Day 2 - Gryffindor Challenges Ravenclaw

Day 2 - Chaser Quiz - The points from this quiz will be added directly to your teams total score. The top 7 quizzes will be counted, and for each question you will have 60 seconds to answer.
Day 2 - Chaser Quiz - The points from this quiz will be added directly to your teams total score. The top 7 quizzes will be counted, and for each question you will have 60 seconds to answer.
What happened to anyone who read Sonnets of a Sorcerer?
Spoke in haikus for the rest of their lives
Spoke in limericks for the rest of their lives
Spoke in sonnets for rest of their lives
Spoke in rhyme for the rest of their lives
What was the name of the chapter that Hermione bought Crookshanks?
The Leaky Cauldron
Cat, Rat, Dog
Professor Trelawney's Prediction
Hermione's Secret
Who invented the entrail-expelling curse?
Dai Llewellin
Alaric Rackharrow
Delina Llewellin
Urquhart Rackharrow
What Ice cream novelty did Vernon buy Harry at the zoo?
Ice Cream Sandwich
Vanilla Cone
Lemon Ice Lolly
What latin phrase was used by Dumbledore in the introduction to Fantastic Beasts?
Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus
Dormiens draco titillandus nunquam
Nunquam titillandus dormiens draco
Titillandus nunquam draco dormiens
{"name":"Day 2 - Gryffindor Challenges Ravenclaw", "url":"","txt":"Day 1 - Chaser Quiz - The points from this quiz will be added directly to your teams total score. The top 7 quizzes will be counted, and for each question you will have 60 seconds to answer., What was educational decree number 82?, What name did Professor Binns mistakenly call Seamus Finnigan?","img":""}

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