Find Out Your Store's Personalization Score

Mark the personalization activities you're executing now
Marketing Automation - web [pop-ups etc.]
Marketing Automation - e-mails [triggered e-mails]
Marketing Automation - mobile [push notifications, SMS etc.]
Product recommendations - web
Product recommendations - emails
Product recommendations - mobile
A/B testing - web
A/B testing - mobile
A/B testing - emails
Personalized social media ads
Personalized display ads
Please Specify:
Are you looking for a vendor for any of your below personalization activities?
Marketing automation
Predictive personalization or recommender system
A/B testing
Personalized ads
We're the experts of personalization, don't need external support
Please Specify:
{"name":"Find Out Your Store's Personalization Score", "url":"","txt":"Mark the personalization activities you're executing now, Are you working with any of the below vendors for your personalization activities?, Are you looking for a vendor to help you with your personalization activities","img":""}
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