Google Analytics 4

What does GA4 stand for?
Google Analytics for the 4th generation
Google Analytics version 4
Google Analytics for the future
What is the main difference between GA4 and Universal Analytics?
GA4 offers real-time data tracking
GA4 allows cross-device and cross-platform tracking
GA4 has a simpler user interface
What is a measurement ID in GA4?
A unique identifier for a property in GA4
A code snippet to be added to a website or app for tracking
A group of related events or parameters in a report
What is an event in GA4?
A pageview on a website
A user action, such as a click or scroll, that is tracked in GA4
An interaction with an ad on a website or app
What is a parameter in GA4?
A variable that defines the type of event being tracked
A property of a user, such as their age or gender
A metric that measures the performance of an event
What is a session in GA4?
A period of time in which a user is actively engaged with a website or app
A group of related events that occur within a specific time frame
A user's visit to a specific page on a website or app
What is a user property in GA4?
A demographic or interest attribute of a user, such as their age or gender
A behavior or action of a user, such as their session duration or number of pageviews
A group of related users, such as those who completed a specific action or visited a specific page
What is a funnel in GA4?
A series of steps that users take to complete a specific goal
A report that shows the conversion rate of a specific page or event
A group of related events or parameters in a report
What is a cohort in GA4?
A group of users who completed a specific action, such as making a purchase
A group of users who share a specific attribute, such as their acquisition channel
A report that shows the retention rate of a specific user group over time
What is a custom dimension in GA4?
A metric that measures the performance of an event
A property of a user, such as their age or gender
A custom attribute that can be added to an event or user for more specific tracking
How does Google Analytics measure and report distinct user interactions when a Google Analytics 4 property exists on a mobile app and website?
As hits
As sessions
As events
Where can you find the “Conversion paths” report in your Google Analytics 4 property?
One of these features, when enabled, associates event data collected from users on their app or website with the Google accounts of users who are signed in and have agreed to share this information. Which is it?
Google Ads
Google signals
Where in your Google Analytics 4 property can you manage product links such as this one with Google Ads?
Which of these configurations show a Google Analytics account’s hierarchical structure?
Data stream > Account > Property
Account > Property > Data stream
Property > Data stream > Account
Which of these dimensions would you look at to determine whether your website traffic was coming from “organic search,” “referral,” or other areas?
Google Ads campaign
Event name
Default channel grouping
How can Google Ads use audiences from Google Analytics when the two are linked?
Audiences in Google Ads can be used to target ad campaigns
Audiences in Google Ads can be used to adjust geotargeting of ad campaigns
Audiences in Google Ads can be used to see industry benchmarking data
Which Analytics feature lets you associate your own identifiers with your individual customers so you can connect their behavior across different interactions on various devices and platforms?
What data does the Realtime report show?
Events that took place within the last 60 minutes
Events that took place within the last 30 minutes
Events that took place within the last 120 minutes
Which of these sections of Google Analytics Reports provides insights into where users are coming from before visiting your website?
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