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New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 22 Feb 22
[2202.09370] Zac Johnston, Sheldon Wasik, Rachel Titus et al.: Comparison of Updated Electron Capture Rates in the N=50 Region using 1D Simulations of Core-collapse Supernovae
[2202.09376] Andrea V. Macciò, Mohamad Ali-Dib, Pavle Vulanović et al.: Using Artificial Intelligence and real galaxy images to constrain parameters in galaxy formation simulations
[2202.09377] U. Meštrić, E. Vanzella, A. Zanella et al.: Exploring the physical properties of lensed star-forming clumps at $2\lesssim z \lesssim6$
[2202.09378] Georgios Vernardos, Leon V. E. Koopmans: The Very Knotty Lenser: exploring the role of regularization in source and potential reconstructions using Gaussian Process Regression
[2202.09379] Tristan L. Smith, Matteo Lucca, Vivian Poulin et al.: Hints of Early Dark Energy in Planck, SPT, and ACT data: new physics or systematics?
[2202.09380] Adam Coogan, Thomas D. P. Edwards, Horng Sheng Chia et al.: Efficient Template Bank Generation with Differentiable Waveforms
[2202.09386] Benjamin Gregg, Daniela Calzetti, Mark Heyer: Mid and Far-Infrared Color-Color Relations within Local Galaxies
[2202.09395] D. Deras, A. Arellano Ferro, I. Bustos Fierro et al.: A new visit to the variable stars in M56 and its colour magnitude diagram structure
[2202.09412] Rishabh Singh Teja, Avinash Singh, D.K. Sahu et al.: SN 2020jfo: A short plateau Type II supernova from a low mass progenitor
[2202.09419] Kendall Sullivan, Adam L. Kraus: Optical and Near-Infrared Excesses are Correlated in T Tauri Stars
[2202.09424] Demet Kirmizibayrak, Jeremy Heyl: Probing Magnetars Using Spectral Lines with Future Telescopes
[2202.09430] Teng Liu, Andrea Merloni, Julien Wolf et al.: The eROSITA extragalactic CalPV serendipitous catalog
[2202.09432] Vikram V. Dwarkadas: Ionization-Gasdynamic Simulations of Wind-Blown Nebulae around Massive Stars
[2202.09475] Bachelet Etienne, Specht David, Penny Matthew et al.: Euclid-Roman joint microlensing survey: early mass measurement, free floating planets and exomoons
[2202.09476] David Stevenson, Peter Bodenheimer, Jack J. Lissauer et al.: Mixing of Condensable Constituents with H-He During the Formation & Evolution of Jupiter
[2202.09503] Thomas J. Maccarone, Nathalie Degenaar, Bailey E. Tetarenko et al.: On the recurrence times of neutron star X-ray binary transients and the nature of the Galactic Centre quiescent X-ray binaries
[2202.09561] Christian Fruck, Markus Gaug, Alexander Hahn et al.: Characterizing the aerosol atmosphere above the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos by analyzing seven years of data taken with an GaAsP HPD...
[2202.09589] Jais Kumar, Prasun Dutta, Samir Choudhuri et al.: Calibration requirements for Epoch of Reionization 21-cm signal observations -- II. Analytical estimation of the bias and variance with time-correl...
[2202.09601] Yi Feng, Di Li, Yuan-Pei Yang et al.: Frequency Dependent Polarization of Repeating Fast Radio Bursts -- Implications for Their Origin
[2202.09602] Yuan-Pei Yang, Wenbin Lu, Yi Feng et al.: Temporal Scattering, Depolarization, and Persistent Radio Emission from Magnetized Inhomogeneous Environments Near Repeating Fast Radio Burst Sources
[2202.09608] S. Geier, M. Dorsch, I. Pelisoli et al.: Radial velocity variability and evolution of hot subdwarf stars
[2202.09612] Qing-Wen Deng, Feng Wang, Hui Deng et al.: Performance evaluation of baseline-dependent averaging based onfull-scale SKA1-LOW simulation
[2202.09633] Liang Zhang, Ruisheng Zheng, Changhui Rao et al.: Formation and Immediate Deformation of a Small Filament Through Intermittent Magnetic Interactions
[2202.09640] Niels F.W. Ligterink, Aida Ahmadi, Bijaya. Luitel et al.: The prebiotic molecular inventory of Serpens SMM1: II. The building blocks of peptide chains
[2202.09650] Sándor Frey, Ingrid Tar, Krisztina Perger: Three in One: The VLBI Radio View of the X-ray Quasar RX J1456.0+5048
[2202.09706] Tomohisa Kawashima, Seiji Ishiguro, Toseo Moritaka et al.: Mushroom-instability-driven Magnetic Reconnections in Collisionless Relativistic Jets
[2202.09726] Peng-Ju Wu, Yue Shao, Shang-Jie Jin et al.: A path to precision cosmology: Synergy between four promising late-universe cosmological probes
[2202.09739] K.H. Lee, I. Bartos, A. Cook et al.: Radio Constraints on $r$-process Nucleosynthesis by Collapsars
[2202.09766] V. Aivazyan, M. Almualla, S. Antier et al.: GRANDMA Observations of ZTF/Fink Transients during Summer 2021
[2202.09803] Ondrej Jaura, Simon C. O. Glover, Katharina M. J. Wollenberg et al.: Trapping of HII regions in Population III star formation
[2202.09840] Arka Banerjee, Subinoy Das, Anshuman Maharana et al.: Signatures of Light Massive Relics on nonlinear structure formation
[2202.09884] Thomas Mikal-Evans, David K. Sing, Joanna K. Barstow et al.: Diurnal variations in the stratosphere of the ultrahot giant exoplanet WASP-121b
[2202.09903] Arya Farahi, Dhayaa Anbajagane, August Evrard: KLLR: A scale-dependent, multivariate model class for regression analysis
[2202.09928] M. J. Boschini, S. Della Torre, M. Gervasi et al.: Spectra of Cosmic Ray Sodium and Aluminum and Unexpected Aluminum Excess
[2202.09929] Knox S. Long, William P. Blair, P. Frank Winkler et al.: Supernova Remnants in M83 as Observed with MUSE
[2202.09945] Ken-ichi Tadaki, Akiyoshi Tsujita, Yoichi Tamura et al.: Detection of nitrogen and oxygen in a galaxy at the end of reionization
[2202.09946] Ilaria Ermolli, Fabrizio Giorgi, Mariarita Murabito et al.: IBIS-A: The IBIS data Archive. High resolution observations of the solar photosphere and chromosphere with contextual data
[2202.09961] Guo-Peng Li: Time-dependent Stellar-mass Binary Black Hole Mergers in AGN Disks: Mass Distribution of Hierarchical Mergers
[2202.09962] Yoshifusa Ita, Takashi Ichikawa, Hironori Tsutsui et al.: The Thirty Millimeter Telescope
[2202.09964] Q. Lin, D. Fouchez, J. Pasquet et al.: Photometric Redshift Estimation with Convolutional Neural Networks and Galaxy Images: A Case Study of Resolving Biases in Data-Driven Methods
[2202.09966] Ting Li, Xudong Sun, Yijun Hou et al.: A New Magnetic Parameter of Active Regions Distinguishing Large Eruptive and Confined Solar Flares
[2202.09973] Haining Li: Fuzzy Cluster Analysis: Application to Determining Metallicities for Very Metal-poor Stars
[2202.09975] Jackson Olsen, Yong-Zhong Qian: Prospects for Distinguishing Supernova Models Using a Future Neutrino Signal
[2202.09999] Zi-Ke Liu, Bin-Bin Zhang, Yan-Zhi Meng: Spectral Lag Transition of 32 Fermi Gamma-ray Bursts and their Application on Constraining Lorentz Invariance Violation
[2202.10024] Tianjun Gan, Abderahmane Soubkiou, Sharon X. Wang et al.: TESS discovery of a sub-Neptune orbiting a mid-M dwarf TOI-2136
[2202.10026] Hachem Dhouib, Stéphane Mathis, Lisa Bugnet et al.: Detecting deep axisymmetric toroidal magnetic fields in stars. The traditional approximation of rotation for differentially rotating deep spheric...
[2202.10031] Fan Yang, Wei Wang, Xing Wei et al.: Detecting and Monitoring Tidal Dissipation of Hot Jupiters in the Era of SiTian
[2202.10041] Ravit Helled, David J. Stevenson, Jonathan I. Lunine et al.: Revelations on Jupiter's Formation, Evolution and Interior: Challenges from Juno Results
[2202.10044] Changseok Kim, Jong-Hak Woo, Yashashree Jadhav et al.: Determining star formation rates of active galactic nuclei host galaxies based on SED fitting with sub-mm data
[2202.10046] Ravit Helled, Naor Movshovitz, Nadine Nettelmann: The nature of gas giant planets
[2202.10055] Gen Ye, Yun-Song Piao: Improved constraint on primordial gravitational waves in light of the Hubble tension and BICEP/Keck
[2202.10076] Anastasia Chaikova, Dmitriy Kostunin, Sergei B. Popov: Model-independent classification of events from the first CHIME/FRB Fast Radio Burst catalog
[2202.10081] G. Buldgen, M. Farnir, P. Eggenberger et al.: Thorough characterisation of the 16 Cygni system. Part II. Seismic inversions of the internal structure
[2202.10086] G. Buldgen, P. Eggenberger: The internal rotation of low-mass stars from solar and stellar seismology
[2202.10096] Andreas J. Weiss, Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla, Christian Möstl et al.: Generally Curved Magnetic Flux Rope Structures
[2202.10102] G. Tautvaišienė, Š. Mikolaitis, A. Drazdauskas et al.: Chemical Composition Of Bright Stars In The Northern Hemisphere: Star-Planet Connection
[2202.10143] David Modiano, Rudy Wijnands, Aastha Parikh et al.: TUVOpipe: a pipeline to search for UV transients with Swift-UVOT
[2202.10159] Yijun Hou, Ting Li, Shuhong Yang et al.: Various Activities above Sunspot Light Bridges in IRIS Observations: Classification and Comparison
[2202.10179] Nitsan Bar, Shany Danieli, Kfir Blum: Dynamical friction in globular cluster-rich ultra-diffuse galaxies: the case of NGC5846-UDG1
[2202.10182] K. Kawauchi, F. Murgas, E. Palle et al.: Validation and atmospheric exploration of the sub-Neptune TOI-2136b around a nearby M3 dwarf
[2202.10191] Qiuhan He, James Nightingale, Richard Massey et al.: Testing strong lensing subhalo detection with a cosmological simulation
[2202.10262] Andrew G. Fullard, John T. O'Brien, Wolfgang E. Kerzendorf et al.: New mass estimates for massive binary systems: a probabilistic approach using polarimetric radiative transfer
[2202.10294] A. Bemporad, V. Andretta, R. Susino et al.: A Coronal Mass Ejection followed by a prominence eruption and a plasma blob as observed by Solar Orbiter
[2202.10300] Ofek Bengyat, Avishay Gal-Yam: Characterization of Supernovae Based on the Spectral-Temporal Energy Distribution: Possible two SN Ib Subtypes
[2202.10302] Angeles I. Diaz, S. Zamora: On the use of Sulphur as a tracer for abundances in galaxies
[2202.10333] Joshua Krissansen-Totton, Maggie Thompson, Max L. Galloway et al.: Understanding planetary context to enable life detection on exoplanets and test the Copernican principle
[2202.10345] Forrest Mozer, Stuart Bale, Cynthia Cattell et al.: Core Electron Heating By Triggered Ion Acoustic Waves In The Solar Wind
[2202.10411] S.E. Harper, C. Dickinson, A. Barr et al.: The C-Band All-Sky Survey (C-BASS): Template Fitting of Diffuse Galactic Microwave Emission in the Northern Sky
[2202.10416] Andreia Carrillo, Keith Hawkins, Paula Jofré et al.: The detailed chemical abundance patterns of accreted halo stars from the optical to infrared
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 22 Feb 22","img":""}
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