Air Brakes #2

Brake drums...
Are bolted to the wheels
Are located at each end of the vehicle's axles
Hold the brake shoes and linings
All answers are correct
When the low pressure warning is activated, you should...
Monitor your air pressure gauge and maintain highway speeds
Bring the vehicle to a safe stop while you still control the brakes
Pump the brake pedal hard to stop
Wait for the air brakes to come on automatically
When the safety valve releases air it means that...
The pressure has exceeded 150 psi
Too much air is in the air tank
Something is wrong, and you should have it checked by a mechanic
All answers are correct
In a single vehicle with a fully charged air system, air pressure loss (after the initial drop and brake applied) should be less than...
2 psi per minute
3 psi per minute
4 psi per minute
None of the answers are correct.
The service brake system...
Applies and releases the brakes by using the brake pedal under normal driving
Is only on vehicles with hydraulic brakes
Are the valves that keeps the air tank pressure serviced
Is an official vehicle inspection
Your vehicle's single brake system does not need adjustment if...
The governor stops between 75 to 90 psi
Pressure builds from 85 to 100 psi within 45 seconds
The compressor cuts out between 70 to 90 psi
Pressure builds from 50 to 75 psi within three minutes
Some air brake systems have an alcohol evaporator which helps...
Remove fuel from the air lines
Remove oil from the air lines
Reduce the risk of ice in the air brake valves during cold weather
Reduce the risk of water in the air brake valves in warm weather
Air tanks should be drained...
Every 2-3 days
Every 4 hours
Once per week
Once per day
The safety valve in the air compressor tank is set to open at...
200 psi
150 psi
100 psi
175 psi
Compressed air is stored...
In the engine compartment
In the storage tank
In the fuel tank
In the hoses
The Air Compressor Governor controls...
When the brakes should be applied
When the air compressor pumps air into the storage tanks
When the warning light is activated
When the air is released from the tank
A dual air brake system...
Has one set of air tanks and hoses
Has two air brake systems and one set of controls
Must have two warning alarms
Takes less time to build air pressure
An emergency brake...
Is required on commercial vehicles
Must be held on by mechanical force
Could be activated by the loss of air pressure
All of the above
To check the slack adjusters on S Cam brakes, you should...
Drain the air from the system and pull on the slack adjusters
Make sure the slack adjusters move more than one inch each way
Leave the parking brakes on and pull on the slack adjuster
Wear gloves, release parking brakes and pull hard on each slack adjuster
To test the low pressure warning signal, you should do all BUT the following...
Shut the engine off
Ask a friend to listen for the signal
Turn the electrical power on
Step on and off the brake pedal to reduce air pressure
With dual air systems, the air pressure should build...
From 70 to 100 psi in 60 seconds
From 85 to 100 psi in 45 seconds
From 85 to 150 psi in 45 seconds
From 70 to 150 psi in 60 seconds
A fully charged air system typically has ____ psi.
To test the air leakage rate you should...
Leave the engine running and release the service brake
Turn off the engine and release the service brake
Charge the air system and leave the engine running
Depress the brake pedal and monitor the air pressure gauge
When testing air leakage rates for combination vehicles (before applying the brake pedal), air brake systems should not lose air faster than...
3 psi per 30 seconds
4 psi per minute
3 psi per minute
2 psi per minute
To check the air compressor governor "cut in" and "cut out" pressures...
Run the engine at a fast idle
Step on and off the brake to reduce tank pressure
Monitor the air pressure gauge
All the above
Air tanks should be drained...
At the end of each day or shift
To keep sludge from clogging brake system valves
Manually when automatic devices fail
All the above
Fanning air brakes...
Increases the braking power
Increases the air pressure
Cools them off
Decreases the air pressure
If your air compressor stops working...
You will lose your brakes immediately
Your brakes won't be affected
You'll still have air pressure left in the air tanks
The brakes will immediately lock up
The governor allows the air to start pumping again when it reaches the cut in level, or around...
125 psi
100 psi
200 psi
150 psi
{"name":"Air Brakes #2", "url":"","txt":"Brake drums..., When the low pressure warning is activated, you should..., When the safety valve releases air it means that...","img":""}
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