Which SOMEONE are you?

On a Friday night pay day, would you typically want to:
Snuggle in and watch Netflix with your significant other (or pet)
Go clubbing with your best friends
Listen to live music or jam
Go on dating apps for No Strings Attached
Join or host a social event
Where would be your ideal vacation destination?
A beach in South East Asia
A weekend getaway close to home
Anywhere as long as the whole family can come
Close to nature
Backpacking across Europe, Asia or South America
What would be your comfort food?
Fresh pastries
Your mothers cooking
Nothing, you would eat anything others like
Where would you most likely hang out with friends?
Something conventional like hosting a dinner party
Something that gets your heart pumping like dancing or sports
Something nerdy like videos games and board games
Something spontaneous and new like a speakeasy
Something outdoorsy like a picnic at a park
What are you most afraid of?
Disappointing others
Being alone and unloved
Watching the ones you care about get hurt
The afterlife
Dying without leaving a legacy
What would be your star sign?
Aquarius, Pisces
Virgo, Cancer
Taurus, Scorpio, Leo
Sagittarius, Capricorn
Aries, Gemini, Libra
What would be your new year resolution?
Make goals that will further your career
Quit a vice (smoking, alcohol, junk food)
Take up a new hobby/ join a new social group
Finish what you started
Start a new enterprise
What would most likely be your quirky habit
Likes everything to be neat and organized
Having zero filter (overtly honest)
The need to be liked
Jack of all trade but master of none (not commuting to one skill)
The need to always be right
What would be on your most watch list?
Romance and Period dramas
Gritty crime dramas
Sci Fi and adventure
Feel good movies
Comedy and Reality TV shows
Which line best resonates with you:
€�I don’t do therapy”
€�Seasons may pass, but I’m stuck on you”
€�I’m mad about a lot of things. I get easily irked by people cutting in”
€�He/She offered a life so I could explore, but then reality set in”
€�I can see the good in [him/her/them]”
What would you most likely spend your winnings if you won the lottery
Deposit into a savings account and help the people closest to you
Buy a new house and investing in building a family/foundation
Donate the majority to charities and be humble about it
Be a rich bitch! Treat yourself to everything you’ve always wanted
Pursue your dream career
{"name":"Which SOMEONE are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"On a Friday night pay day, would you typically want to:, Where would be your ideal vacation destination?, What would be your comfort food?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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