2. Svetski rat kviz

Create an illustration depicting significant events and symbols from World War II, including soldiers, tanks, and iconic battles like Normandy and Stalingrad, in a dramatic and engaging style.

Test Your Knowledge of World War II!

Put your knowledge of World War II to the test with our engaging quiz! Dive into key dates, battles, and events that shaped history.

  • 6 challenging questions
  • Multiple-choice and checkbox formats
  • Fun and educational
6 Questions2 MinutesCreated by WagingWar57
Koje godine je poĝeo drugi svetski rat?
1.septembra 1942
1.septembra 1939
5.oktobar 1943
Koju državu je Nemaĝka prvu napala u 2. Svetskom ratu?
Ko je bio pobednik u bitci kod El alamejna u severnoj Africi?
Velika Britanija
Kako se zove ovaj dogadjaj prikazan na slici?
Bitka kod Staljingrada
Bitka za Berlin
Bitka na Normandiji
Bitka kod Kurska
Dati događaj prikazuje:
Osvajanje Berlina
Iskrcavanje francuske vojske na Normandiji
Iskrcavanje Nemaĝke vojske na Normandiji
SAD je bacio 2. Atomske bombe na Japan I tako se završio 2.Svetski rat
{"name":"2. Svetski rat kviz", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Put your knowledge of World War II to the test with our engaging quiz! Dive into key dates, battles, and events that shaped history.6 challenging questionsMultiple-choice and checkbox formatsFun and educational","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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