CMII Practice Quiz 1

A medical professional evaluating a patient with a focus on educational materials, including charts and diagrams of human anatomy, with a bright and engaging hospital setting in the background.

CMII Practice Quiz 1

Test your knowledge on various important medical conditions and diagnostics with our engaging CMII Practice Quiz. Designed for aspiring healthcare professionals, this quiz covers essential topics that will help solidify your understanding of various diseases, treatments, and medical principles.

Prepare yourself to:

  • Assess your current knowledge.
  • Identify areas for improvement.
  • Prepare for future medical examinations or certifications.

20 Questions5 MinutesCreated by LearningDoc512
You diagnose your 85 y/o male Caucasian patient with osteoporosis. In addition to Alendronate, you also decide to place your patient on hormone replacement therapy (HRT). What must you screen for and rule out prior to starting your patient on HRT?
Colon Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Testicular Cancer
Penile Cancer
What are the "Rule of 10s" and what disease is it referring to?
10% malignant, 10% bilateral, 10% extra-adrenal, 10% calcify, 10% found in children; pheochromocytoma
10% malignant, 10% bilateral, 10% extra-adrenal, 10% non-calcified, 10% found in children; Addison's disease
10% benign, 10% bilateral, 10% extra-adrenal, 10% calcify, 10% found in children; Primary Hyperaldosteronism
10% benign, 10% bilateral, 10% extra-adrenal, 10% non-calcified, 10% found in children; Cushing Syndrome
A 45 y/o female AA patient presents to your office to discuss her lab results after having blood work drawn approximately two weeks ago. You ordered the labs because your patient was complaining of generalized weakness, bone pain and constipation. Significant lab results are: PTH is low, serum ionized calcium is high, phosphorus is low, alkaline phosphatase is elevated. What is at the top of your differential diagnosis based on these lab results?
Primpary hyperparathyroidism
Primary hypoparathyroidism
You work in an inpatient facility which just accepted a new patient to their service. For the past two days, your patient was hyperglycemic immediately after waking up. That night, in addition to checking the patient's blood glucose (BG) before bed, you have the night staff check his BG at 3 am, and then again upon waking up. The patient's BG before bed was normal. His BG at 3am was low, and his BG the next morning was elevated. What do you suspect is occuring?
Somogyi Effect
The patient is sneaking extra snacks before bedtime
Dawn Phenomenon
Kallman's syndrome
What age range do people acheive peak bone mineral density?
You suspect your patient, AB has hyperaldosteronism due to her severe hypertension that is resistant to normal pharmacologic treatment. Which of the following is true regarding the next step to making this diagnosis?
Correct the patient's hyperkalemia prior to performing screening test and instruct the patient to continue all BP medications without restriction
Have the patient stop their ARB 4 weeks prior to testing and correct hypokalemia 2 weeks prior to testing. Once these measures have been taken, obtain CT of the adrenals.
Have the patient continue all anti-hypertensives except mineralcorticoid receptor antagonist, which must be stopped 6 weeks prior to testing. Correct patient's hypokalemia. Then, order a plasma renin activity and plasma aldosterone concentration to calcuate ARR ratio.
Have the patient continue all anti-hypertensives except mineralcorticoid receptor antagonists, which must be stopped 6 weeks prior to testing. Correct patient's hypokalemia. Then, perform oral sodium loading test.
Which cell in the pituitary secretes Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone?
Gonadotrope cells
Corticotropic cells
Somatotrope cells
Lactotrope cells
In addition to TSH, TRH increases secretion of which hormone?
Which of the following is not a way to reduce saturated fat in your diet?
Trim fat from meat
Switch from butter/lard to vegetable oil
Stop eating fats that are solid at room temperature
Switch to whole milk dairy products
Your patient with Grave's disease recently was diagnosed with an infection. Based on her rapid decompensation and critical condition, you suspect a diagnosis of Thyroid Storm. What is your next step in order to properly assess the severity of your patient's condition?
Calculate your patient's Burch-Wartofsky Score
Order TSH, T4 and T3 levels and treat once high levels of TH are confirmed
Order TSH and T4 only, but do not wait on results to treat the patient
Order T4 and T3 levels only, but do not wait for results to treat the patient
Which of the following is not a way a person with undiagnosed Type I DM would present to your office?
Complaining of insidious weight loss
Complaining of weakness and blurred vision
What type of diet would you recommend for your patient with a history of CVA?
Count Carbohydrates
DASH diet and TLC diet
DASH diet only
TLC diet and count carbohydrates
Which of the following is not true regarding the anterior pituitary?
The anterior pituitary is connected to the hypothalamus via the portal circulation.
The anterior pituitary releases vasopressin based on a 1% increase or decrease in blood osmalality.
The anterior pituitary is part of the HPA axis because it releases ACTH.
The anterior pituitary does not secrete Oxytocin.
A 60 y/o male with long standing history of Type II DM mellitus x 20 years presents to your ED with his wife complaining of nausea, progressively worsening generalized weakness, and polyuria x4 days. Patient's wife states he also has been very thirsty and earlier today started to become lethargic, prompting the ED visit. Patient manages his type II DM with oral medications in addition to insulin therapy. On PE, patient appears ill, his breath smells fruity and he is tachycardic at 108bpm, however patient is AOx3. Lab results show the patient's BG is 359, pH is 7.1, Bicarb is <15, and the patient's anion gap is 15. What is your diagnosis and what is your next step for medical management?
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state; replace fluid loss with IV fluids, slowly correct patient's hyperglycemia with IV insulin, and correct patient's hypokalemia
DKA; replace fluid loss with IV fluids, slowly correct patient's hyperglycemia with IV insulin, and correct patient's hypokalemia
DKA; replace fluid loss with IV fluids, slowly correct patient's hyperglycemia with IV insulin, and correct patient's hyperkalemia
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state; replace fluid loss with IV fluids, slowly correct patient's hyperglycemia with IV insulin, and correct patient's hyperkalemia
T/F: 35% of all cancers in non-tobacco users are related to body fatness, physical inactivity, excess alcohol consumption, and/or poor nutrition
Which of the following answers correctly pairs the layer of the adrenal gland with the hormone that layer secretes?
Zona glomerulosa--> Aldosterone
Zona Reticularis--> Cortisol
Zona Fasciculata--> Catecholamines
Adrenal Medulla--> Somatostatin
Which form of Vitamin A regulates cell-diffentiation growth and embryonic development?
Retinoid Acid
All forms of Vitamin A do this
Which of the following is not a medication used to treat DM?
SGLT-2 inhibitors
DPP-4 inhibitors
All of these drugs are used to treat DM
None of these drugs are used to treat DM
A 30 y/o patient presents to your office complaining of his gums bleeding after he brushes his teeth and increased bleeding from a paper cut they received two days ago. Patient reports it took almost 10 minutes for the bleeding from the papercut to stop. Patient is not taking any anti-platelet or anticoagulant medications. Patient eats a healthy diet filled with a lot of wheat pasta/bread. What vitamin toxicity would explain this patient's symptoms?
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Vitamin A
Which of the following is not an effect of cortisol?
Decrease in muscle mass and decrease in new muscle synthesis
Decreased beta cell function and increase in visceral obesity
Decrease in glycogenolysis, decrease in insulin resistance
Decrease in growth hormone secretion
{"name":"CMII Practice Quiz 1", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on various important medical conditions and diagnostics with our engaging CMII Practice Quiz. Designed for aspiring healthcare professionals, this quiz covers essential topics that will help solidify your understanding of various diseases, treatments, and medical principles.Prepare yourself to: Assess your current knowledge. Identify areas for improvement. Prepare for future medical examinations or certifications.","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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