Final MS 3

What are included in the guidelines of delegation? SATA
Right Patient
Right Task
Right Circumstance
Right Time
Right Person
Right direction/communication
Right route
Right supervision
Right Place
Right safety
What is an effect that could happen if suddenly stopped TPN?
Bloating and vomiting
Glucose alterations
Respiratory acidosis
Altered LOC
Which medications are utilized for DVT prophylaxix?
Tylenol and Heparin
Coumadin and Alteplase
Heparin and Coumadin
Aspirin and Coumadin
Which diagnostic tests are used for Crohns disease? (SATA)
Labs: CBC, ESR, Albumin, & Protein
MRI with contrast
CT scan
Barium Enema study
Upper and lower scopies
Occult stool test
Labs: CBC, PLT, BMP, CRP, & Protein
Prodromal phase of hepatitis has the distinguishing symptom of jaundice.
What is the treatment for a client with bradycardia of HR of 45 BPM and BP of 82/60, reporting dizziness?
Beta blocker with atropine
Nitro and then cardio-invert
Client with myocardial infarction suddenly becomes tachycardiac, shows signs of air hunger, and begins to cough up pink frothy sputum. What is the patient experiencing?
Respiratory depression
Pulmonary edema
Fluid deficit
TB - late symptoms
Cardiac monitor shows a change in clients rhythm: no "P" waves, "QRS" complexes are wide, and rate is over 140 bpm. What is client experiencing?
Cardiac monitor shows a change in clients rhythm: no "P" waves, "QRS" complexes are wide, and rate is over 140 bpm. What should be the nurses first intervention?
What are the discharge instructions for a pacemaker placement? (SATA)
When you get home you can begin to raise you arm over your head slowly
Avoid tight clothing over site
Do not lift more than 10 lbs for the next 4 weeks
Avoid electromagnetic fields such as MRI's
Avoid shoulder strap of seat belt until completely healed
You can adjust your pacemaker as needed with a remote
Carry your ID and wear a medical alert bracelet at all times
You cannot bath or shower for 2 months - sponge or rag clean up only
Which below can cause an elevation in "T" wave in V3,V4 (SATA)
Atrial irritation
Left-sided heart failure
Ventricular irritability
Lateral MI
Anterior MI
Right sided heart failure
Hoarseness, cough, wheezing, stridor, and smoky breath are all signs of what?
Upper respiratory infection from smoking
Cigarette usage
Smoke inhalation
S/S: decreased BP, increased HR, narrow pulse pressure, decreased O2 saturation, increased urine output, cool skin, pallor/cyanosis, dusky skin, thirst, decreased LOC, and weakness.
Cardiogenic shock
Neurogenic shock
Septic shock
Hypovolemic Shock
HR >90, Respirations >20, WBC >12 or <4, or 10% bands (Left shift).
Respiratory depression
Treatment for shock?
Administer vasopressor, start saline fluids, and TPN
Start fluids, give vassopressor if fluids not helping, and feed the patient
Call for help, grab the dfib, and start CPR
Assess LOC, assess for s/s dehydration, give atropine, start fluids IV, and then set up in high-fowlers
If you assess a client for triage and they have the following symptoms: Resp <30, cap refill <2 sec, and is following commands
If triaging patients at a scene what catagory would you place a client that needs treatment within 30 min - 2 hours
When triaging and a client needs to be treated with in 2 hr to 4 hours which tag would you give them?
While triaging patients you come across a patient that has a massive head trauma and even though you repositioned airway they still are not breathing appropriately what would you tag them?
Which are some causes for an acute kidney injury? (SATA)
Punch in the gut
Cleaning around the peritoneal dialysis catheter is considered what type of procedure?
Dont have to take special precautions
Patient can just clean it in the shower
Which of the following is considered part of an AKI diet? (SATA)
Low potassium
Low sodium & phosphorus
High protein
Low calcium
High iron
High potassium
If you skip a meal you should not take nateglinide/repaglinide (meglitinides)
Hypoglycemia, DKA, and HHNS are chronic complications of diabetes
Spinal cord developing autonomic dysreflexia: which are the 4 B'S to help prevent?
B- Body, brain, blood pressure, bowel
B- Bowel, bladder, blood pressure, breathing
B- Body, bowel, bladder, blood pressure
B- Blood pressure, Bowels, Bed, Blanket
Which are inclusions for TPA (alteplase) treatment?
Ages 16-75
Neg CT for hemorrhagic stroke
No previous stroke with diabetes
Last known "normal" is less than 3.5 hours
Taking blood thinners
NIH <25
SBP <185
What stage of HIV/AIDS is a patient if their CD4 T-cell count is between the ranges of 200-499?
Start of dying stage
What stage of HIV/AIDS is a patient if they CD4 T-cell count is greater than 500?
Start of dying stage
What stage of HIV/AIDS is a patient if they CD4 T-cell coun?t is less than 200
Start of dying stage
S/S of what? Hemiplegia, side to side discrimination, aphasia, slow performance, anxiety/depression
Right-sided stroke
Left-sided stroke
Anterior MI
I have no clue and I am just done with this BS
Spinal shock can occur anytime from incident up to 6 weeks post injury
Flaccid, lack of sensation, lack of reflexes, decreased BP/HR/Resp are all symptoms of what?
Cardiogenic Shock
Hypovolemic Shock
Neurogenic Shock
Septic shock
Hypoxemia refractory to oxygen therapy is a classic symptoms of what?
Ventilator weaning
Upper respiratory infection
What is the most important action before and after suctioning a client is to:
Clean the yankauer
Hyperventilate with oxygen
Assess lungs
Change out suctioning equipment
VAP - Ventilator associated pneumonia: which below can help prevent? (SATA)
HOB at least 30 degrees
Maintain patient in same position
Oral care every 2 hours
DVT prevention - SCD's, compression socks, etc
PPI preventitive
Suction hourly
Avoid breathing trials- only once weekly
SIMV-spontaneous trials, CPAP, and CPAP w/ PS are all what?
Setting on ventilator to increase more effective inspirations
Weaning modes
Types of ventilators
Fancy names for how patient is breathing on their own
Which are NOT s/s of SVCS? (superior vena cava syndrome) (SATA)
Edema of face & upper extremities
Erythema of upper body
Increased cardiac output
Jaundice of lower extremities
A patient in DKA would have which complication?
Metabolic Acidosis
Metabolic Alkalosis
Respiratory Acidosis
Respiratory Alkalosis
All of the following could be given to an unresponsive hypoglycemic patient except:
Glucagon IM
D50 IV push
Continuous D10 infusion
Orange juice
Which test needs to be monitored closely for patients on TZD's for glucose control?
Kidney function
Liver function
Troponin levels
Meglitinide should...
Be taken 1 hours prior to meals
Be taken at night
Be taken immediately before meals
Be taken whether the patient eats or not
Which statement is true of HHNS?
Ketosis is usually absent
The patient is usually type 1 DM
Patient is in a state of acidosis
BS is usually lower than DKA patient
Which of the following would you NOT find in a patient with DKA?
Decreased urine output
Severely elevated BS
Fruity breath
Which statement is true regarding hemodialysis?
Results in hypertension
Process is done usually under an hour
Removed bacteria
Most meds are dialyzed out and should be held prior
Which HTN medication category best prevents renal failure?
Calcium Channel blockers
Ace's "-prils'
Arb's "-artan"
Beta blockers "-LOL's"
What would be an ideal goal to minimize the risk of pulmonary edema?
Maintaining balanced I/O's
Maintaining stats >90%
Decreasing SOB
Maintaining adequate activity
A kidney transplant 4 days postop is showing signs of rejection. What does the nurse anticipate?
Removal of kidney
Increase immunosuppressant medications
Administering IVF
Example of a post-renal AKI cause:
Kidney stone
Antibiotic therapy
What type of diet would a client in renal failure be placed on if not on dialysis?
High protein, low K+, low PH
Low protein, low K+, and Low PH
High protein, high K+, High Ph
Low protein, low K+, high PH
TPN does not need to be started gradually or weaned down?
CVP is a helpful tool used to measure/monitor what?
Fluid volume status
Blood pressure
Pulmonary artery pressure
Which lab is used in diagnosing CHF?
This medication is often used for symptomatic bradycardia
A contraindication for administering nitroglycerine would be:
Chest pain
DVT/PE patients are often on both heparin and coumadin simultaneously?
The intended effect of dopamine is:
Raising blood pressure
Lowering heart rate
Lowering blood pressure
Increasing urine output
Bubbling is normal in the suction control chamber when:
It is a dry suction
Patient has a pneumothorax
It is a wet suction
Patient coughs
The best initial option for a patient in respiratory distress with minimal respiratory effort is:
Non-rebreather mask
Venturi mask
Ambu bag mask
Nasal cannula
Air trapped under the skin tissue is called:
Crepitus/subcutaneous emphysema
Dry skin
"Barrel Chest" is a normal finding in which condition?
Flail chest
Which type of shock would the nurse anticipate antibiotic use?
Burns to the head and face pose the biggest risk of:
Fluid balance
Airway difficulties
What is the first sign of hypovolemic shock:
Increased heart rate
Decreased respiratory rate
Decreased blood pressure
Increased blood pressure
How would you classify an A&O woman with rib fractures and SOB who did not get up when called?
Which lab value would likely be the cause of the patients diagnosis of hepatic encephalopathy?
Elevated PT/INR
Decreased in ALT/AST
Elevated ammonia
Decreased bilirubin
Common lab findings for the patient with acute pancreatitis?
Increased amylase/lipase, Decreased CA/MG
Increased WBC, decreased amylase/lipase
Decreased WBC, Increased amyase/Lipase
Increased amylase/lipase, Increased MG/CA
What is the diagnostic test to confirm Crohns or ulcerative colitis?
CT abdomen/pelvis
Exploratory lap
What is seen more in ulcerative colitis?
Rectal sparing
Crypt abscess
Transmural inflammation
Immunosuppressants are given to Crohn's or UC patients. What would a nurse intervention be?
Administer the varicella vaccine
Semi-private room with another patient with the same disease
Private room for patient
Provide adaptive silverware for meal times
Hemianopsia is defined as:
One eye experiences blindness
Impaired vision or blindness in half of the vision field
Double vision
Blurry vision- impaired bilateral vision field
Which of the following is present in spinal shock
Flaccid paralysis
Decreased BP/HR
A patient who attempts to converse in a normal fashion but does not understand simple commands:
Expressive aphasia
Global aphasia
Receptive aphasia
Activity to avoid for patients experiencing autonomic dysreflexia:
High-fowlers position
Bowel regimen
Straight cath every 6 hrs
Lay the patient flat
Which lab is the most concerning for someone with HIV?
CD4- 189
WBC 12
CD4- 1100
PLT 250
You could expect to find all of the following for a patient admitted with a STEMI except:
ST Depression
Positive troponin livel
ST Elevation
Which ABG would diagnose respiratory acidosis:
PH- 7.42, CO2- 65, HCO3 - 32
PH- 7.30, Co2- 34, Hco3 - 19
PH- 7.5, Co2 - 30, Hco3 - 10
PH- 7.25, Co2 - 65, Hco3 - 30
What is the most important intervention for a patient on neutropenic precautions?
Monitor s/s of bleeding
Monitor for confusion
Hand Hygiene
Prevent falls
Which home med would you investigate that a patient is on if they are having visual disturbances and GI upset?
You notice that a patient with a pacemaker has a pacer spike but is not followed by a QRS. What does this indicate?
Failure to sense
Failure to pace
Failure to capture
Failure to respond
The nurse knows that the patient on hormone therapy is most at risk for:
A Fib
The nurse knows that the patient in ARDS is tolerating the prone position when:
Secretions decrease
BP increases
HR Decreases
Oxygen sat increases
The nurse will instruct the pos-op pacemaker patient to:
Not raise their arm over their head
Not go through metal detectors
Not use a microwave
Get a follow up MRI
Identify this rhythm strip? Rate 60-100, P-wave and QRS are regular. P-wave before each QRS. PR Interval 0.12-0.20 seconds.
Sinus rhythm
Sinus Tachycardia
Sinus Bradycardia
Identify this rhythm strip? Rate less than 60, P-wave & QRS wave regular.
Sinus rhythm
Sinus Tachycardia
Sinus Bradycardia
Identify this rhythm strip? Abnormal beats causing ventricle to contract prematurely. Can cause palpitations.
Sinus rhythm
Sinus Tachycardia
Sinus Bradycardia
Identify this rhythm strip? No recognizable pattern. Do not contract and no pulse. Usually fatal if not reversed in 3-5 min.
Sinus rhythm
Sinus Tachycardia
Sinus Bradycardia
Identify this rhythm strip? Rate usually over 100. P-wave and QRS are regular.
Sinus rhythm
Sinus Tachycardia
Sinus Bradycardia
Identify this rhythm strip? Multiple rapid impulses. Ventricular responds at a rate of 120-200/min. No clear P-wave.
Sinus rhythm
Sinus Tachycardia
Sinus Bradycardia
Identify this rhythm strip? Rate usually 140-180/min, Irregular rhythm. No P-wave seen. PR Interval not identifiable. QRS are wide.
Sinus rhythm
Sinus Tachycardia
Sinus Bradycardia
Identify this rhythm strip? No electrical activity of the heart. No pulse.
Sinus rhythm
Sinus Tachycardia
Sinus Bradycardia
HHNS usually will seen BS <600, dry mouth, tachycardia, hypotension, thirsty, frequent urination, altered CNS - Confusion, slurred speech,or coma
The nurse is the first responder to the scene of a school bus accident. The nurse needs to triages the victims from highest to lowest priority
Confused child with bright red blood pulsating from a leg wound
Child with a closed head wound and multiple compound fractures of the arms and legs
Child with a simple fracture of the arm complaining of pain
Sobbing child with several minor lacerations on the face, arm, and legs.
The registered nurse is planning the client assignments for the day. Which is the most appropriate assignment for the AP?
Client requiring a colostomy irrigation
Client receiving continuous tube feedings
Client who requires urine specimen collections
Client with difficulty swallowing foods/fluids
The nurse employed in a long-term care facility is planning assignments for the clients on a nursing unit. The nurse needs to assign four clients and has a licensed practical nurse and three AP's on a nursing team. Which client would the nurse most appropriately assign to LPN?
Client requiring a bed bath
Older client requiring frequent ambulation
Client who requires hourly measurement of vitals
Client requiring abdominal wound irrigations and dressing changes every 3 hours
The charge nurse is planning the assignments for the day. Which factors would the nurse remain mindful of when delegating task? (SATA)
Acuity level of the clients
Specific request from the staff
Clustering of rooms on the unit
Number of anticipated client discharges
Clients needs and workers needs/abilities
Client is at risk for developing a potassium deficit if which situation is documented?
Sustained tissue damage
Nasogastric suction
Hx of addison's disease
Uric acid is 9.4
Hypokalemia - what patterns would you see on EKG? (SATA)
U waves
Absent P waves
Inverted T waves
Depressed ST segment
Widened QRS complex
The nurse is caring for a client with DKA and documents that the client is experiencing kussmauls respirations. What patterns did the nurse observe? (SATA)
Respirations are shallow
Respirations have increased in rate
Respirations are abnormally slow
Respirations are abnormally deep
Respirations cease for several seconds
What is the normal ranges for Sodium (NA+)
What is the normal ranges for calcium (Ca)
What is the normal ranges for chloride (Cl)
98 - 106
What is the normal ranges for potassium (K+)
What are the normal ranges for phosphorus (Ph)
2 - 4.5
3.5 - 4.5
3 - 4.5
2.5 - 5
What are the normal ranges for ABG PH
7.25 - 7.35
7.35 - 7.45
7.45 - 7.55
7.30 - 7.5
What are the normal ranges for ABG PcCO3
35 -45
What are the normal ranges for magnesium (MG)
1 - 2.1
1.5 - 2.5
1.3 - 2.1
What are the normal ranges for ABG PaO2
What are the normal ranges for ABG HCO3
What are the normal ranges for RBC (CBC)
Male 4.7 - 6.1 Female 4.2 - 5.4
Male 4.1 - 5.9 Female 3.9 - 4.8
Male 4 -6 Female 4-5
Male 4.5 - 6.5 Female 4 - 5
What are the normal ranges for HGB
12 -16
What are the normal ranges for HCT
Males 42-52, Females 37-47
Males 40-50, Females 35-45
Males 42-48, Females 28-38
Males 44-52, Females 18-22
What are the normal ranges for WBC (CBC)
5,000 - 10, 000
What are the normal ranges for ESR
Less than 10
Less than 20
Higher than 20
18 - 25
What are the normal ranges for cholesterol total
Less than 150
Less than 200
What are the normal ranges for LDL
Less than 130
Less than 100
What are the normal ranges for HDL
Greater than 35 (males) 45 (females)
Greater than 45 (males) 25 (Females)
Less than 30 (males) 40 (females)
What are the normal ranges of triglycerides
Less than 150
Greater than 150
Less than 100
Greater than 200
What are the normal ranges of PT
11 - 12.5 sec
10 - 12 sec
11-13 sec
11.5 -14 sec
What are the normal ranges of aPTT
30-50 sec
40-60 sec
30-40 sec
25-35 sec
What are the normal ranges of PTT
60 -70 sec
60-90 sec
50-70 sec
55-75 sec
What are the normal ranges of INR w/o anticoagulation
0.9 - 1.2
0.8 - 1.1
1.0 - 1.5
0.7 - 1.1
What are the normal ranges of INR if on anticoagulants
Greater than 5
What are the normal ranges of platelets (PLT)
100,000 - 500,000
110,000 - 420,000
150,000 - 400,000
150,000 - 350,000
What are the normal ranges of albumin
3.5 - 5
3 -4.5
4.5 -5.5
What are the normal ranges of ammonia
What are the normal ranges of total protein
6 - 7
What are the normal ranges of creatinine (Cr)
0.6 - 1.2
0.5 - 1
1.2 - 1.5
1.5 - 2
What are the normal ranges of BUN
What are the normal ranges glucose-fasting
What are the normal ranges of HbA1C
A nurse is planning dietary teaching for a client who has diabetes mellitus. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take first?
Check patients A1C
Check their blood sugar
Ask the patient about what types of foods they prefer
Ask the patient patient to start a food journal
A nurse is caring for a client who has type 1 diabetes mellitus and a current blood sugar of 48. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect?
Kussmauls respirations
A nurse in an emergency department is assessing a client who sustained a fall off a roof. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as an indication of a basilar skull fracture?
A hard, non tender lump on back of head
Blood and tissue coming out of ears
Clear fluid seeping out of nares
Chronic cough with blood
A nurse is providing discharge teaching about improving gas exchange to a client who has emphysema. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching?
Utilize inhaler multiple times a day
Use pursed-lip breathing during periods of dyspnea
Utilize accessory muscles to take a deep breath in
In through the nose and out through the mouth technique
A nurse in the ED is caring for a client who has fruity breath odor, dry mouth, and extreme thirst. What assessment should the nurse make priority?
Lung assessment
Blood sugar
Give them some water to drink
A nurse is providing postoperative care for a client who has two chest tubes in place following a lobectomy. The client asks the nurse the reason for having two chest tubes. The nurse should inform the client that the lower tube is placed for the following reason?
To help reinflate remaining lung section
Drain blood and fluid from pleural space
To help heal the wound faster
Help them breath since they removed a lobe of lung.
A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving intermittent peritoneal dialysis. The nurse observes that the peritoneal fluid is not adequately draining. What action should the nurse take?
Stop the dialysis
Increase dialysis flow
Turn client from side to side
Warm the solution before continuing
HIV patient taking antiretroviral medications should never miss a dose and if they do they risk building up an intolerance.
A nurse is assessing a client who has a fractured left femur and is in skeletal traction. Which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider?
Chest petechiae
Pain rated at 6
Client reports a dull headache
Client is scheduled to have his chest tube removed. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?
Instruct the patient to take a deep breath and hold it until it is completely out
Instruct the patient to perform the valsalva maneuver during removal
Instruct the patient to bite down on a rag
Instruct the patient he will roll to opposite side and hold their breath
Nurse is teaching about a low-cholesterol diet to a client who had a MI. Which of the following meal selections by the client indicated an understanding of the teaching?
Liver and mashed potatoes
Biscuits and gravy with 2 white eggs
Chicken breast and corn on the cob
BLT sandwich with side salad
What assessment findings indicate to the nurse that a client taking warfarin may have decreased clotting? (SATA)
Frequent nosebleeds
Lower leg swelling
Upper extremity bruising
Difficulty breathing
Intermittent chest pain
Dark stools
A client reports increasing diffuse pain in the entire right leg. What is the nurses priority action at this time?
Elevate the right leg on a pillow
Perform a peripheral vascular assessment
Check for swelling in the right leg
Notify the rapid response team immediately
Which of the following factors does the nurse recognize as being a risk for altered sensory perception in the older adult client?
Diabetes Mellitus
Peptic ulcer disease
The nurse performs an initial health assessment of an older adult. Which assessment findings indicate that the client may be at risk for falls? (SATA)
Has presbyopia
Has peripheral neuropathy
Uses a cane
Takes multiple medications
Has bilateral cataracts
Has thin papery skin
The nurse is caring for a 25-year old client with a new spinal cord injury resulting in tetraplegia. The client states, "I wont be able to do any activities that I enjoy now." What is the priority nursing intervention?
Encourage the client to explore new activities that they can do now
Teach the client about reasonable goals for activities
Allow the client time to discuss feelings of loss related to the injury
Consult pastoral care to provide encouragement to the client
On entry to the ED of a client who fell from a roof, what is the nurse's priority action?
Place nasal cannula to administer oxygen
Apply pressure to small bleeding wounds
Assess airway and stabilize cervical spine
Initiate large-bore IV to infuse normal saline
After a mass casualty event, which client will the nurse triage with a yellow tag?
29 yr old with third degree burns over 80% of the body
36 yr old with closed fractures of both legs
48 yr old with wheezing and difficulty breathing
52 yr old with multiple abrasions and contusions
Which clinical indicators are most relevant for the nurse to monitor during IV fluid replacement for a client with dehydration? (SATA)
Blood pressure
Deep tendon reflexes
Hand-grip strength
Pulse rate/quality
Skin turgor
Urine output
With which client does the nurse remain alert for and assess most frequent for signs/symptoms of hypokalemia to prevent harm
72 yr old taking diuretic spironolactone for control of hypertension
62 yr old receiving an IV solution of LR at rate of 200 m/hr
42 yr old trauma victim receiving a third infusion of packed red blood cells in 12 hours
22 yr old receiving an IV infusion of regular insulin to manage an episode of ketoacidosis
The client on combination antiretroviral therapy calls the nurse to report that he is on vacation and the bag of his medications was accidentally left on the plane, so he missed all of yesterday's dosages. What action does the nurse recommend?
Take todays as normally prescribed and continue to follow your therapy program
Unless you miss you your drugs for 4 days consecutively , there is not a problem
Take double doses of the drugs for the next 2 days and do not have sex for at least 4 days
Go to the nearest ED and have an immediate blood test for assessment of viral load.
What is the most important question for the nurse to ask before giving the first dose of fosamprenavir to a client newly prescribed this drug?
Do you have glaucoma or any other problem with your eyes
Do you take medications for a seizure disorder
Are you allergic to sulfa drugs
Are you a diabetic
Which activities can the nurse postpone or eliminate for a HIV client who is extremely fatigue (SATA)
Administering prescribed drug therapy
Ambulating in the hallway
Culturing suspected infectious drainage
Performing pulmonary hygiene
Performing oral care
Providing a complete bed bath
Teaching about nutritional therapy
Which dietary change does the nurse suggest for the HIV client who has esophageal candidiasis
Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages
Eat soft, cool foods such as pudding or smoothies
Limit your intake of fluid to no more than 1 L per day
Increase your intake of cooked leafy green vegetables
When assessing the client 2 hrs post-thoracentesis, the nurse notes the skin around the puncture site is swollen and crackling is felt and heard when pressure is applied to area. What is the nurse's best action?
Assess the clients SPo2 levels at least at two seperate sites
Obtain order to culture the site
Document finding as the only action
Notified the respiratory health care provider
Which respiratory side effect does the nurse teach the client who is now prescribed and ACE inhibitor to expect?
Wheezing on exertion
Increased secretions
Persistent dry cough
The SPo2 of a client receiving oxygen therapy by nasal cannula at 6/L min has dropped from 94% to 90%. Which action does the nurse perform first to improve gas exchange before reporting the changes to the PCP?
Tighten the straps of the nasal cannula
Increased flow rate to 8/L min
Check tubing for kinks, leaks, or obstructions
Check to determine whether the oxygen delivery system is adequately humidified.
A client with history of type 2 diabetes is admitted to the hospital with chest pain and scheduled for a cardiac catheterization. Which medication would need to be withheld for 24 hours before the procedure and for 48 hours after the procedure?
Regular insulin
A client in sinus bradycardia, with a heart rate of 45 beats per minute and BP of 82/60 mmHg, reports dizziness. Which intervention would the nurse anticipate will be prescribed?
Administer digoxin
Defibrillate the client
Continue to monitor the client
Prepare for transcutaneous pacing
A client with myocardial infraction suddenly becomes tachycardic, shows signs of air hunger, and begins coughing frothy, pink-tinged sputum. Which finding would the nurse anticipate when auscultating the client's breath sounds?
Scattered rhonchi
Diminished breath sounds
A client with myocardial infarction is developing cardiogenic shock. Which potential condition would the nurse anticipate and monitor the client for to detect cardiogenic shock?
Pulsus paradoxus
Ventricular dysrhythmias
Rising diastollic BP
Falling central venous pressure
{"name":"Final MS 3", "url":"","txt":"What are included in the guidelines of delegation? SATA, What is an effect that could happen if suddenly stopped TPN?, Which medications are utilized for DVT prophylaxix?","img":""}
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