The Rolex Watch Personality Test

1. Long weekend is here! What is your ideal vacation?
Dressing up for social meet-ups and events
Finishing piled-up works and tasks
Hiking, diving, bungee jumping, and other extreme outdoor activities
Binge-watching classic movies
Time to hang out with friends after work. Where will you go?
A trendy new restaurant or bar with a lively atmosphere
Sorry, no time to play. Work comes first!
Engage in a friendly sports activity
Visit a local art gallery, library, or museum
What type of driving experience do you prefer?
A trendy limited-edition car with cutting-edge features
A compact car, suitable for business
A car that roars with power. I crave the adrenaline rush!
A car that exudes history, timeless and elegant
When choosing luxury goods, what is your primary consideration?
I prioritize style above all else
Items that retain value and can be considered assets
Designs that perfectly fit my dynamic routines
Artistry and elegance are what captivate me the most
What is your go-to coffee choice?
Flat White, with smooth and velvety texture
Espresso, extra caffeine kick to stay awake during work
French Press, rich and full-bodied taste of coffee
Matcha Latte, vibrant flavors and beautiful designs
{"name":"The Rolex Watch Personality Test", "url":"","txt":"1. Long weekend is here! What is your ideal vacation?, Time to hang out with friends after work. Where will you go?, What type of driving experience do you prefer?","img":""}
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