Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-ph on Thu, 29 Apr 21
[2104.13390] Lucien Heurtier, Fei Huang, Tim M. P. Tait: Resurrecting Low-Mass Axion Dark Matter Via a Dynamical QCD Scale
[2104.13392] L.A. Harland-Lang, V.A. Khoze, M.G. Ryskin: Elastic photon-initiated production at the LHC: the role of hadron-hadron interactions
[2104.13401] Sanjoy Mandal, Rahul Srivastava, Josรฉ W. F. Valle: The simplest scoto-seesaw model: WIMP dark matter phenomenology and Higgs vacuum stability
[2104.13442] Miguel G. Folgado: Dark Matter Phenomenology: Sterile Neutrino Portal and Gravitational Portal in Extra-Dimensions
[2104.13462] A.V. Kotikov, A.V. Lipatov, P. Zhang: Transverse momentum dependent parton densities in processes with heavy quark generations
[2104.13480] Josรฉ C. Jimรฉnez, Eduardo S. Fraga: Radial oscillations in neutron stars from QCD
[2104.13523] Yoshihiko Abe, Takashi Toma, Koji Tsumura et al.: Pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Dark Matter Model Inspired by Grand Unification
[2104.13548] Hai-Yang Cheng, Cheng-Wei Chiang: CP violation in quasi-two-body $D\to VP$ decays and three-body $D$ decays mediated by vector resonances
[2104.13569] Giampiero Passarino: Veltman, renormalizability, calculability
[2104.13578] Giovanna Cottin, Oliver Fischer, Sanjoy Mandal et al.: Displaced Neutrino Jets at the LHeC
[2104.13722] S. Ramazanov, E. Babichev, D. Gorbunov et al.: Beyond freeze-in: Dark Matter via inverse phase transition and gravitational wave signal
[2104.13734] M. A. Loualidi: Trimaximal mixing with one texture zero from type II seesaw and $ฮ”(54)$ family symmetry
[2104.13737] Luciano M. Abreu, Hildeson P. L. Vieira: Quarkonium interactions with (hot) hadronic matter
[2104.13810] Karim Ghorbani: Light vector dark matter with scalar mediator and muon g-2 anomaly
[2104.13827] Ernesto Arganda, Antonio Delgado, Roberto A. Morales et al.: Novel Higgsino Dark Matter Signatures at the LHC
[2104.13847] Guillermo Ballesteros, Andreas Ringwald, Carlos Tamarit et al.: Revisiting isocurvature bounds in models unifying the axion with the inflaton
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Thu, 29 Apr 21","img":""}
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