learn about the candidates and their qualifications to make an informed decision.

Your voice matters in shaping the future of the American Ecological Engineering Society. Here are the key details:

  • Review candidate statements
  • Understand their roles and responsibilities
  • Participate in building a vibrant AEES community
4 Questions1 MinutesCreated by EngagingNature23
Please vote for the President position: My name is Courtney Keirn, I am currently a junior Environmental Science and Technology student, EcoTech Design concentration, and I am interested in running for President of the American Ecological Engineering Society student chapter at UMD. I am qualified for this position because, as the current Vice President of this society, I have had ample experience with the club. Myself, and the current President Amanda Daly, have organized and run meetings, run outreach for the club, and have spearheaded the activities that the club plans. I am also the current representative for AEES at the AG Council and did a lot of work organizing and preparing our table for Maryland Day this past year. I would like to run for this position because I really believe in AEES. I fully support everything that it stands for and, as a co-founder, I want to see it continue on in the future. I also have a lot of great ideas for this coming year that I would love to be able to share! I have invested a lot of my time and hard work into helping to build this club up and it would be an honor to lead it on into the next year. Thank you!
Courtney Keirn
Please vote for the Vice President position: For the past two years I've been Vice President and Secretary for a club sports team here during which I worked with the school to improve the team, I kept in close contact with current and potential members, and I worked on day to day duties to keep the club running smoothly. I also work with the ENST department and frequently talk about AEES with the faculty and staff which could be used to create useful relationships for the club. When I first saw that AEES was coming to UMD I knew I had to join since it was exactly what I wanted to do with my career and it was the first academic club here that really made me passionate. I want to see this club grow and flourish, and I have some interesting ideas to do so. Overall I think the goals for next year should be to increase club membership, start fundraising, and ultimately try to get a project together that we could take to the AEES Conference in Knoxville in June. I would like to make the club into something more than a resume filler and make it a group that enjoys being together while making a lasting impression at UMD. Thanks! Zack Tyszkiewicz
Zack Tyszkiewicz
Please vote for the Secretary position: My name is Liz, a soon to be senior majoring in ENST Eco Tech with a minor in GIS, and I would like to be the Secretary of AEES. As the current Secretary for Sigma Alpha Professional Agricultural Sorority, I have experience being effective and efficient in both time management and interpersonal skills. I am responsible for taking attendance at regular meetings and events, as well as updating each members contact information. During our meetings I am also responsible for taking the minutes and distributing them. This position requires continuous communication and organization on my part, as well as a huge teamwork effort, which I believe I have exemplified throughout this semester. As Secretary I will help keep AEES organized and provide support to the other officer positions. I would love to use my skills to help AEES grow and develop. I am really excited to be a part of this organization and hope that you will vote for me as your Secretary for the 2016 - 2017 school year!
Liz O'Keefe
Please vote for the Treasurer position: Hello AEES members! My name is Hannah Spates and I am currently the treasurer of the American Ecological Engineering Society here at UMD. I am a junior, Environmental Science and Technology student with a concentration in Ecological Technology Design. During my high school career, I was a committed dancer and often took part in fundraising and community service activities for my team. I was also a sailing instructor for 3 summers. Throughout my college career I have been a member of several clubs and teams. For my first 2 years, I was a member of the University of Maryland Equestrian team, where I competed in multiple shows and trained about 3-4 hours a week. For the past 3 years I have been a manager for the UMD Wrestling Team. My responsibilities can include anything from organizing and selling team gear to calling high schools and other colleges for recruitment. I love to be involved and I love the environment and I think those are two pretty important things to love in order to be part of the American Ecological Engineering Society. I thoroughly enjoy being an officer of AEES because everyone involved is passionate, fun and eager to make a difference. I would love to take over as vice president once our fearless leaders, Amanda and Ayella, graduate, but I would also be just as pleased to stay on as your treasurer. I believe I can lead us through another year of success and environmental activism. I would love to see the AEES community grow for my final year here at the University of Maryland. Thanks for your time and see you in the fall!
Hannah Spates
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