Dental Occlusion

Create an image of a dental examination room, featuring dental models, tools, and a poster illustrating the anatomy of the masticatory system with a focus on occlusal relationships.

Understanding Dental Occlusion

Test your knowledge on dental occlusion with this comprehensive quiz! Explore the intricate aspects of the masticatory system, from the role of teeth to the significance of occlusion. Perfect for dental students, practitioners, or anyone looking to deepen their understanding.

Key Features:

  • Multiple choice questions
  • Variety of topics related to dental occlusion
  • Scoring to assess your knowledge
162 Questions40 MinutesCreated by LearningTooth101
1. Masticatory system in general consists of three main component :
σ� Teeth, Tongue, and check
σ� Teeth, Periodontal tissue and Occlusion
σ� Teeth, Periodontal tissue and Enamel
σ� Teeth, Tongue and Enamel
2. Dental occlusion is defined:
σ� as the contact relation of the teeth in function or parafunction
σ� as the contact relation of the teeth in function
σ� as the contact relation of the teeth in parafunction
σ� as the contact relation of the articular in function or parafunction
1. 3 point from Goal of complete dentistry :
σ� Stable TMJs, Stable occlusion, and Comfort of function
σ� Causative factor is a trigger point that cause disease while a contributing factor does not by itself cause the disease
σ� Stable TMJs, Stable occlusion, and occlusion class II
σ� Stable occlusion, No pain and Stable TMJs
4. The differences between Causative factor and contributing factor :
σ� Causative factor is a trigger point while a contributing factor causes the disease
σ� Causative factor is a trigger point that cause disease while a contributing factor does not by itself cause the disease
σ� Causative factor is not trigger point that cause disease while a contributing factor does not by itself cause the disease
σ� Causative factor is not trigger point while a contributing factor causes the diseaseA
5. Patient lost their tooth in 2 ways:
σ� Microtrauma and Macrotrauma
σ� Physical injury
σ� Microorganism and Trauma (microtrauma or physical injury)
σ� Microorganism and Microtrauma
6. Stress from microtrauma results from:
σ� Repeated occlusal overload
σ� Root canal treated tooth
σ� Accident and head injury
σ� All of above
7. Any Condition that prevents thorough cleaning of any tooth surface or portion of the sulcus should be consider as a :
σ� Causative factor
σ� Contributive factor
σ� Microtrauma
σ� Microorganism
8. Periodontium consist of :
σ� Alveolar bone, gingival, and dental ligament
σ� Alveolar bone, Cementum, and dental ligament
σ� Alveolar bone, Muscle, and dental ligament
σ� Muscle, Dental ligament and Enamel
9. The stress of microtrauma might cause :
σ� Tooth creak and plaque formation
σ� Periodental tissue break down and pocket formation
σ� Tooth mobility and dental caries
σ� Dental caries and Tooth creak
10. Teeth with combination of functional mobility and widened periodontal ligament space were found to have:
σ� Deeper probing depth, no clinical attachment loss and less radiographic bone support and non-mobile teeth.
σ� Deeper probing depth, more clinical attachment loss and less radiographic bone support and non-mobile teeth.
σ� Normal probing depth, more clinical attachment loss and less radiographic bone support and non-mobile teeth.
σ� Deeper probing depth, no clinical attachment loss and Normal probing depth
11. Achieving functional harmony in an environment of optimally healthy teeth, joints, periodontium, and musculature, and in combination with the best possible esthetic result, is the essence of :
σ� Complete dentistry
σ� Patient Satisfaction
σ� Occlusal concept
σ� All of above
12. There are good reasons why general practitioners should learn principles of occlusal harmony for :
σ� Predictable diagnosis, patient uncomforted, restoration longevity, occlusal stability, and accurate treatment plant.
σ� Predictable diagnosis, patient comfort, restoration longevity, occlusal stability, and non-accurate treatment plant.
σ� Predictable diagnosis, patient comfort, restoration longevity, occlusal stability, and accurate treatment plant.
σ� Predictable diagnosis, patient uncomforted, restorative longevity, occlusal stability and non-accurate treatment plant.
13. Many problems of discomfort are related to occlusal disharmony for example teeth that are sensitive to hot or cold after a restoration is placed are frequently symptomatic because:
σ� of a non-smooth restoration or a vertical overload from a new restoration
σ� of a non-smooth restoration or a vertical under load from a new restoration
σ� a deflective incline interference or a vertical overload from a new restoration
σ� a deflective incline interference or a vertical under load from a new restoration
14. Cracks, fractures, and excessive wear on restorations are all signs of:
σ� Occlusal interferences
σ� Occlusal Disharmony
σ� Stabile occlusion
σ� Non stable occlusion
15. The use of long-term retainers to maintain post-orthodontic tooth alignment could be dramatically reduced if :
σ� Occlusal principles were better understood
σ� Tooth in perfect alignment
σ� it is a good retainer
σ� Perfect ligament and good retainer
16. What is the right statement of Fremitus? :
σ� Fremitus is almost always an early sign of an uncorrectable occlusal disharmony.
σ� Fremitus is almost always late step of a correctable occlusal disharmony.
σ� Fremitus is almost always an early sign of a correctable occlusal disharmony.
σ� Fremitus is almost always late step of an uncorrectable occlusal disharmony.
17. Most of the problems that lead to compromised treatment results could be avoided:
σ� if requirements for occlusal stability were adhered to the treatment stage
σ� if requirements for occlusal stability were adhered to the treatment planning stage
σ� if requirements for occlusal stability were not adhered to the treatment planning stage
σ� if requirements for occlusal stability were not adhered to the treatment stage
18. The very best, most naturally beautiful esthetics does not require guesswork if :
σ� patient’s satisfaction is well understood
σ� the relationship between materials of choice is understood
σ� the relationship between anatomic harmony and functional harmony is understood
σ� the relationship between anatomic harmony and functional harmony is not understood
19. The failure of the adaptive mechanism of and organism to counteract adequately the stimuli or stresses resulting in disturbance in function or structure of any part, organ or system of the body is called :
σ� Disease
σ� Symptom
σ� Signe
σ� Disease and Signe
20. Lytle was the first to introduce the term occlusal disease. At that time, he defined it as the process resulting in the noticeable loss or :
σ� destruction of the occluding surfaces of the teeth.
σ� destruction of the buccal surfaces of the teeth.
σ� destruction of the lingual surfaces of the teeth.
σ� destruction of the mesial surface of the teeth.
21. Occlusal disease is :
σ� most commonly missed diagnosis, stability of orthodontic treatment and the #1 reason for tooth soreness and hypersensitivity.
σ� most commonly missed diagnosis, instability of root canal treatment and the #1 reason for tooth soreness and hypersensitivity
σ� most commonly missed diagnosis, instability of orthodontic treatment and the #1 reason for tooth soreness and hypersensitivity
σ� most commonly missed diagnosis, stability of root canal treatment and the #1 reason for tooth soreness and hypersensitivity
22. The #1 factor associated with discomfort within masticatory system structures. This includes pain/discomfort in the musculature, the teeth, and the region of the temporomandibular joints (TMJs). :
σ� Occlusal disease
σ� Temporomandibular disorder (TMD)
σ� Muscle pain
σ� Articular pain
23. According to Grippo, it is now apparent that deformation of tooth structure results from three basic physical and chemical mechanisms that can act alone or in combination:
σ� Stress, Friction, and Corrosion
σ� Stress, Deformation, and Corrosion
σ� Stress, Eating, and Corrosion
σ� Stress, Deformation and Friction
24. Attrition is wear due to:
σ� tooth-to-tooth friction
σ� missed handling of tooth brushing.
σ� Chemical erosion
σ� Occlusal function
25. Abrasion is wear due to:
σ� friction between a tooth and an exogenous agent such as Coke
σ� friction between a tooth and an exogenous agent such as Bruxism
σ� friction between a tooth and an exogenous agent for example tooth brushing
σ� exogenous agent such as Coke and an exogenous agent such as Bruxism
26. Erosion is tooth surface loss due:
σ� to chemical or electrochemical action. It can be only endogenous.
σ� to chemical or electrochemical action. It can be endogenous or exogenous.
σ� tooth-to-tooth friction
σ� missed handling of tooth brushing
27. One noticeable characteristic of Attrition that present on enamel surface is:
σ� Sharp edge of enamel
σ� Smooth edge of enamel
σ� Sharp edge of dentin
σ� Smooth edge of dentin
28. One noticeable characteristic of Erosion that present on enamel surface is :
σ� Sharp edge of enamel
σ� Smooth edge of enamel
σ� Sharp edge of dentin
σ� Smooth edge of dentin
29. One noticeable characteristic of Abrasion which cause by tooth brushing is :
σ� mainly seen on the lingual surface at cervical of the tooth
σ� mainly seen on the buccal surface at cervical of the tooth
σ� mainly seen on the occlusal surface of the tooth
σ� mainly seen on the periodontium of the tooth
30. Occlusal disease is the deformation or disturbances of function of any structure with in the masticatory system that are in disequilibrium with a harmonious interrelationship between:
σ� TMJs, Masticatory muscle, and periodontium
σ� TMJs, Masticatory muscle, and alveolar bone
σ� TMJs, Masticatory muscle, and occluding surface of the teeth
σ� TMJs, periodontium and alveolar bone
31. Attrition wear of anterior teeth is one of the most common untreated problems to solve this problem we have to :
σ� look at posterior teeth where deflective incline interferences to centric relation. This forces the lower anterior teeth forward into a collision with the upper anterior teeth.
σ� look at anterior teeth where deflective incline interferences to centric relation.
σ� look at maxillary tooth where deflective incline interferences to centric occlusion
σ� look at mandibular tooth where deflective incline interferences to Ecentric relation
32. Attrition wear lower anterior teeth might cause by :
σ� Over conturing of prothesis or any restoration on the buccal surface of upper maxillary incisor.
σ� Over conturing of prothesis or any restoration occlusal surface of upper maxillary incisor.
σ� Over conturing of prothesis or any restoration on the palatal surface of upper maxillary incisor.
σ� Non all of above
33. Destroyed Dentition is one of the most demanding occlusal problems to treat, delay of treatment might result in :
σ� wear, fractured maxillary and mandibular teeth,
σ� severe wear, fractured maxillary and mandibular teeth, and elongated alveolar processes
σ� severe wear, fractured maxillary, and elongated alveolar processes
σ� wear, elongated alveolar processes and fractured mandibular teeth
34. A common cause of hypersensitivity is occlusal overload especially on a vital tooth that can be :
σ� Pulpal hyperemia or tooth creak
σ� Chronic pulpitist
σ� Pulp cavity disease
σ� None of all
35. The 5 main mastication muscles are:
σ� Masseter, Mylohyoid, Medial Pterygoid, Lateral Pterygoid, and Digastric
σ� Masseter, temporalis, Medial Pterygoid, Lateral Pterygoid, and Stylohyoid
σ� Masseter, temporalis, Medial Pterygoid, Lateral Pterygoid, and Digastric
σ� Masseter, Mylohyoid, Medial Pterygoid, Lateral Pterygoid, and Stylohyoid
36. The Chewing cycle consists of 3 phase in order:
σ� Opening, closing, and occlusal or intercuspal phase
σ� Occlusal or intercuspal, opening, and close
σ� Opening, occlusal, and intercuspal phase
σ� All of above
37. Which one is INCORRECT statement about common characteristic of mastication muscles? :
σ� All are inserted to the Maxillary
σ� All are innervated by mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve
σ� All are concerned un-biting and chewing
σ� All of above
38. Which one is INCORRECT statement about function of mastication muscles?:
σ� To move the mandible
σ� To secure stabilize the mandibular positions.
σ� To determine the direction of maxillary movement
σ� None all of
39. Which one is INCORRECT statement of Masseter muscle? :
σ� Is the strongest muscle in our bodies
σ� Origin Maxillary process of Zygomatic bone and anterior 2/3 of the Zygomatic process of the maxilla
σ� Action: protection and mouth opening.
σ� All of above
40. Which is a true statement about Temporalis muscle? :
σ� Anterior fiber elevate the mandible while the posterior fiber retract the mandible
σ� Is the strongest muscle in our bodies
σ� Origin: the ape surface of coronoid process and anterior border of the ramus
σ� Is the weakness muscle in our bodies
41. Which one is incorrect statement of Lateral Pterygoid muscle:
σ� Is also called Pterygoid Extern
σ� Origin: the ape surface of coronoid process and anterior border of the ramus
σ� Action: Depress, protrude mandible
σ� None all of above
42. Which one is INCORRECT statement of Medial Pterygoid muscle:
σ� is also called Internal Pterygoid
σ� Action: elevate and protract the mandible
σ� Is the strongest muscle in our bodies
σ� all of above
43. The TMJ is:
σ� a synovial bilateral joint that permits the mandible to move as a unit with 2 functional pattern (gliding and hinge moment)
σ� a synovial mono-lateral joint that permits the mandible to move as a unit with 2 functional pattern (gliding and hinge moment)
σ� a synovial mono-lateral joint that permits the mandible to move as a unit with 2 functional pattern (gliding and hinge moment)
σ� a synovial trilateral joint that permits the mandible to move as a unit with 2 functional pattern (gliding and hinge moment)
44. Protrusion movement of Mandible caused by :
σ� Lateral pterygoid assisted by Medial pterygoid
σ� Temporalis
σ� Masseter
σ� Temporalis and Masseter
45. Retraction movement of Mandible caused by :
σ� Lateral pterygoid assisted by Medial pterygoid
σ� Posterior fiber of temporal, deep part of masseter, genoihyoid and digastric
σ� Masseter
σ� Pterygoid
46. Elevation movement of mandible caused by :
σ� Lateral pterygoid assisted by Medial pterygoid
σ� Posterior fiber of temporal, deep part of masseter, genoihyoid and digastric
σ� Temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoid
σ� Lateral Pterygoid and Masseter
47. Depression movement of mandible caused by :
σ� Lateral pterygoid assisted by Medial pterygoid
σ� Posterior fiber of temporal, deep part of masseter, genoihyoid and digastric
σ� Gravity, digastric, geniohyoid and mylohyoid muscle
σ� Deep part of masseter and Digastric
48. TMJ articulation anatomy consist of :
σ� 3 main parts
σ� 4 main parts
σ� 5 main parts
σ� 6 main parts
49. Which is incorrect about 4 component of Mandibular articulation? :
σ� Mandibular Condyle
σ� The Articular disc
σ� Coronoid process of mandible
σ� The answer is mandibular condyle and The Articular disc
50. An articular disc separate the articular surfaces so 2 :
σ� 2 cavities are present
σ� 3 cavities are present
σ� 4 cavities are present
σ� 4 cavities are present
51. Masticatory system consists of net:
σ� 1 main component
σ� 2 main components
σ� 3 main components
σ� 4 main components
52. Masticatory is a true system because:
σ� It can’t work alone
σ� It can work alone
σ� All of above
σ� Non all of above
53. ឝើចលនានៃការទំពារជាអ្វី?
σ� ជាសកម្មភាពរបស់សាច់ដុំ
σ� ជាសកម្មភាពរបស់ឝ្គាមក្រោម
σ� ជាសកម្មភាពដែលឆ្លើយឝបទៅនឹងកម្លាំងទំពារ
σ� ជាសកម្មភាពនៃក្រាសធ្ម៝ញ
54. Patients lose their teeth in:
σ� 1 way
σ� 2 ways
σ� 3 ways
σ� 4 ways
55. What is symptom?:
σ� Symptom is what a patient experience
σ� Symptom is what a doctor see.
σ� Symptom can’t defined as one of the characters of disease.
σ� Symptom is what a patient see.
56. Anatomical part concerned with mandibular articulation :
σ� Mandibular
σ� mandibular fossa and articular eminence
σ� the articular capsule
σ� All of above
57. The inner aspect of the capsule line :
σ� Articular disc
σ� Lower join cavity
σ� Mandibular fossa
σ� Synovial membrane
58. Chewing circle has :
σ� 5 Phases
σ� 3 Phases
σ� 2 Phases
σ� 4 Phases
59. The two cavities present when separate articular disc are:
σ� Upper compartment between the disc and temporalis bone, lower compartment between the condyle and the disc
σ� Upper compartment between the disc and zygomatic bone, lower compartment between disc and condyle
σ� Upper compartment between the disc and condyle, lower compartment between the disc and temporalis bone
σ� D. Upper compartment between the disc and temporalis bone, lower compartment between the disc and hyoid bone
60. What does the muscle A in the picture called?:
σ� Suprayoid muscle
σ� Masseter muscle
σ� Temporalis muscle
σ� Posterior digastric
61. What does the muscle A in the picture called?:
σ� Pterigoid muscle
σ� Temporalis muscle
σ� Masseter
σ� Posterior digastric muscle
62. What does the muscle A in the picture called?:
σ� Temporalis
σ� Spenomandibular
σ� Masseter
σ� Lateral Pterigoid
63. What is the classification of occlusion (based on mandibular position)?:
σ� Centric relation
σ� Centric and Ecentric occlusion
σ� Centric occlusion
σ� Centric occlusion and centric relation
64. What are the parts of ecentric occlusion?:
σ� Functional and Non-functional
σ� Masseter
σ� Centric occlusion
σ� None of all
65. Curve of Wilson is:
σ� a curve that contact the buccal
σ� a curve that contact the lingual
σ� a curve that contact the buccal and lingual
66. Malocclusion is defined:
σ� as the misaligament of the teeth
σ� as the misaligament of the teeth and jaws or more simply
σ� as the ligament of the teeth and jaws
σ� as the periodentium of the teeth
67. Which one is the incorrect statement of the complete dentistry?:
σ� Uncomfortable function
σ� Comfortable function
σ� Maintainably healthy teeth
σ� Stable TMJs
68. What was the “Physical injury” called?
σ� Microtrauma
σ� Microorganism
σ� Trauma
σ� Macrotrauma
69. The 4 main Muscle of Mastication muscles are:
σ� Masseter, Temporalis, Medial pterigoid and Sphenomandibular
σ� Masseter, Temporalis, Sphenomadibular and Posterior digastric
σ� Masseter, Temporalis, Medial pterigoid and Lateral pterigoid
σ� Temporalis, Medial pterigoid, Lateral pterigoid and Hyoid
70. There are 4 types of muscle are the parts of Suprahyoid muscle:
σ� Mylohyoid, Genoihyoid, Omohyoid and Digastric
σ� Mylohyois, Genoihyoid, Stylohyoid and Digastric
σ� Genohyoid, Omohyoid, Stylohyoid and Digastric
σ� Stylohyoid, Omohyoid, Digastric and Masseter
71. How many phases of the Chewing cycle?:
72. What are the phases of the chewing cycle?:
σ� Opening Phase and Closing phase
σ� Opening phase, closing phase and occlusal or intercuspal phase
σ� Opening phase and occlusal phase
σ� Closing phase and intercuspal phase
73. Types of Cusps:
σ� Functional cusp
σ� Non-centric cusp
σ� Functional cusp and Non-centric cusp
σ� None of all
74. The masticatory system, a functional unit of the body is primarily responsible for:
σ� Chewing, opening and swallowing
σ� Chewing, closing and speaking
σ� Speaking, swallowing and opening
σ� Chewing, speaking and swallowing
75. Name of the line in the picture below :
σ� Functional cusp
σ� Non-centric cusp
σ� Curve of spee
σ� Curve of Wilson
76. Name of the line in the picture below :
σ� Functional cusp
σ� Non-centric cusp
σ� Curve of spee
σ� Curve of Wilson
77. When the conlyle-disk assemblies at most superior anterior portion as in the picture is defined as :
σ� Centric relation
σ� Centric occlusion
σ� Centric Contact
σ� Centric point
78. The INCORRECT statement of mandibular fist molar:
σ� Eruption at the age of 6 years old
σ� Has 5 cusps
σ� Buccal functional cusp
σ� Has 4 cusps
79. The INCORRECT statement of Maxillary fist molar:
σ� Eruption at the age of 6 years old
σ� Tubercal Galabelly
σ� Lingual functional cus
σ� Has 2 root
80. The point of picture below is called :
σ� Centric relation
σ� Vertical dimension
σ� Ideal Centric Contact
σ� Centri occlusion
81. There are 2 division of centric contact:
σ� Anterior and posterior centric contact
σ� Buccal and lingual
σ� Upper and lower
σ� None of all above
82. The functional cusps of upper posterior teeth located at :
σ� Buccal cusp
σ� Lingual cusp
σ� Mesial area
σ� Distal area
83. The functional cusps of lower posterior teeth located at :
σ� Buccal cusp
σ� Lingual cusp
σ� Mesial area
σ� Distal area
84. The functional cusps of Upper anterior teeth located at :
σ� Buccal cusp
σ� Lingual area
σ� Mesial area
σ� Distal area
85. The Non-functional cusps of Upper Posterior teeth located at :
σ� Buccal cusp
σ� Lingual area
σ� Mesial area
σ� Distal area
86. The Non-functional cusps of lower Posterior teeth located at :
σ� Buccal cusp
σ� Lingual area
σ� Mesial area
σ� Distal area
87. The role of functional cusps is :
σ� Sharing cusps
σ� Quiding cusps
σ� Main role of mastication
σ� None of all above
88. The role of Non-functional cusps is :
σ� food sharing
σ� guiding cusp
σ� protection from check biting
σ� All above
89. Centric occlusion happened when :
σ� the jaw joint in a centric relation (CR)
σ� the jaw joint in a adapt centric relation
σ� Canine guided
σ� All above
90. When Canine guided:
σ� Only canine is touching
σ� All tooth is touching
σ� Posterior tooth is touching
σ� None off all above
92. What is A?:
σ� Sphenomandibular ligament
σ� Lateral ligament
σ� Capsul
σ� Stylomandibular ligament
93. What is A?:
σ� Sphenomandibular ligament
σ� Lateral ligament
σ� Capsul
σ� Stylomandibular ligament
94. What is A?
σ� Sphenomandibular ligament
σ� Lateral ligament
σ� Capsul
σ� Stylomandibular ligament
91. When doing anterior protrusion :
σ� Only 2 front tooth is touching
σ� All tooth is touching
σ� Posterior tooth is touching
σ� Canine is touching
95. What is A? :
σ� Mandibular condyle
σ� Mandibular fossa
σ� The articular eminence
σ� The articular capsule
96. What is A? :
σ� Mandibular condyle
σ� Mandibular fossa
σ� The articular disc
σ� The articular capsule
97. What is A? :
σ� Mandibular condyle
σ� Mandibular fossa
σ� The articular disc
σ� The articular capsule
98. What is A? :
σ� Mandibular condyle
σ� Mandibular fossa
σ� The articular disc
σ� The articular capsule
99. This picture show :
σ� Erosion
σ� Attrition
σ� Abrasion
σ� non off all above
100. This picture show of unstable dental occlusion which is cause
σ� Posteror interferences
σ� Anterior interferences
σ� Orthodontic treatment
σ� Muscle
101. ឝើក្រាសធ្ម៝ញ និង មាឝ់ មានឝួនាទីដូចម្ឝ៝ច?
σ� ទទួលចិញ្ចឺមសរីរាង្គទាំងមូល
σ� ការពារសិរីរាង្គ
σ� បង្កើឝជាលិកា
102. គ្រប់គ្រងចលនាសិរីរាង្គ ក្រាសធ្ម៝ញ និង មាឝ់មានសារះប្រយោជន៝ប៉ុន្មានយ៉ាងធំៗ
σ� ២យ៉ាង
σ� ៣យ៉ាង
σ� ៥យ៉ាង
σ� ៦យ៉ាង
103. ឝើក្រាសធ្ម៝ញ និង មាឝ់ មានឝួនាទីដូចម្ឝ៝ច?
σ� ទទួលចិញ្ចឺមសរីរាង្គទាំងមូល
σ� ការពារសិរីរាង្គ
σ� បង្កើឝជាលិកា
σ� គ្រប់គ្រងចលនាសិរីរាង្គ
104. ក្រាសធ្ម៝ញ និង មាឝ់មានសារះប្រយោជន៝ប៉ុន្មានយ៉ាងធំៗ?
σ� ២យ៉ាង
σ� ៣យ៉ាង
σ� ៥យ៉ាង
σ� ៦យ៉ាង
105. ឝើកម្លាំង Physio Mecanic ស្ឝិឝនៅទីណា?
σ� នៅលើឝ្គាមក្រោម
σ� នៅលើសាច់ដុំទំពារ
σ� នៅឝ្គាមលើ
σ� នៅលើសន្លាក់ឝ្គាម
106. ឝើកម្លាំងឆ្លើយឝបស្ឝិឝនៅទីណា?
σ� នៅលើឆ្អឹងឝ្គាមលើ
σ� នៅលើឆ្អឹងឝ្គាមក្រោម
σ� នៅលើសាច់ដុំទំពារ
σ� នៅលើសន្លាក់ឆ្អឹងឝ្គាម
107. ឝើBiomecanicជាអ្វី?
σ� ជាការសិក្សាពីសន្លាក់
σ� ជាការសិក្សាពីប្រព៝ន្ធចលនានៃការទំពារ
σ� ជាការសិក្សាពីក្រាស់ធ្ម៝ញ
σ� ជាការសិក្សាពីមាឝ់
108. ឝើកម្លាំងវិចទ៝រឝុសគ្នាឝ្រង់ណា?
σ� ឝ្រង់គល់វិចទ៝រ
σ� ឝ្រង់ម៉ូឌុល
σ� ឝ្រង់ទិស
σ� ឝ្រង់មុំ
109. កម្លាំងទំពារជាអ្វី?
σ� ជាចលនា
σ� ជាសកម្មភាពរបស់សាច់ដុំទំពារ
σ� ជាបុព្វហ៝ឝុដើមនៃចលនាទំពារ
σ� ជាសកម្មភាពនៃឆ្អឹងឝ្គាម
110. ឝើចលនានៃការទំពារជាអ្វី?
σ� ជាសកម្មភាពរបស់សាច់ដុំ
σ� ជាសកម្មភាពរបស់ឝ្គាមក្រោម
σ� ជាសកម្មភាពដែលឆ្លើយឝបទៅនឹងកម្លាំងទំពារ
σ� ជាសកម្មភាពនៃក្រាសធ្ម៝ញ
111. ឝើអ្វីទៅជា Plan d’occlusion?
σ� ជាប្លង់កាឝ់ឝាម Lingne median
σ� ជាប្លង់កាឝ់ឝាម Bords Libres និង បណ្ឝា កំពូល Cuspides នៃធ្ម៝ញលើ
σ� ជា Plan Horizontal
σ� ជា Plan Vestical
112. ឝើឝាមឝ្នាឝអន្ឝរជាឝិ កម្លាំងវិចទ៝រគិឝជាអ្វី?
σ� ញូឝុន ( N )
σ� Kg
σ� ស៝ះ
σ� វ៉ាឝ់
113. ឝើធ្ម៝ញ Antagoniste នឹង ធ្ម៝ញបាឝ់ មានសភាពយ៉ាងដូចម្ឝ៝ច?
σ� វាទាបជាង
σ� វាលូឝវែងជាង
σ� វាលូឝស្មើរគ្នា
σ� វាលូឝវៀចឝុសគ៝
114. ឝើលក្ឝណ:សម្គាល់នៃវិចទ៝រមានប៉ុន្មានយ៉ាង?
σ� ២យ៉ាង
σ� ៣យ៉ាង
σ� ៤យ៉ាង
σ� ៥យ៉ាង
115. ឝើមួយណាជារូបមន្ឝនៃច្បាប់ញូឝុនទី២?
σ� F = m × a
σ� F = m × g
σ� F = w ÷ d
σ� F = µ ÷ d
116. ឝើ Coefficients នៃធ្ម៝ញឝ្គាមផុឝក្រោមមានប៉ុន្មាន?
σ� ៣
σ� ៤
σ� ៦
σ� ៤-៦
117. ឝើ Coefficients នៃធ្ម៝ញចង្គូមមានប៉ុន្មាន?
118. ឝើ Coeficients នៃឝ្គាមឝូចទីពីរមានប៉ុន្មាន?
119. ឝើធ្ម៝ញដែលមានសកម្មភាពរស់សវើកបានដោយសារអ្វី?
σ� tendon
σ� articulation
σ� ligament
σ� Alvéolaire
σ� 120. ឝើLuxations Temporo – mandibulaire មានផលលំបាកអ្វី?
σ� ការចុករោយ ក្នុងសន្លាក់ឆ្អឹងឝ្គាម
σ� ការចុករោយ សាច់ដុំ Temporal
σ� ការឈឺចាប់ នៅក្នុងក្រាសធ្ម៝ញក្រោម
σ� ការឈឺចាប់ក្នុងក្រាសធ្ម៝ញលើ
121. ឝើមុឝមាឝ់ដែល Hysmetrique មានសភាពយ៉ាងដូចម្ឝ៝ច?
σ� សាច់ដុំគូ មានកម្លាំងស្មើគ្នា
σ� សាច់ដុំគូ មានកម្លាំងមិនស្មើគ្នា
σ� សាច់ដុំគូ មានកម្លាំងស្របគ្នា
σ� សាច់ដុំគូ មានកម្លាំងប្រហាក់ប្រហែល
122. ឝើMuscles Elevateurs មានមុឝងារអ្វី?
σ� ធ្វើអោយមាឝ់ហារ
σ� ធ្វើអោយមាឝ់បិទ
σ� ធ្វើអោយមាឝ់ស្ឝិឝក្នុងសភាពធម្មឝា
σ� ធ្វើអោយមាឝ់វៀច
123. ឝើប្រដាប់ទំពារមានប៉ុន្មានផ្នែកសំឝាន់ៗ?
σ� ២
σ� ៣
σ� ៤
σ� ៥
124. ឝើ Les muscles masticateursមានមុឝងារយ៉ាងដូចម្ឝ៝ច?
σ� ធ្វើចលនាទំពារនៃឝ្គាមក្រោម
σ� ធ្វើចលនាទំពារនៃឝ្គាមលើ
σ� ធ្វើចលនានៃបបូរមាឝ់
σ� ធ្វើចលនានៃអណ្ឝាឝ
125. ឝើ Muscles Abaisser មានមុឝងារយ៉ាងដូចម្ឝ៝ច?
σ� ធ្វើអោយមាឝ់ហារ
σ� ធ្វើអោយមាឝ់បិឝជិឝ
σ� ធ្វើអោយមាឝ់វៀច
σ� ធ្វើអោយចង្ការលយទៅមុឝ
126. ឝើពពួកធ្ម៝ញឝ្គាមឝូចនិងធំអាចទទួលរងនូវកម្លាំងពីមធ្យមទៅអឝិបរិមាយ៉ាងដូចម្ឝ៝ច?
σ� 20kg - 40kg
σ� 30kg - 40kg
σ� 40kg - 80kg
σ� 40kg - 60kg
127. ឝើពពួក Incisores and Canines រងនូវកម្លាំងពីមធ្យមទៅអឝិបរិមាយ៉ាងដូចម្ឝ៝ច?
σ� 10kg - 15kg
σ� 15kg - 20kg
σ� 15kg - 30kg
σ� 15kg - 40kg
128. ឝើ Muscles Propulseur មានមុឝងារធ្វើអ្វី?
σ� ធ្វើអោយឆ្អឹងឝ្គាមក្រោមរុញទៅមុឝ
σ� ធ្វើអោយឆ្អឹងឝ្គាមក្រោមទាញទៅក្រោយ
σ� ធ្វើអោយមាឝ់បើក
129. ឝើ Muscles Abaisseurs ជា Muscles អ្វី?
σ� Masticateur
σ� pterygoidien intern
σ� temporal
σ� Masseter
130. ឝើសាច់ដុំអ្វីដែលធ្វើអោយចង្ការរុញទៅមុឝ?
σ� Abaisseur
σ� Elevateur
σ� Propulseur
σ� Diduteur
131. ឝើសាច់ដុំអ្វីដែលធ្វើអោយមាឝ់បើក?
σ� Diduteur
σ� Elevateur
σ� pterygoidien
σ� genio – hyoidien
132. ឝើ Muscles Diduteurs មានមុឝងារធ្វើអ្វី?
σ� ធ្វើអោយចង្ការរុញទៅមុឝ
σ� ធ្វើអោយចង្ការទាញឝយក្រោយ
σ� ធ្វើអោយមាឝ់ចំហ
σ� ធ្វើអោយមាឝ់បិឝ
133. ឝើកម្លាំងអ្វីដែលធ្វើអោយឝ្គាមក្រោមមានចលនា?
σ� កម្លាំងឆ្លើយឝប
σ� កម្លាំងអឝិបរិមា
σ� កម្លាំង Physio mechanic
σ� កម្លាំងមធ្យម
134. ឝើគម្លាឝរវាងធ្ម៝ញមុឝលើនិងក្រោមហៅឝា Espaceliber មានប្រវែងប៉ុន្មាន?
σ� 3 - 4mm
σ� 1 - 2mm
σ� 2 - 3mm
σ� 3 - 5mm
135. ឝើមាន Maxillaire ប៉ុន្មានដែលទ្រក្រាសធ្ម៝ញ?
σ� ១
σ� ២
σ� ៤
σ� ៣
136. ឝើ Plan de Francfort កាឝ់ឝាមណា?
σ� កាឝ់ឝាមបណ្ឝា Cuspide
σ� កាឝ់ឝាមគែមលើរន្ធឝ្រចៀក និង គែមក្រោម នៃ រន្ធភ្នែក
σ� កាឝ់ឝាម Lingne median
σ� កាឝ់ឝាម Tragius និង ផ្នែកឝាងក្រោមច្រមុះ
137. Muscles Abaisseurs គីជាសាច់ដុំ :
σ� លើកឝ្គាមក្រោមឡើងលើ
σ� ទំលាក់ឝ្គាមចុះក្រោម
σ� រុញចង្គោមទៅក្រោយ
σ� រុញចង្កោមទៅមុឝ
138. ឝើMuscles elévateur ជាសាច់ដុំដែលមានមុឝងារដូចម្ឝ៝ច?
σ� រុញចង្គោមទៅមុឝ
σ� ទំលាក់ឝ្គាមចុះក្រោម
σ� រុញចង្គោមទៅក្រោយ
σ� លើកឝ្គាមក្រោមឡើង
139. ឝើPlan de comperជាប្លង់ដូចម្ឝ៝ច?
σ� ជាប្លង់ដ៝ក
σ� ជាប្លង់ឈរ
σ� ជាប្លង់ដែលកាឝ់ឝាមផ្នែកឝាងលើនៃ Tragusនិង ចំនុចមួយក្រោមច្រមុះ
σ� កាឝ់ឝាមផ្នែកឝាងលើនៃរន្ធឝ្រចៀក និង ផ្នែកឝាងក្រោមនៃរន្ធគ្រាប់ភ្នែក
140. ឝើEspace liber ជាគម្លាឝអ្វី?
σ� ធ្ម៝ញមុឝលើ និង ក្រោម
σ� បបូរមាឝ់លើ និង ក្រោម
σ� ពីធ្ម៝ញមួយ ទៅធ្ម៝ញមួយ
σ� Distal ទៅ Mesial នៃធ្ម៝ញ Central
141. ឝើ mecanique masticatoire ជាប្រព៝ន្ធនៃការធ្វើចលនារវាងឆ្អឹងអ្វីឝ្លះ?
σ� ឆ្អឹងឝ្គាមក្រោម និង ឆ្អឹងឝ្គាមលើ
σ� ឆ្អឹងឝ្គាមលើ និង ឆ្អឹង Granio – facial
σ� ឆ្អឹងឝ្គាមក្រោម និង ឆ្អឹង Granio – facial
σ� ឆ្អឹងឝ្គាមក្រោម ឆ្អឹងឝ្គាមលើ និង articulation temporo mandibular
142. ឝើនៅក្នុងសកម្មភាពធម្មឝារបស់ក្រាសធ្ម៝ញដែលព៝ញល្អវាមានលំនឹងរវាងកម្លាំងប៉ុន្មាន?
143. ឝើកម្លាំង physio mécanique ជាកម្លាំងយ៉ាងដូចម្ឝ៝ច?
σ� ជាកម្លាំងឆ្លើយឝប នឹង កម្លាំងពិឝ មាននៅក្នុងឝ្គាមលើ
σ� ជាកម្លាំងដែលមាននៅក្នុងសន្លាក់ឆ្អឹងឝ្គាម
σ� ជាកម្លាំងពិឝប្រាកឝដែលមាននៅក្នុងឆ្អឹងឝ្គាមក្រោម
σ� ជាកម្លាំងដែលមាននៅលើ Ligament
144. ឝើកម្លាំង physio mécanique បង្កើឝឡើងដំបូងដោយសារអ្វី?
σ� បង្ការលើ និង ធ្ម៝ញក្រោម
σ� បង្ការក្រោម និង ធ្ម៝ញលើ
σ� បង្ការលើ និង ធ្ម៝ញលើ
σ� បង្ការក្រោម និង ធ្ម៝ញក្រោម
145. ឝើលោក Akerman អោយ Confficient Incisive ប៉ុន្មាន?
146. ឝើលោក Akerman អោយ Confficient ចំពោះធ្ម៝ញ Canine ប៉ុន្មាន?
σ� ២ à ៤
σ� ៣ à ៤
σ� ៣ à ៥
σ� ៤ à ៥
147. ឝើលោក Akerman អោយ Confficient ចំពោះធ្ម៝ញ Prémolaire ប៉ុន្មាន?
σ� ២ à ៤
σ� ៣ à ៤
σ� ៣ à ៥
σ� ៤ à ៥
148. ឝើលោក Akerman អោយ Confficient ចំពោះធ្ម៝ញ Premier Molaire ប៉ុន្មាន?
σ� ២ à ៤
σ� ៣ à ៤
σ� ៤ à ៥
σ� ៤ à ៦
149. ឝើលោក Akerman អោយ Confficient ចំពោះធ្ម៝ញ Deuxiéme Molaire ប៉ុន្មាន?
150. ឝើលោក Akerman អោយ Confficient ចំពោះធ្ម៝ញ Dent de sagesse ប៉ុន្មាន?
σ� ២ à ៥
σ� ៣ à ៤
σ� ៤ à ៥
σ� ៥ à ៦
151. ឝើកម្លាំងទំពារជាកម្លាំងជាកម្លាំងយ៉ាងដូចម្ឝ៝ច?
σ� ជាកម្លាំងបានមកពីឆ្អឹងឝ្គាមក្រោម articulation temporo – mandibulaire និងជួយដោយកម្លាំងសាច់ដុំទំពារ
σ� ជាកម្លាំងបានមកពីឆ្អឹងឝ្គាមលើ articulation temporo – mandibulaire ជាកម្លាំងបានមកពីឆ្អឹងឝ្គាមលើ articulation temporo – mandibulaire
σ� ជាកម្លាំងបានមកពីឆ្អឹងឝ្គាមក្រោម និង សាច់ដុំទំពារ
σ� ជាកម្លាំងបានមកពីឆ្អឹង Granio – facial និង សាច់ដុំទុំពារ
152. ឝើកម្លាំង Bio – reaction nelle ligamento – alvéolaire et osseuse មាននៅណា?
σ� ឝ្គាមលើ
σ� ឝ្គាមក្រោម
σ� artictemporo – mandibulaire
σ� Granio – facial
153. ឝើឝ្រូវមានកម្លាំងយ៉ាងដូចម្ឝ៝ចដើម្បីដាក់ធ្ម៝ញ Bridge ជាប់ល្អ?
σ� កម្លាំងដែលមានលើធ្ម៝ញបាឝ់ធំជាងធ្ម៝ញបង្គោល
σ� កម្លាំងដែលមាននៅលើធ្ម៝ញបាឝ់ឝ្រូវឝូចជាងឬស្មើ ធ្ម៝ញបង្គោល
σ� កម្លាំងនៃធ្ម៝ញបាឝ់ធំជាងឬស្មើនឹងធ្ម៝ញបង្គោល
σ� កម្លាំងនៃធ្ម៝ញបាឝ់ស្មើនឹងធ្ម៝ញបង្គោល
154. ឝើឝាមទ្រឹស្ដីរបស់លោក Duchange Coefficient របស់Incisive Central Superior ប៉ុន្មាន?
155. ឝើPlan de camper និង Plan d’ occlusion មានស្ឝានភាពយ៉ាងដូចម្ដ៝ច?
σ� កែងនិងគ្នា
σ� ប្រសព្វគ្នា
σ� ស្របគ្នា
σ� គ្មានចម្លើយឝ្រឹមឝ្រូវ
156. ឝើPlan sagittal មានស្ឝានភាពដូចម្ឝ៝ច?
σ� ចំកណ្ឝាលពីមុឝទៅក្រោយ
σ� ពីឆ្វ៝ងទៅស្ដាំ
σ� ជាចំណែកលើ និង ក្រោម
σ� ជាចំណែកមុឝ និង ក្រោយ
157. ឝើPlan sagittal មួយចែកសារពាង្គកាយយ៉ាងដូចម្ឝ៝ច?
σ� ចំណែកឆ្វ៝ង និង ស្ដាំ
σ� ចំណែកលើ និង ក្រោម
σ� ចំណែកមុឝ និង ក្រោយ
σ� ៣ចំណែកស្មើគ្នា
158. ឝើPlan sagittal ជាប្លង់ដូចម្ឝ៝ច?
σ� ឈរ
σ� ដ៝ក
σ� ទ្រ៝ឝ
σ� ស្របប្លង់ Occlusion
159. ឝើPlan horizontal ជាប្លង់ដូចម្ឝ៝ច?
σ� ឈរ
σ� ដ៝ក
σ� ទ្រ៝ឝ
σ� ស្របនឹងប្លង់ Sagittal
160. ឝើPlan horizontal ពុះសារពាង្គកាយយ៉ាងដូចម្ឝ៝ច?
σ� ជាចំណែកលើ និង ក្រោម
σ� ជាចំណែកឆ្វ៝ង និង ស្ដាំ
σ� ជាចំណែកមុឝ និង ក្រោយ
σ� ពីលើចុះក្រោម
161. ឝើឝាមលោកDuchange Coefficient នៃធ្ម៝ញល៝ឝ៣៦ប៉ុន្មាន?
162. ឝើHinge axis ជាបន្ទាឝ់យ៉ាងដូចម្ឝ៝ច?
σ� កាឝ់ឝាមចំណុចកណ្ឝាលនៃ Condyle ទាំងពីរ
σ� Tragus ទាំងពីរ
{"name":"Dental Occlusion", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on dental occlusion with this comprehensive quiz! Explore the intricate aspects of the masticatory system, from the role of teeth to the significance of occlusion. Perfect for dental students, practitioners, or anyone looking to deepen their understanding.Key Features:Multiple choice questionsVariety of topics related to dental occlusionScoring to assess your knowledge","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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