[2204.03686] Alessandra D'Alise, Guglielmo De Nardo, Maria Grazia Di Luca et al.: Standard model anomalies: Lepton flavour non-universality and lepton g-2
[2204.03693] Yi-Zhong Fan, Tian-Peng Tang, Yue-Lin Sming Tsai et al.: Inert Higgs Dark Matter for New CDF W-boson Mass and Detection Prospects
[2204.03796] Chih-Ting Lu, Lei Wu, Yongcheng Wu et al.: Electroweak Precision Fit and New Physics in light of $W$ Boson Mass
[2204.03812] Kingman Cheung, Yi-Lun Chung, Shih-Chieh Hsu et al.: Exploring the Universality of Hadronic Jet Classification
[2204.03819] Wei Liu, Jiale Li, Jing Li et al.: Testing the seesaw mechanisms via displaced right-handed neutrinos from a light scalar at the HL-LHC
[2204.03856] Simone Rodini, Alexey Vladimirov: Definition and evolution of transverse momentum dependent distribution of twist-three
[2204.03924] Yiling Xie, Dazhuang He, Xuan Luo et al.: The strong coupling $g_{X J/ψφ}$ of $X(4700) \to J/ψφ$ in the light-cone sum rules
[2204.03942] Diego Guadagnoli, Christoph Langenbruch, Elisa Manoni: WG3 Summary -- Rare $B$, $D$ and $K$ decays
[2204.03961] A.E. Bondar, A.I. Milstein, R.V. Mizuk et al.: Effects of isospin violation in the $e^+e^- \rightarrow B^{(*)}\bar B^{(*)}$ cross sections
[2204.03984] Nataliya Arefyeva, Sergei Gninenko, Dmitry Gorbunov et al.: Passage of millicharged particles in the electron beam-dump: refining constraints from SLACmQ and estimating sensitivity of NA64e
[2204.03996] Peter Athron, Andrew Fowlie, Chih-Ting Lu et al.: The $W$ boson Mass and Muon $g-2$: Hadronic Uncertainties or New Physics?
[2204.04012] Fatemeh Elahi, Sara Khatibi: Light Non-Abelian Vector Dark Matter Produced Through Vector Misalignment
[2204.04116] Di Wang: A potential smoking gun for new physics in charm sector
[2204.04180] Juhee Hong, Su Houng Lee: Transport coefficients of heavy quarkonia comparing with heavy quark coefficients
[2204.04183] Guan-Wen Yuan, Lei Zu, Lei Feng et al.: $W$-boson mass anomaly: probing the models of axion-like particle, dark photon and Chameleon dark energy
[2204.04191] Alessandro Strumia: Interpreting electroweak precision data including the $W$-mass CDF anomaly
[2204.04197] Orlando Oliveira, Rodrigo Carmo Terin: The Dyson-Schwinger equations and the non-perturbative solution of QED: exploring the two-photon-two-fermion irreducible vertex
[2204.04200] Fernando Febres Cordero, Andreas von Manteuffel, Tobias Neumann: Computational challenges for multi-loop collider phenomenology
[2204.04202] Jin Min Yang, Yang Zhang: Low energy SUSY confronted with new measurements of W-boson mass and muon g-2
[2204.04204] J. de Blas, M. Pierini, L. Reina et al.: Impact of the recent measurements of the top-quark and W-boson masses on electroweak precision fits
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