How much like Peanut are you?

Do you like walkies in the rain?
Absolutely not - Find me the couch
Yes - Let's get out there anyway
What is the bestest treat?
Dental Sticks
Peanut Butter and Carrots
What is an appropriate time to get out of bed?
6am - I've got things to sniff and places to walk
8am - Just in time for the kids to sneak me their breakfast
10am - What's the rush?
12pm - Just call it the afternoon
What's your favourite trick to perform?
Play Dead
What is the best kind of water?
Salty Oceans
Muddy Drains
Clean Lakes
Running Streams
What is the biggest threat?
Courier Guy
Neighbour walking their dog
Door Knockers
All of the above are equally a national level threat and should be eliminated
{"name":"How much like Peanut are you?", "url":"","txt":"Do you like walkies in the rain?, What is the bestest treat?, What is an appropriate time to get out of bed?","img":""}
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