Which of the following does NOT characterize Edna?
Outsider of creole community
Desired life taken away by children and husband
Not a mother-woman
Does not enjoy anything in life
How does Mademoiselle Reisz impact Edna?
Facilitates her awakening
Place of comfort
Inspires her with her music
All of the above
What is NOT Adele Ratignolle's purpose in the book?
Represents the ideals of women
Support Edna's infatuations
Take care of her family
Be a 'mother-woman' and display the roles of a nineteenth century lady
{"name":"Awakening Quiz", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Who is the foil of Edna?, What is Madame Lebrun's role in society?, Which of the following does NOT characterize Edna?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}