Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-ph on Wed, 26 Jan 22
[2201.06580] Torben Ferber, Anastasiia Filimonova, Ruth Schäfer et al.: Displaced or invisible? ALPs from $B$ decays at Belle II
[2201.09887] Sally Dawson, Pier Paolo Giardino: Flavorful Electroweak Precision Observables in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory
[2201.09949] Fiona Kirk: Leptophilic New Physics and the Cabibbo Angle Anomaly
[2201.09980] Aftab Ahmad, Ali Murad: Color-flavor dependence of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model and QCD phase diagram
[2201.10159] Yeong Gyun Kim, Kang Young Lee, Jungil Lee et al.: Vacuum stability of conformally invariant scalar dark matter models
[2201.10244] Takaaki Nomura, Hiroshi Okada: A radiative seesaw model in a supersymmetric modular $A_4$ group
[2201.10301] G.I. Lykasov, A.I. Malakhov, A.A. Zaitsev: Ratio of kaon-to-pion production cross-sections in $Be Be$ collisions as a function of $\sqrt{s}$
[2201.10317] Zhi-Wei Lu, Qian Zhao, Feng Wan et al.: Generation of arbitrarily polarized muon pairs via polarized $e^-e^+$ collision
[2201.10319] Maria Archidiacono, Stefano Gariazzo: Two sides of the same coin: sterile neutrinos and dark radiation. Status and perspectives
[2201.10338] W. R. B. de Araújo, E. F.Suisso, J. P. B. C. de Melo et al.: Nucleon Electromagnetic and Axial Form Factors in a Light-front Constituent Quark Model
[2201.10354] Xiang-Yu Zhao, Yan-Ting Feng, Feng-Lan Shao et al.: Production characteristics of light (anti-)nuclei from (anti-)nucleon coalescence in heavy ion collisions at energies employed at the RHIC beam energy scan
[2201.10412] Sabya Sachi Chatterjee, Antonio Palazzo: Resolving the NO$ν$A and T2K tension in the presence of Neutrino Non-Standard interactions
[2201.10427] Ahmad Jafar Arifi, Daiki Suenaga, Atsushi Hosaka et al.: Strong decays of multi-strangeness baryon resonances in the quark model
[2201.10429] Mitesh Kumar Behera, Rukmani Mohanta: Linear seesaw in $A^\prime_5$ modular symmetry with Leptogenesis
[2201.10457] B. M. Hegelich, L. Labun, O. Z. Labun et al.: Electron response to radiation under linear acceleration: classical, QED and accelerated frame predictions
[2201.10495] Juan M. Torres-Rincon, Derek Teaney: Kinetics of hydrodynamic pions in chiral perturbation theory
[2201.10499] Ya-Ping Xie, Victor P. Goncalves: Exclusive processes in $ep$ collisions at the EIC and LHeC: A closer look on the predictions of saturation models
[2201.10508] Alessandro Bacchetta, Francesco Giovanni Celiberto, Marco Radici: Towards leading-twist $T$-odd TMD gluon distributions
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Wed, 26 Jan 22","img":""}
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