Final Theory Exam Server
Select all that apply to Express
Express is the most popular Node.js web server
Express provides methods to specify Application Routing & Application View
With Express, you can use a template engines like EJS
An Express Application is essentially a series of middleware function calls
Select all that apply to Web Services
A web service provides an application programming interface (API)
The fundamental building block of a web service is a module
API of a web service allows other persons to interact with that application
A web service runs on a web server
Select all that apply to Web Services
A web service is any service that is available over the Internet
Web Services are based on a standardized messaging system like SOAP, JSON or XML
In a web service, you could use HTTP GET/POST and pass arbitrary XML documents
A Service Requestor (Consumer) is a SW component that consumes an existing web service by opening a network connection and sending a request
Select all that apply to template engine
A template engine is a software designed to combine static template files with a data model to dynamically generate customized documents suchs as web pages
To specify the EJS as the view engine for an Express app, you write the following instruction in your express app: app.set('view engine', ejs');
At runtime, the web template engine replaces variables in a template file with actual values, and transforms the template into an HTML file sent to the client
Template engines enable you to separate the View from the Style, to separate the HTML structure from the CSS style
Select all that apply to REST
A web service that conforms to REST is called a RESTfull web service
In REST, a resource is any data that can be uniquely identified by an ID, an interger, that represents a state in different formats (e.g. xml, json). Hence the name Representational State Transfer
In REST, four GTTP verbs are used to provide a basic set of CRUD functionality: POST, GET, PUT, REMOVE
REST(Representational State Transfer) is one of the architectural patterns (styles) for building an application, that utilizes the HTTP/HTTPS protocol to exchange data between the client and the server
Select all that apply to the compose.yml file
The 'depends_on' specifies a service as a dependency for the current defined service
The 'build' directive is used to specify the location of the XAML file that will be used to build this container
The 'services' directive defines the services/containers that will be started
The 'nodemon' directive mounts a host directory to the container's directory
Select all that apply to Web Services (WS)
API of a WS is a software program that knows how to further process requests for static pages that are going to be used by users
WS support reusability of code. WS are small components that can be reused by multiple systems
Web Services make sense when you need to reuse the same data in several different applications
There are mainly two types of web services, depending on the underlying architecture & protocol: Postman-based WS & .NET-based WS
Select all that apply to Layered Design
Presentation layer consists of components that provide access to the message layer
Data layer provides access to data
The data layer exposes generic interfaces that the components in the message layer can consume
Presentation layer manages user interaction with the application
Select all that apply to Layered Design
The design of a system is usually decomposed into logical groupings of software components called LAYERS
The common four-layer design of a system includes the presentation layer, the service, the message layer and the data layer
The common three-layer design of a system includes the presentation layer, the service layer and the data layer
Layers describe the physical distribution of the functionality and components on separate servers, computers, networks, or remote locations
Select all that apply to the MongoDB & Mongoose
Mongoose is a web application framework for MongoDB
MongoDB is schema-less NoSQL document database, where you can store JSON documents
Mongoose models provide an interface to the database for creating, querying, updating, deleting records, etc.
Mongoose supports different data types such as String and Number
Select all that apply to Node.js
Node.js has built-in document object that you can use to get all elements by tag name
Node.js executes the JavaScript code outside of a browser
Node.js is an open source, cross-platform runtime for client-side applications written in JavaScript
Node.js is based on an single-threaded, event-driven, non-blocking I/O architecture
Select all that apply to Node.js
Node.js has built-in document object that you can use to get all elements by tag name
Node.js executes the JavaScript code outside of a browser
Node.js is an open source, cross-platform runtime for client-side applications written in JavaScript
In Node.js everything is a module. You must keep your code inside a module
Select all that apply to Node.js Modules
Node.js has a set of built-in modules which you can use without any further installation
To install the 'express' package, you execute the following command: $ node install express
The node is a package manager for Node.js packages
You can create your own Node.js modules, and include them in your applications
Select all that apply to the Docker
Docker is a containerization software designed to create, deploy. And run your application inside of a container
A package.json is a text file that contains instructions for the Docker on how to build a given image
A container is a runtime instance of an image
A Docker image is an executable package that includes everything needed to run an application, including the code, a runtime, libraries, environmental variables and configuration files
Select all that apply to the Dockerfile Instructions
WORKDIR sets the working directory for any instructions like RUN, CMD and COPY that follow it in the Dockerfile
FROM sets the base image. A Docker file must start with a FROM instruction
COPY copies files into the virtual machine
EXPOSE informs the Docker that the container listens on the specified network port
Select all that apply to SOA
SOA stands for Service-Oriented Architecture
SOA is a technology for building web services
The fundamental building block of a service-oriented architecture is a method
SOAP and RESTful web services are SOA-based
Select all that apply to SOA Services
There are two types of SOA services: data-centric, logic-centric
Data-centric services are verb-based: the unit of information exchange is a message representing a command or actions that needs to be executed on the receiving side
There are three types of SOA services: data-centric, logic-centric, message-centric
In a data-centric service, the unit of information exchange is the data itself
Select all that apply to SOAP
SOAP is a JSON-based messaging protocol for exchanging information among computers
SOAP uses the Web Services Description Language (WSDL), and XML-based interface description language for describing the functionality offered by the web service
SOAP uses the Web Application Description Language (WADL) for describing the functionality offered by the web service
SOAP is an acronym for Simple Object Access Protocol
Select all that apply
REST(Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for building services that utilize existing web standards
REST uses the Web Application Description Language (WADL) for describing the functionality offered by the web service
REST uses the Web Services Description Language (WSDL), an XML-based interface description language for describing the functionality offered by the web service
In REST, four HTTP verbs are used to provide a basic set of CRUD functionality: POST, GET, PUT, REMOVE
Select all that apply to Microservices
Prior microservices, monolithic web applications have been used, that need to be packaged and executed as a single file
A microservices-based application is a monolithic application broken down into smaller services
Every services has its own API and handles part of the application
All of the microservices must use the same technology stack
{"name":"Final Theory Exam Server", "url":"","txt":"Select all that apply to Express, Select all that apply to Web Services, Select all that apply to Web Services","img":""}
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