Applying Ethical Influence For Higher Profits

You're an advisor and have many clients. You're good at what you do and deliver on all agreements 100%. But the competition is stong and your clients may leave you for a company with more options and features. How could you keep them longer?
Send clients free market updates in your area of specialization
Organize regular happy hours where all clients can meet and enjoy drinks
Send clients expensive watch with your company logo engraved
Offer your important clients a free personal strategy session with a custom assessment report
Send your important clients a "Thank you" card with customized text and handwritten font
Grant every new clients an extra service for free
You've connected with your potential client in LinkedIn. What message will you send to ensure a stong start of positive relationships?
Tell your client the purpose of your connection
Ask them about their business
Ask them about their problems
Ask how you can help
Tell them what you like about their purpose
Combine all the options together and send as one message
A conversation with your potential prospect over LinkedIn messaging didn't go well. Your prospect is defensive and don't talk much. What would you do to build trust?
Give a compliment
Tell your prospect that you offer a lot of value
Notice that you are neighbors and invite for a cup of coffee
Move on with the intent to come back later
Give your prospect advice in your area of expertise
Your potential client, a business owner, is on the fence about going with your services. The interest seems to be there but there are some doubts. How could you help your client make a decision?
Tell the client: "I can offer you a discount"
Ask client: "Would you like a a flexible payment plan?"
Share with client: "I'll give you a 30-days money back guarantee"
Ask your client: "Would you like to know how other business owners make this decision?"
Ask your client: "Would you like to hear about more affordable services?"
You meet a prospect who has options to go with a large financial services company, hire a personal advisor, or go with you. You feel you can outperform both, the large company that has many executives to pay for, and the less experienced competitor. How would you prove that?
Show the prospect testimonials of prior top performing clients
Compare performance of the financial services company with performance of your top 3 clients
Show prospect how your alignment with Warren Buffett's principles are generating competitive resuts
Offer prospect a free trial period to prove you're better
Tell prospect that a large company has a lot of expenses that are paid from the profits and engement with less experienced advasor is not a serious decision
Your prospects don't come to your appointments in 50% of cases. They don't bother notifying you or canceling. What can you do to decrease the % of "no-show" cases?
Tell them: Please, call me if your plans change.
Ask them: Will you call me if your plans change?
Ask them: What will you do if your plans change?
Tell them: I will be upset with you if your plans change.
You are wrapping up a conversation with your potential client. The conversation went well and your client is seeing a clear benefit of your services. But still they want to put it on hold and take a pause. It doesn't seem to be a strong reason for it rather than hesitation. What can you do to motivate your client do the first step forward? (choose all that applies)
Mention that you combine knowledge from different systems that your competitors don't do.
Ask your client how many other advisors do they know who apply the same method.
Tell them about the limits of your time.
Mention the unique features of your service that can't be obtained anywhere else.
Tell the client what opportunities could be missed if they don't use your system
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