Emotional Insight Quiz

Emotional Insight Quiz
Are you curious about how your emotions shape your decisions and reactions? Take this quiz to explore your feelings in various situations and gain insights into your emotional well-being.
- 43 thought-provoking questions
- Discover how you react to challenges
- Understand your emotional responses
What do you do when you're faced with something frustrating that you don't think you can change?
Ignore it.
Get annoyed or try to fix it anyway.
Somebody who made you very angry tried contacting you. What do you do?
Respond, hoping they'll apologize.
Wait until you don't feel awkward or upset talking to them.
Have you ever wished somebody would get hurt in some way?
No, but maybe I wouldn't have cared if they got hurt.
You try something new but are bad at it. Your failure at the task makes you not enjoy doing it. What do you do?
Work through the frustration and try learning it anyway.
Move on to something I might enjoy.
How do you feel when people are rude to you, or have crossed you in some way?
Angry or annoyed.
Sad or apathetic.
You're arguing with somebody over something you feel only you deserve. What do you do?
Argue my position. They shouldn't have what's rightfully mine.
Try to compromise. I want to be fair.
Concede. It isn't worth making an enemy over.
Try to persuade or trick them into giving me what I want.
What is more motivating to perform a task well: frustration at failing, or enjoying success?
Enoying success.
Frustration at failing.
When you fail at something you're normally good at, how do you feel?
I just laugh and shrug it off. I'm just having an off day.
Maybe I'm not as good as I thought I was. I have more to learn.
How would you feel about a visible scar on your body that people would notice?
Embarassed or indifferent.
Happy and hope they ask. Scars are a part of my own story.
Do you sometimes wish you were a kid again?
No. I wish I did some things different as a child, but I enjoy being older.
Yes. Childhood was a very happy moment in my life.
What's a better way of dealing with something that makes you feel sadness: exposure or avoidance?
Exposure. It's best to get it all out of the way.
Avoidance. Why wallow in something that upsets you?
Both. You can cope by mixing the two according to your feelings.
Neither. There's better ways to deal with sadness.
You made somebody mad at you and they refused your apology. You still want to talk to them, so what do you do?
Try to appease them in any way possible. Gifts, favors, or even pleading.
Talk to them like nothing happened, or hope they forgive you eventually.
Have you ever thought of an intricate plan to get revenge on somebody you were genuinely mad at?
Yes, although I might not have gone through with it.
No, that's absurd.
It's pitch black outside and you hear a single knock from outside your window. Nobody can get to your window without hopping a fence and you can't check without stepping outside to see it. What do you do?
Ignore it and hope it was nothing.
Investigate it by any safe means possible.
At the end of your life, what would you feel is more important?
Making a difference with my life.
Having enjoyed my life.
How would you feel if a child corrected you when you were wrong in front of other people?
Humble. I like to know when I'm wrong about something.
Annoyed. The child is being rude by doing that.
A little irritated, but if I was wrong, so what?
Indifferent. It's no difference if a child or adult corrects me.
Do you have fun listening to sad stories?
No, but that's not the point.
A timed discount at a local restaurant ended just one minute ago, but you feel like your waiter was running late. You're hungry but low on cash, so what do you do?
Forget about the deal and order a small meal to not cause any trouble.
Try to talk my way into getting the deal. I was only a minute late.
A stranger carelessly bruises your foot while they were moving furniture and, although they notice, they don't say anything. How do you respond?
Move on without a word. They didn't mean it.
Ask for an apology or tell them to be more careful.
Do you feel like it's possible you could be gravely injured by some sort of accident caused by or during your daily routine?
Yes, it's possible.
No, I don't see how.
Would you want to die knowing it's coming or in your sleep?
In my sleep. I couldn't handle the ancitipation.
Knowingly. I'd like to be prepared.
Should a constant life of repeated minor crimes like thievery, vandalism, and petty assault by somebody who does not contribute to society be punished by execution?
Would you prefer world peace or the end of world hunger and no disease, assuming one would not lead to the other?
World peace.
The end of world hunger and no disease.
You sneak behind a robber holding up a store. You can easily knock them out, but you might kill them by doing so. If they notice you, they might hurt you, but you'd still win if they fought back. What do you do?
Try to talk them out of robbing the store, and hitting them if they don't listen.
Knock them out right away so that they don't try anything.
You are feeding a bird who comes close enough to land on your finger. You run out of food, and the moment you do, the bird pecks you hard enough to make you bleed and deep enough to leave a scar. Who is most at fault for your wound?
The bird. It's the one that hurt me in the first place.
Myself. The bird is only following its natural instincts.
How do you feel about growing old?
My youth is valuable.
It's no different than my life leading up to it.
How would you feel if you were forced, without option, to give your life for the life of somebody close to you?
I'd be happy to die for a purpose.
It's fine as long as it's for the life of another.
Powerless, but if that's how it has to be...
Upset! Life is valuable...but my life is, too!
Should all of humanity be granted immortality, save for accidents, starvation, homicides and executions?
Is it important for all people to experience some sort of major hardship in their life?
Yes. It's a formative experience.
No. There's no such thing as "necessary suffering."
Scientists invent a medicine which has a 50% chance of doing nothing, a 25% chance of extending your life by ten years, and a 25% chance of shortening it by five. Would you take it? You'll never actually know if it worked.
Somebody gets upset and hits you, but it barely even hurts. They keep trying to hit you anyway. What do you do?
Don't fight back until they stop or some authority intervenes.
Hit them in self defense and force them to stop.
You feel tired, but you got plenty of sleep! What's to blame?
I must be doing something wrong.
Probably something outside of my control. Time of day, the weather...
Maybe I need a nap...
It doesn't matter. I'll get over it.
You and another person do the same exact work, as far as you know, but the other person got rewarded slightly better than you. What's your first thought?
That's not right. I deserve my fair share, too.
They must've done something differently or better than me.
Would you want a really unique pet that's cool or cute, but needs special care?
Yes, but it depends on how much work.
I'd prefer a pet that can take care of itself.
You need to create something and present it. Would you prefer working with others when you can do it yourself using the same amount of time and effort?
Yes, working with others helps me work better, too.
No, I work better by myself.
Another person is given a task as punishment and you are asked to supervise. You will be rewarded when it is completed, but the other person will not be rewarded if you do it for them unless they help. The person starts slacking off while you're watching them. What do you do?
Yell at them, threaten them, or otherwise force them to do the task.
Get them to do the task using encouragement or asking nicely.
Do it myself. They clearly don't care, and they won't be rewarded.
Help out and work together.
What's more important: getting along or being right?
Getting along. Hurt friendships are worse than hurt bodies.
Being right. Reality is not subjective to feelings.
You order something and you get the wrong item five times in a row. You finally get the right item at no extra cost and no loss to you, but how do you respond?
I don't. I got what I wanted by the end.
Demand some sort of compensation.
Would you lose a limb if you got a lot of money for it? The more valuable it is to you, the more money you get, but you can never replace the limb.
Depends on how much I get...
Absolutely not, no question.
If you kept all your memories, would you swap your life to another, somewhat better life?
Yes. I might miss some things, but I'll still be happier.
No. I can't imagine being anybody but myself.
What's more humiliating: panhandling and mooching off of others, or doing absolutely nothing at all for your whole life?
Panhandling and mooching off of others.
Doing absolutely nothing at all for your whole life.
What is the most important thing for a person to have to be truly happy and successful?
Knowledge and control.
Feeling like you have a purpose.
No stress and no conflict.
Empathy and friendship.
Having fun and curiosity.
A happy family and a sense of humor.
Money and power.
{"name":"Emotional Insight Quiz", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you curious about how your emotions shape your decisions and reactions? Take this quiz to explore your feelings in various situations and gain insights into your emotional well-being.43 thought-provoking questionsDiscover how you react to challengesUnderstand your emotional responses","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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