CCRPC Fiscal Dept. Performance Tool and Employee Reflection V2

Welcome to the Fiscal Training Annual Review v2.
The ability of the Division to achieve our goals is based on consistent application of our values and cornerstones of success.  
The evaluation asks about contributions in several areas.  There is a numeric rating, and areas for comments, and strengths, growth, challenges and goals. 
In each area, provide a rating on a scale of 1-4 for that area, and provide commentary about specific actions taken to demonstrate a commitment to that area.  
1 = Needs improvement
2 =  Building 
3 = Strong 
4 = Leading
After completing the reflection, you will receive an email back with your responses. This information will serve as a dialogue with your supervisor during the annual employee performance evaluation. 
If you have any questions, please contact this email:
Welcome to the Fiscal Training Annual Review v2.
The ability of the Division to achieve our goals is based on consistent application of our values and cornerstones of success.  
The evaluation asks about contributions in several areas.  There is a numeric rating, and areas for comments, and strengths, growth, challenges and goals. 
In each area, provide a rating on a scale of 1-4 for that area, and provide commentary about specific actions taken to demonstrate a commitment to that area.  
1 = Needs improvement
2 =  Building 
3 = Strong 
4 = Leading
After completing the reflection, you will receive an email back with your responses. This information will serve as a dialogue with your supervisor during the annual employee performance evaluation. 
If you have any questions, please contact this email:
Enter your work (CCRPC) e-mail:
Enter employee name:
Please select your Department:
Select supervisor or manager's name:
Which period does this evaluation cover?
Job Knowledge and Skills
How well does the employee know their job responsibilities? Do they perform the skills necessary to be successful in their job? Does the employee take the initiative and find creative solutions to complete work by the deadline? Does the employee require constant direction from their supervisor? Does the employee respond positively to direction and corrective action from their supervisor? Is the employee evolving forward in any areas of deficiency?
Job Knowledge & Skills Comments
Does the employee exhibit consistent work attendance? Does the employee follow divisional procedures for requesting time off? Does the employee exhibit professional behavior in all facets of their work?
Professionalism Comments
Does the employee provide leadership within their sphere of responsibility?  How willing is the employee to assume leadership tasks when assigned by the supervisor?  
Leadership Comments
External Communication and Customer Focus
Does the employee positively build and maintain both internal and external agency relationships that benefit the programs they are responsible for and the RPC as a whole?  Is the employee an effective communicator with internal and external partners? 
External Communication and Customer Focus Comments
Internal Communication and Teamwork
Does the employee positively build and maintain team relationships? Does the employee proactively seek additional information and/or training when necessary? Is the employee responsive to and supportive of other team members? Does the employee lead in recognizing, appreciating, and promoting inclusion and diversity in the workplace?  
Internal Communication and Teamwork Comments
Professional Development/Engagement
Does the employee seek out opportunities and engage in activities to develop professionally? Does the employee keep abreast of best practices related to the programs they fiscally administer?  
Professional Development/Engagement Comments
Is the Employee on Probation?
Probation Period Performance Has the employee successfully completed the probation period?
If no, make recommendation to end employment or extend the term of probation.
Cornerstone Goals
ccrpc Social Logo
Cornerstone Goals
ccrpc Social Logo
Cornerstone Goal #1
Financial Stability – What will you do to control costs, enhance revenue and/or utilize organizational resources in a way that assures that RPC receives the best possible value?
Cornerstone Goal #2
Operational Excellence – What will you do to promote teamwork, maintain a positive work environment and assure that we consistently operate according to the highest professional standards?
Cornerstone Goal #3
Customer, Client and Partner Focused – What will you do to ensure that we show respect, practice professionalism, maintain positive relationships and build partnerships with those whom we serve and work?
Cornerstone Goal #4
Organizational Development – What will you do to contribute to the ongoing evaluation of our programs, services and organization in pursuit of continuous improvement to help us better serve the needs of our region?
Start, Stop, Continue.
Identify one behavior to stop doing, one behavior to start doing, and  one behavior to continue doing in your day to day work.
Other Professional Development Goal
What can your supervisor do to help you be more effective?
Additional Notes
{"name":"CCRPC Fiscal Dept. Performance Tool and Employee Reflection V2", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to the Fiscal Training Annual Review v2.   The ability of the Division to achieve our goals is based on consistent application of our values and cornerstones of success.     The evaluation asks about contributions in several areas.  There is a numeric rating, and areas for comments, and strengths, growth, challenges and goals.    In each area, provide a rating on a scale of 1-4 for that area, and provide commentary about specific actions taken to demonstrate a commitment to that area.   1 = Needs improvement 2 =  Building  3 = Strong  4 = Leading   After completing the reflection, you will receive an email back with your responses. This information will serve as a dialogue with your supervisor during the annual employee performance evaluation.    If you have any questions, please contact this email:, Enter your work (CCRPC) e-mail:","img":""}
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