ECON midterm review

Jennifer owns a small lemonade stand. Variable costs for her business in the short run would include:
The costs of lemons and sugar
The costs of building the lemonade stand
The costs of the blender used to make lemonade
The costs of hiring an artist to design a logo for her sign
All of the above
Malthus' very pessimistic predictions
Were based on the assumption that the MPL would shift out as technology improves
Were based on the assumption that technology does not improve over time and the MPL curve does not shift outward
Have become true through the world
Were based on the assumption that the size of the population does not change much over time
Were based on the assumption that wages would be stabilized at a high level, far above that needed for susistance
What is true about marginal costs?
Marginal costs is equal to total cost divided by output
Marginal costs is the additional to costs associated with hiring one more worker
Marginal cost curve eventually slopes upward because of the law of diminishing marginal returns
Marginal cost can be calculated as the slope of the total product curve
The long-run average cost curve will be upward sloping when the firm is experiencing
Increasing returns to scale
Decreasing returns to scale
Constant returns to scale
Economic profits at all levels of output
Economic losses at all levels of output
A firm has a certain TP curve, showing the relationship between the number of workers and the level of output. If the amount of capital the firm has increases,
The TP curve will shift up
The TP curve will shift down
There will be movement downward along the TP curve
The corresponding marginal product of labor curve will shift down
The region in which MC is increasing corresponds to the region
In which MPL is a vertical curve
Of diminishing marginal returns
Where division of labor and specialization cause MPL to rise
In which TFC are rising
Where the marginal productivity of workers has become negative
Tammy owns a firm in a perfectly competative industry, and she is currently maximizing profits. Her landlord announced to her a substantial increase in the monthly rent for the building. In order to continue maximizing profits, tammy should
Increase the price she charges for her product
Decrease the price she charges for her product
Decrease level of output
Increase the level of output
Leave the level of output unchanged
The AFC curve
Is horizontal
Is vertical
Always slopes upward
Always slopes downward
Is u-shaped
For a firm in a perfectly competitive industry, the demand curve
Is downward sloping
Is vertical
Is horizontal and equal to the MR curve
Is horizontal and above the MR curve
Is horizontal and below the MR curve
Microsoft and its Windows operating system are often cited as an example of a company that has been able to retain its status as near monopolist through:
Sloe ownership of key resources
Increasing returns to scale
Netword externalities
In a perfectly competitive industry,
Each firm makes decisions regarding the optimal price to charge
Each firm produces a standardized product
Firms cannot easily enter
Firms cannot easily exit
Each firm has market power
The short-run supply curve for a perfectly competitive firm is
The ATC curve above the break even price
The AVC curve above the break even price
The MC curve above the break even price
The MC curve above the point where the MC and AVC curves intersect
The entire MC curve
A perfectly competitive firm that is making losses should continue production in the short run if
Significant barriers to entry are a reason a monopoly
Can earn economic profits in the long run
Produces at the minimum average total cost curve
Produces with no fixed costs in the long run
Maximizes its profits by producing where P=MC
Faces a horizontal demand curve
Which of the following statements about the differences between monopoly and perfect competition is incorrect?
A monopolist has market power, while a perfect competitor does not
Unlike a perfectly competitive firm, a monopoly can make positive economic profits in the long run
A monopoly will charge a higher price and produce a smaller quantity than a competitive market with the same demand and costs structure
Monopoly profits can continue to exist in the long run because the monopoly produces more and charges a higher price than a comparable perfect competitive industry
In monopoly there are barriers to entry, in perfect competition there are no barriers to entry
To practice effective price discrimination, a firm must
Be able to estimate the cost functions of competitors
Be able to avoid detection by government regulatory agencies
Make sure that resale of the good or service is not possible among groups of buyers
Be a price taker
Aim to please customers by allowing them to have as much consumer surplus as possible
Price discrimination leads to a higher price for those consumers with
A more elastic demand
A perfectly elastic demand
A horizontal demand
A more inelastic demand
A little interest on the good in question
The demand curve for a monopolist
Coincides with its MR curve
Is always below its MR curve
Is downward sloping
Is upward sloping
Is vertical
{"name":"ECON midterm review", "url":"","txt":"Jennifer owns a small lemonade stand. Variable costs for her business in the short run would include:, Malthus' very pessimistic predictions, What is true about marginal costs?","img":""}
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