NetworkersHome Cisco DEVASC 200-901 Practice Test 3 (Sumeet)

Choose false statements about HTTP
It is an application layer protocol.
It is a transport layer protocol.
It is a stateful protocol.
It lacks standardization.

A 400

B 401

C 403


1 Unauthorized

2 Bad Request

3 Forbidden


Match HTTP status codes with their correct statements

​A1 B3 C2
​A1 B2 C3
​A1 B2 C3
​A3 B1 C2
​A2 B1 C3
​A2 B3 C1
​A3 B2 C1
Choose correct options for main encoding format types (Choose two.)
Choose correct statements about REST API (Choose three.)
​it is a better choice than SOAP for implementing a decentralized high-security enterprise API.
​it is a better choice than SOAP for implementing a performance-driven API.(Correct)
​it responses contain function call results from the request.
​it uses a set of HTTP methods to define its set of operations.
​it is a stateless architectural style.
Choose the correct definition of a default gateway.
Device that receives Layer 2 frames with an unknown destination address
​Device that receives IP packets that have no explicit next-hop in the routing table.
​Security feature that denies certain traffic.
​Feature that translates between public and private addresses
docker run -p 2000:4000 aaaabbbbcccc
From the above comand choose the correct port that is used to make the connection
port 4000
​port 2000
​only outbound connections between 2000 and 4000 are possible
​any port between 2000 and 4000
Choose the Git command that is used to navigate through branches
git clone
​git remote
git branch
git checkout
the security benefits of a Docker-based application (Choose two)
guarantees container images are secured and free of vulnerabilities
​easier to patch because Docker containers include only dependencies that the application requires
allows for separation of application that traditionally run in the same host
​natively secures access to secrets that are used by the running application
prevents information leakage that can occur when unhandled exceptions are returned in HTTP responses
Choose protocols that are considered modern APIs for managing Cisco IOS XE network devices (Choose two)
Choose the error state identified by the HTTP response code of 401
The server accepted the request but the client is not authorized for this content
​The server cannot find the requested resource because the path specified is incorrect
"​The server cannot process the request as it has detected an issue in the request syntax or body
The request has not been accepted because it requires authentication

def get_result()




             return result


Choose the result of the above python code excerpt.

Code returns an authorization token
Code reads a token from a local JSON file and posts the token to the DNAC URL
​Code returns DNAC user and password
​Code returns HTTP Basic Authentication.
Choose the TCP/IP stack layer that IP address operate
application layer
​link layer
transport layer
Internet layer
Choose the definition of hardcoding
encrypting data while it is not being processed
coding in a way that is hard to maintain
​including data directly in the source code
​making your code more resilient
Choose the Cisco product that allows the admin to use Python API to create a mapping logic between service and device parameters
​DNA Center
Choose the output of the devnet command saved to a tile named “output.txt” while using the Bash shell
​devnet I output.txt
devnet & output.txt
devnet < output.txt
​devnet > output.txt
Choose the purpose of a firewall in application deployment
it provides translation for an application's hostname to its IP address
it limits traffic to only ports required by the application
it forwards traffic to a pool of instances of the application
it adds TLS support to an application that does not support it natively
Choose the Git command to delete a local branch named “experiment” without a warning
git branch –D experiment
git branch –n experiment
​git branch –rm experiment
git branch –f experiment
A script that creates a log bundle from the Cisco DNA Center every day, runs without error and the bundles are produced, but when the script is run during business hours, report poor voice quality of phones calls. Choose the correct reason for this.
​The application is running in the Voice VLAN and causes delays and jitter in the subnet.
​The speed and duplex settings in Cisco DNA Center are sot incorrectly, which causes the transfer to be too slow.
​The script is written in a low-level programming language where there is no memory safety. This causes a buffer overflow and disruption on the network."
​Generating the logs causes the CPU on the network controller to spike, which causes delays forwarding the voice IP packets.

Match HTTP terms with their purpose




C HTTP response


1 identify resource

2 server

3 locate resource

A1 B2 C3
​A2 B1 C3
A3 B2 C1
A1 B3 C2
A2 B3 C1
​A3 B1 C2
Choose the mechanism that is used to consume a RESTful API design if large amounts of data are returned
Data sets
Choose the API that allows the admin to configure users and devices in CUCM
​CUCM Serviceability API
​Webex API
Administrative XML API
Choose options that describe the purpose of a revision control system such as Git (Choose two.)
Keep all files in the same place
Track who made changes
​Enforce file formatting.
​Create packages for distribution from source code
​Keep historic versions of a file.
Choose the purpose of the Cisco VIRL software tool
​automate API workflows
​test performance of an application
​verify configurations against compliance standards
simulate and model networks
Choose the difference between a synchronous API operation from an asynchronous one.
​for synchronous API operation, clients receive responses with a task id for further processing
​for synchronous API operation, clients poll for the status of the execution of operations"
​for synchronous API operation, clients subscribe to a webhook for operation results
for synchronous API operation, clients can access the results immediately
Choose major points of the Lean philosophy (Choose three.)
Choose correct options that are reasons that the use of APIs is growing (Choose two.)
​with APIs, computations are performed faster
​There are very few use cases for integration with other applications
​they allow for reuse of server code to service different clients like mobile, web, and so on.
​they solve challenges presented by an unreliable network
they enable developers to use cloud services
Choose the correct option for the statementWith client-side rate limiting, you limit the rate of API requests, while with payload limiting, you limit the size of the API response bodies

Choose the correct elements that will fill the blanks in option blanks of the following code excerpt


curl -x   ...........Option 1 .............   -H " .................Option 2 ................... : application/json"   \ -H " .....Option 3 ....... : Bearer

2 Deny
3 Authentication
2 Accept
3 Authorization
​1 PUT
2 Authentication
3 json
2 Accept
3 data
If a call from REST API expects a result set of more than 1000 records and each time only 50 of them are returned, choose the feature that is limiting the returned amount of data
payload limit
​service timeouts
​rate limiting
Choose the feature that you use to initiate a code review in GitHub
Choose the deployment model that uses host operating system features to provide an isolated environment for multiple tenants to run applications on the same server
virtual machines
none of them
bare-metal servers
Choose the instruction that each Dockerfile must start with
Choose the possible the start of a chunk from a unified diff
​@@ -81,12 +81,2 @@
​@@ -201910454T1200 +88,90 @@
​@@ -20546007T1200 +2015448T1349@@
@@ -90,88 +20455408T1349@@
Choose the HTTP error code that should show up when the number of API calls have been exceeded
Choose the branch called "branch1" to be started to develop a fix needed in a product
​git branch branch1
git branch -b branch1
git checkout -b branch1
​git checkout branch1
Choose the statement in a unittest testing framework that verifies that a and b have the same values
Choose the Cisco product which provides network controller-level management features
UCS Manager
​DNA Center
Choose benefits of the Model-view-controller software design pattern (Choose two.)
it simplifies network automation
​it separates responsibilities of the code
​it allows for multiple views of the same model
it makes code easier to deploy using Cl/CD pipelines
it reduces need for error handling
Choose the characteristics of Bare Metal environments that are related to application deployment (Choose two.)
Suitable for legacy application that do not support virtualization
​Not compatible with other cloud services such as PaaS or SaaS offerings
Provide the hypervisor to host virtual servers
​Provides workloads with access to hardware features
​Specifically designed for container-based workloads
Choose roles of an artifact repository in a CI/CD pipeline (Choose two.)
artifact repository is required for managing open source software
​artifact repository is required for CI/CD pipelines executed on a public cloud infrastructure
​artifact repository allows for comparing and merging changes in the source code
​artifact repository provides traceability, search, and management of binary files
artifact repository stores files needed and generated during the build process

Match the terms with their definitions


A Jitter

B Latency

C Packet Loss


1 number of packets not received

2 time that it takes for a packet to reach its destination

3 variation of delay

​A1 B2 C3
A2 B3 C1
A3 B1 C2
A2 B1 C3
A3 B2 C1
A1 B3 C2
Choose the method that you should use to safely the API keys
In an environment variable unique to the system database
​Encrypted in the code in a function
Encrypted in a configuration file that is separate from the code
Plain text in the code as a constant
Choose the CI/CD pipeline tool that provides a code repository
Travis CI
Choose the benefit of using chatbots in operational workflows
loose collaboration
conversational approach to operations
​decentralized infrastructure management
​complex workflow
Choose correct statements about benefits of using a version control system (Choose two.)
​allows developers to write effective unit tests
provides tooling to automate application builds and infrastructure provisioning.
​allows for branching and merging so that different tasks are worked on in isolation before theyare merged into a feature or master branch.
​allows multiple engineers to work against the same code and configuration files and managedifferences and conflicts.
​provides a system to track User Stories and allocate to backlogs.
Choose the threat type that can occur if an attacker can send hostile data to an interpreter in an application?
Data exposure
Cross-site authentication
Cross-site scripting
Choose the network plane that routing protocol traffic is handled
authentication plane
​management plane
control plane
​data plane
If updates from a local server fail to download, but the same updates work when a much slower external repository is used, then choose the reason the local updates are failing
The Internet connection is too slow
The server is running out of disk space.
​The Internet is down at the moment, which causes the local server to not be able to respond.
The update utility is trying to use a proxy to access the internal resource.
Choose the reason you perform a code review
​to productively spend time in-between assigned tasks
to increase performance of the software
to improve codebase quality
​to find the root cause of bugs
Choose the security category Cisco ISE belongs
identity management
​endpoint protection
identity protection
​network protection
endpoint management
{"name":"NetworkersHome Cisco DEVASC 200-901 Practice Test 3 (Sumeet)", "url":"","txt":"Choose false statements about HTTP, A 400 B 401 C 403   1 Unauthorized 2 Bad Request 3 Forbidden   Match HTTP status codes with their correct statements, Choose correct options for main encoding format types (Choose two.)","img":""}
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