Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 2 Mar 21
[2103.00008] Julian May-Mann, Taylor L. Hughes: Topological Dipole Conserving Insulators and Multipolar Responses
[2103.00011] Amit Jamadagni, Hendrik Weimer: Error-correction properties of an interacting topological insulator
[2103.00015] Andrew T. Pierce, Yonglong Xie, Seung Hwan Lee et al.: Thermodynamics of free and bound magnons in graphene
[2103.00018] Hailong Fu, Ke Huang, Kenji Watanabe et al.: Gapless Spin Wave Transport through a Quantum Canted-Antiferromagnet
[2103.00029] Matthias Gimperlein, Michael Schmiedeberg: Structural and dynamical properties of gel networks
[2103.00035] G. P. Zhang, Y. H. Bai: Harmonic generation mostly from a single spin channel in a half metal
[2103.00040] G. P. Zhang, Y. H. Bai, Thomas F. George: Spin Berry points as crucial for ultrafast demagnetization
[2103.00043] Amol Ratnaparkhe, Santosh Kumar Radha, Walter R. L. Lambrecht: Calculated phonon modes, infrared and Raman spectra in orthorhombic $α$-MoO$_3$ and monolayer MoO$_3$
[2103.00049] Hsuan Ming Yu, Amartya S. Banerjee: Density functional theory method for twisted geometries with application to torsional deformations in group-IV nanotubes
[2103.00057] Arkajyoti Maity, Arunava Chakrabarti: Engineering insulator-metal transition in a class of decorated aperiodic lattices: a quantum dynamical study
[2103.00093] Haowei Xu, Hua Wang, Jian Zhou et al.: Colossal switchable photocurrents in topological Janus transition metal dichalcogenides
[2103.00116] Christoph Persch, Maximilian J. Müller, Aakash Yadav et al.: Crystallization and Vitrification Kinetics by Design: The Role of Chemical Bonding
[2103.00122] Debayan Chakraborty, Mauro Lorenzo Mugnai, D. Thirumalai: On the emergence of orientational order in folded proteins with implications for allostery
[2103.00135] Anran Wang, Yuhan Wang, Jianfei Li et al.: Controlling relaxation dynamics of excitonic states in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides WS2 through interface engineering
[2103.00150] Sambunath Das, Dayasindhu Dey, S. Ramasesha et al.: Quantum phases of spin-1 system on 3/4 and 3/5 skewed ladders
[2103.00152] Kangtai Sun, Zhibin Gao, Jian-Sheng Wang: Phonon Hall effect with first-principles calculations
[2103.00161] Le Thi Ngoc Bao, Duong Dinh Phuoc, Le Thi Dieu Hien et al.: On the optical Stark effect of excitons in InGaAs prolate ellipsoidal quantum dots
[2103.00162] N. Asger Mortensen, P. A. D. Gonçalves, Fedor A. Shuklin et al.: Surface-response functions obtained from equilibrium electron-density profiles
[2103.00169] Oleksandr V. Pylypovskyi, Yelyzaveta A. Borysenko, Jürgen Fassbender et al.: Curvature-driven homogeneous Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and emergent weak ferromagnetism in anisotropic antif...
[2103.00193] Peng Song, Zhufeng Hou, Pedro Baptista de Castro et al.: High-$T_c$ ternary metal hydrides, YKH$_{12}$ and LaKH$_{12}$, discovered by machine learning
[2103.00203] Carla Boix-Constant, Samuel Mañas-Valero, Rosa Córdoba et al.: van der Waals heterostructures based on atomically-thin superconductors
[2103.00206] Nazir Khan, Danil Prishchenko, Mary H. Upton et al.: Toward cubic symmetry for Ir$^{4+}$: structure and magnetism of antifluorite K$_2$IrBr$_6$
[2103.00251] Rebekah Chua, Jun Zhou, Xiaojiang Yu et al.: Room temperature ferromagnetism of monolayer chromium telluride with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
[2103.00272] Kang Lai, Sailong Ju, Hongen Zhu et al.: Strong interlayer coupling in monoclinic GaTe
[2103.00295] Arjun Krishnan U M, Colin Benjamin: Nash equilibrium mapping vs Hamiltonian dynamics vs Darwinian evolution for some social dilemma games in the thermodynamic limit
[2103.00296] Naomi Oppenheimer, David B. Stein, Matan Yah Ben Zion et al.: Hyperuniformity and phase enrichment in vortex and rotor assemblies
[2103.00300] Andhika Kiswandhi, Toshihito Osada: Observation of Nonlinear Anomalous Hall Effect in Organic Two-Dimensional Dirac Fermion System
[2103.00308] Markian Petkov, Elsiddig Elmukashfi, Edmund Tarleton et al.: Evaluation of local stress state due to grain-boundary sliding during creep within a crystal plasticity finite element multi-scale...
[2103.00317] D. I. Tetelbaum, A. A. Nikolskaya, D. S. Korolev et al.: Ion-Beam Modification of Metastable Gallium Oxide Polymorphs
[2103.00319] O.U. Salman, R. Baggio, B. Bacroix et al.: Discontinuous yielding of pristine micro-crystals
[2103.00320] Markian Petkov, Marc Chevalier, David Dean et al.: Creep-fatigue interactions in a polycrystalline structural material under typical high-temperature power plant operating conditions
[2103.00339] Mengying Bian, Aleksandr N. Kamenskii, Mengjiao Han et al.: Covalent 2D Cr$_2$Te$_3$ ferromagnet
[2103.00346] Tamaghna Hazra, Piers Coleman: Luttinger sum rules and spin fractionalization in the SU(N) Kondo Lattice
[2103.00350] C. Acha, G. A. Sanca, M. Barella et al.: Proton irradiation effects on metal-YBCO interfaces
[2103.00401] Dhiman Bhowmick: Topological excitations in quasi two-dimensional quantum magnets with weak interlayer interactions
[2103.00413] Masato Ohnishi, Terumasa Tadano, Shinji Tsuneyuki et al.: Strong Phonon Anharmonicity of Clathrate Compound at High Temperature
[2103.00427] Yu-Hao Shen, Wen-Yi Tong, He Hu et al.: Exotic dielectric behaviors induced by pseudo-spin texture in magnetic twisted bilayer
[2103.00440] Yolaine Danarda, Guilhem Martin, Lola Lilensten et al.: Accommodation mechanisms in strain-transformable titanium alloys
[2103.00447] Anton Los, Bogdan Dabrowski, Krzysztof Rogacki: Increase of YBa2Cu3O7 critical currents by Mo substitution and high pressure oxygen annealing
[2103.00450] Jian-Song Pan, Wei Yi, Jiangbin Gong: Emergent $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetry breaking of Anderson-Bogoliubov modes in Fermi superfluids
[2103.00467] Wesley F. Reinhart: Unsupervised learning of atomic environments from simple features
[2103.00472] Dmitry Starkov, Vladimir Parfenyev, Sergey Belan: Conformational statistics of non-equilibrium polymer loops in Rouse model with active loop extrusion
[2103.00477] Fuwei Yang, Bai Song: Near-field thermal transport between twisted bilayer graphene
[2103.00491] Bakhtiar Ali Khan, Igor V. Litvinyuk, Maksym Rybachuk: Femtosecond laser micromachining of diamond: current research status, applications and challenges
[2103.00494] Victor Lakhno: Translation Invariant Bipolarons and Charge Density Waves in High-Temperature Superconductors
[2103.00503] Muka Nakazato, Sousuke Ito: Geometrical aspects of entropy production in stochastic thermodynamics based on Wasserstein distance
[2103.00511] Karl P. Travis, William Graham Hoover, Carol Griswold Hoover et al.: What is Liquid ? [in two dimensions]
[2103.00513] Yuquan Zhu, Tao Xu, Tong-Yi Zhang: Linear-superelastic Ti-Nb nanocomposite alloys with ultralow modulus via high-throughput phase field simulation and design
[2103.00514] Vishwamittar: A comparative study of asymmetric dichotomous noise and symmetric trichotomous noise induced stochastic resonance in the globally coupled fractional oscillators
[2103.00529] Nobumasa Ishida, Yoshihiko Hasegawa: Accelerated Jarzynski Estimator with Deterministic Virtual Trajectories
[2103.00538] Usha Bhat, Ranjan Datta: Insights and alternative proposals on the phase retrieval in high resolution transmission electron microscopy
[2103.00601] Anastasiia Svanidze, Tianyi Guo, Xiaoyu Zheng et al.: Light induced stress and work in photomechanical materials
[2103.00608] Rui Xin, Edirisuriya M. D. Siriwardane, Yuqi Song et al.: Active learning based generative design for the discovery of wide bandgap materials
[2103.00610] J.D.M. de Lima. E. Gomes, F.F. da Silva Filho, F. Moraes et al.: Geometric effects on a quantum particle constrained to a helix, catenary, helicoid, or catenoid
[2103.00615] H. Dausy, L. Nulens, B. Raes et al.: Kinetic inductance dominated asymmetric nanobridge SQUIDs
[2103.00653] Wilson Yanez, Yongxi Ou, Run Xiao et al.: Spin and charge interconversion in Dirac semimetal thin films
[2103.00687] Wenhao Liu, Sheng Li, hanlin Wu et al.: Enhanced Superconductivity in the Se-substituted 1T-PdTe$_2$
[2103.00689] D. Kozawa, X. Wu, A. Ishii et al.: Formation of Organic Color Centers in Air-Suspended Carbon Nanotubes Using Vapor-Phase Reaction
[2103.00701] J.E. Hirsch, F. Marsiglio: Absence of magnetic evidence for superconductivity in hydrides under high pressure
[2103.00706] Zsófia Sarkadi, Dávid Fertig, Zoltán Ható et al.: From nanotubes to nanoholes: scaling of selectivity in uniformly charged nanopores through the Dukhin number for 1:1 electrolytes
[2103.00716] Adam B. Cahaya, Anugrah Azhar, Muhammad Aziz Majidi: Yukawa potential for realistic prediction of Hubbard and Hund interaction parameters for transition metals
[2103.00720] Jeff Maki, Shizhong Zhang, Fei Zhou: Dynamics of strongly interacting Fermi gases with time-dependent interactions: Consequence of conformal symmetry
[2103.00723] Yawen Fang, Hari P. Nair, Ludi Miao et al.: Quantum Oscillations and the Quasiparticle Properties of Thin Film Sr$_2$RuO$_4$
[2103.00725] Yifei Duan, Paul B. Umbanhowar, Richard M. Lueptow: Designing non-segregating granular mixtures
[2103.00745] Terumasa Tadano, Wissam A. Saidi: First-Principles Phonon Quasiparticle Theory Applied to a Strongly Anharmonic Halide Perovskite
[2103.00765] Y. Tokiwa, S. Bachus, K. Kavita et al.: Frustrated magnet for adiabatic demagnetization cooling to milli-Kelvin temperatures
[2103.00769] Yositake Takane: Bulk-Boundary Correspondence in a Non-Hermitian Chern Insulator
[2103.00773] Dinesh Kumar Sahu, Surajit Dhara: Electric field driven controllable motility of metal-dielectric Janus particles with boojum defects in a nematic liquid crystal
[2103.00805] Hiroyasu Koizumi: Superconductivity by Berry connection from many-body wave functions: revisit to Andreev$-$Saint-James reflection and Josephson effect
[2103.00814] Yury Lysogorskiy, Cas van der Oord, Anton Bochkarev et al.: Performant implementation of the atomic cluster expansion (PACE): Application to copper and silicon
[2103.00836] C. Pellet-Mary, P. Huillery, M. Perdriat et al.: Magnetic-Torque Enhanced by Tunable Dipolar interactions
[2103.00840] J. Fransson: Charge Redistribution and Spin Polarization Driven by Correlation Induced Electron Exchange in Chiral Molecules
[2103.00850] E. Aydiner: Memory effects and KWW relaxation of the interacting magnetic nano-particles
[2103.00861] Hiroshi Funaki, Riki Toshio, Gen Tatara: Vorticity-induced anomalous Hall effect in electron fluid
[2103.00863] Guangyu Sun, Nvsen Ma, Bowen Zhao et al.: Emergent O(4) symmetry at the phase transition from plaquette-singlet to antiferromagnetic order in quasi-two-dimensional quantum magnets
[2103.00889] Roman Bause, Andreas Schindewolf, Renhao Tao et al.: Collisions of ultracold molecules in bright and dark optical dipole traps
[2103.00897] Peter Cats, Ranisha S. Sitlapersad, Wouter K. den Otter et al.: Capacitance and Structure of Electric Double Layers: Comparing Brownian Dynamics and Classical Density Functional Theory
[2103.00898] Z. Jin, C. Y. Meng, T. T. Liu et al.: Magnon driven skyrmion dynamics in antiferromagnets: The effect of magnon polarization
[2103.00918] Federico Carlini, Sandro Stringari: Spin drag and fast response in a quantum mixture of atomic gases
[2103.00920] Zhongjia Chen, Rui Wang, Bowen Xia et al.: Three-dimensional Dirac Phonons with Inversion Symmetry
[2103.00952] F. Hirschberger, T. J. Ballé, C. Haas et al.: Li$_2$Sr[MnN]$_2$: a magnetically ordered, metallic nitride
[2103.00954] Jiawei Mai, Yuquan Zhu, Tao Xu et al.: Phase field simulation of grain size effects in nanograined Ti-Nb shape memory alloys
[2103.00960] Alestin Mawrie: Evolution of Majorona zero-energy edge states in a $T^2 = -1$ symmetry protected 1D topological superconductor with dominant spin-orbit coupling
[2103.00965] Nathann T. Rodrigues, Tiago J. Oliveira: Husimi lattice solutions and the coherent-anomaly-method analysis for hard-square lattice gases
[2103.00984] Seán R. Kavanagh, Aron Walsh, David O. Scanlon: Rapid Recombination by Cadmium Vacancies in CdTe
[2103.00997] Andrei Gurinov, Benedikt Sieland, Andrei Kuzhelev et al.: Mixed-valence compounds as polarizing agents for Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization in solids
[2103.00998] Gan Ren, Yanting Wang: Inconsistency between the Stokes-Einstein relation and its variants in supercooled water
[2103.01003] Shi-Qing Jia, Ya-Min Quan, Hai-Qing Lin et al.: Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy of the Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquid Sandwiched with Superconductors
[2103.01010] Sergey L Prosvirnin, Vyacheslav V Khardikov, Kateryna L Domina et al.: Non-specular reflection by a planar resonant metasurface
[2103.01011] Hoang Mai Luong, Minh Thien Pham, Tyler Guin et al.: Sub-second and ppm-level Optical Sensing of Hydrogen Using Templated Control of Nano-hydride Geometry and Composition
[2103.01031] E. L. Gaggioli, D. M. Mitnik, O. P. Bruno: Fine Boundary--Layer structure in Linear Transport Theory
[2103.01047] Fabian R. Lux, Sumit Ghosh, Pascal Prass et al.: Unified topological characterization of electronic states in spin textures from noncommutative K-theory
[2103.01064] Ryan J. Gelly, Dylan Renaud, Xing Liao et al.: Probing dark exciton navigation through a local strain landscape in a WSe$_2$ monolayer
[2103.01070] David Fernández Castellanos, Stéphane Roux, Sylvain Patinet: Insights from the quantitative calibration of an elasto-plastic model from a Lennard-Jones atomic glass
[2103.01082] L. Hecht, R. Horstmann, B. Liebchen et al.: MD Simulations of Charged Binary Mixtures Reveal a Generic Relation Between High- and Low-Temperature Behavior
[2103.01107] Serguei Brazovskii, Natasha Kirova: Phase slips, dislocations, half-integer vortices, two-fluid hydrodynamics and the chiral anomaly in charge and spin density waves
[2103.01120] M. Vladimirova, D. Scalbert, M. S. Kuznetsova et al.: Electron-induced nuclear magnetic ordering in n-type semiconductors
[2103.01122] Serguei Brazovskii, Natasha Kirova: Multi-fluid hydrodynamics in charge density waves with collective, electronic, and solitonic densities and currents
[2103.01152] A. N. McCaughan, A. M. Tait, S. M. Buckley et al.: PHIDL: Python CAD layout and geometry creation for nanolithography
[2103.01154] Olivier Roche, Siet van den Wildenberg, Alexandre Valance et al.: Experimental assessment of the effective friction at the base of granular chute flows on smooth incline
[2103.01157] Kyle R. Schlafmann, Timothy J. White: Retention and Deformation of the Blue Phases in Liquid Crystalline Elastomers
[2103.01161] Marlon Brenes, Silvia Pappalardi, Mark T. Mitchison et al.: Out-of-time-order correlations and the fine structure of eigenstate thermalisation
[2103.01162] Gerard McCaul, Alexander F. King, Denys I. Bondar: Optical Indistinguishability via Twinning Fields
[2103.01166] Gong Chen, MacCallum Robertson, Markus Hoffmann et al.: Observation of hydrogen-induced Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and reversible switching of magnetic chirality
[2103.01181] Lisa A. Roed, Jeppe C. Dyre, Kristine Niss et al.: Time-scale coupling in hydrogen- and van der Waals-bonded liquids
[2103.01184] Nahuel Freitas, Karel Proesmans, Massimiliano Esposito: Reliability and entropy production in non-equilibrium electronic memories
[2103.01187] Xiaolong Deng: Fragment Percolating and Many Body Localization Transition
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 2 Mar 21","img":""}
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