Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in physics on Tue, 27 Apr 21
[2104.11769] Nickolas H. Pilgram, Arian Jadbabaie, Yi Zeng et al.: Fine and hyperfine interactions in $^{171}$YbOH and $^{173}$YbOH
[2104.11786] Liat Levin, Daniel M. Reich, Moran Geva et al.: Coherent Control of Ultrafast Bond Making and Subsequent Molecular Dynamics: Demonstration of Final-State Branching Ratio Control
[2104.11792] Christopher Wilkes, Krishna Kumar, Giovanna Biscontin: Investigating the Thixotropic Behaviour of Tremie Concrete Using the Slump-flow Test and the Material Point Method
[2104.11793] Kaustav Roy, Kritank Kalyan, Anuj Ashok et al.: A PMUT Integrated Microfluidic System for Fluid Density Sensing
[2104.11868] Sihan Chen, Chase P. Broedersz, Tomer Markovich et al.: Non-linear stress relaxation of transient-crosslinked biopolymer networks
[2104.11869] Haotian Hang, Sina Heydari, John H. Costello et al.: Active tail flexion in concert with passive hydrodynamic forces improves swimming speed and efficiency
[2104.11885] Qing Ni, Rajagopalan Ramesh, Cheng-An Chen et al.: Semiconductor-based selective emitter with sharp cutoff for thermophotovoltaic energy conversion
[2104.11908] Olaf Scholten, Brian Hare, Joe Dwyer et al.: Time resolved 3Dinterferometric imaging of a section of a negative leader with LOFAR
[2104.11911] Sandhya Chandrasekaran, Francisco Santibanez, Bharat B. Tripathi et al.: In situ ultrasound imaging of shear shock waves in the porcine brain
[2104.11924] Jonathan N. Tinsley, Satvika Bandarupally, Jussi-Pekka Penttinen et al.: Watt-level blue light for precision spectroscopy, laser cooling and trapping of strontium and cadmium atoms
[2104.11947] Thibaud Etienne: Towards rigorous foundations for the natural-orbital representation of molecular electronic transitions
[2104.11972] Eloy de Kinkelder, Leonard Sagis, Sebastian Aland: A numerical method for the simulation of viscoelastic fluid surfaces
[2104.11976] Lukas Schickhofer, Henry Hanson: Aerodynamic effects and performance improvements of running in drafting formations
[2104.11982] Giovanni I. Martone, Tom Bienaimé, Nicolas Cherroret: Spin-orbit-coupled fluids of light in bulk nonlinear media
[2104.11991] Shashwat Bhattacharya, Mahendra K. Verma, Ravi Samtaney: Prandtl number dependence of the small-scale properties in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection
[2104.12002] Peter V. Gordon, Leonid Kagan, Gregory Sivashinsky: Modeling of thermonuclear fusion flames : transition to detonation
[2104.12012] V. Singhal, S. Chatterjee, V. Friese et al.: Development and implementation of a time-based signal generation scheme for the Muon Chamber simulation of the CBM experiment at FAIR
[2104.12013] S. Adhikari, T.N. Parashar, M.A. Shay et al.: Magnetic reconnection as an energy cascade process
[2104.12084] M. Chambonneau, M. Blothe, Q. Li et al.: Transverse Ultrafast Laser Inscription in Bulk Silicon
[2104.12092] Alen Kuriakose, Kharanshu Solanki, Meblu S. Tom: An Analysis of the Slayer Exciter Circuit
[2104.12107] Nadia Loy, Andrea Tosin: A viral load-based model for epidemic spread on spatial networks
[2104.12110] Arnoldo Badillo, Omar Matar: On the missing link between pressure drop, viscous dissipation and the turbulent energy spectrum
[2104.12122] Gunn Tae Park, Jiquan Guo, Shaoheng Wang et al.: The beam exchange of a circular cooler ring with a ultrafast harmonic kicker
[2104.12142] Joshua W. Moore, Trevor C. Dale, Thomas E. Woolley: Algebraic framework for determining laminar pattern bifurcations by lateral-inhibition in 2D and 3D bilayer geometries
[2104.12145] Renjie Li, Xiaozhe Gu, Ke Li et al.: Predicting the $Q$ factor and modal volume of photonic crystal nanocavities via deep learning
[2104.12164] Sirui Yang, Sha Liu, Chengwen Zhong et al.: A direct relaxation process for particle methods in gas kinetic theory
[2104.12165] Yuanke Zhang, Chao Luo, Tengteng Lu et al.: Hot Carrier Degradation in MOSFETs at Cryogenic Temperatures Down to 4.2 K
[2104.12170] W. Yao, A. Fazzini, S. N. Chen et al.: Detailed characterization of laboratory magnetized super-critical collisionless shock and of the associated proton energization
[2104.12189] Adam Nichols, Alexey V. Verkhovtsev, Nigel J. Mason et al.: Atomistic characterisation of PEGylated gold nanoparticles in aqueous environment: A molecular dynamics study
[2104.12191] B. Ulukutlu, P. Gasik, T. Waldmann et al.: New (TH)GEM coating materials characterised using spectroscopy methods
[2104.12194] Vinay Damodaran, Anna Hahm, Pavana Prabhakar: Multilayered Recoverable Sandwich Composite Structures with Architected Core
[2104.12217] Jiawei Li, Zhongmin Qian, Mingrui Zhou: On the transport equation for probability density functions of turbulent vorticity fields
[2104.12256] David Al-Attar: Linear inference problems -- I. Deterministic constraints
[2104.12306] Spencer A Hill, Adam H Sobel, Michela Biasutti et al.: Indian summer monsoon rainfall interannual variability: spatial signatures and teleconnections
[2104.12342] Tim Tichter, Rohan Borah, Thomas Nann: A Theoretical Framework for the Electrochemical Characterization of Anisotropic Micro-Emulsions
[2104.12375] Sergey N. Galyamin, Viktor V. Vorobev: Diffraction at the Open End of Dielectric-Lined Circular Waveguide
[2104.12396] Francisco Rojas-Perez, Blaise Delmotte, Sebastien Michelin: Hydrochemical interactions of phoretic particles: a regularized multipole framework
[2104.12447] Yanqiang Guo, Tong Liu, Tong Zhao et al.: Chaotic Time-Delay Signature Suppression and Entropy Growth Enhancement Using Frequency-Band Extractor
[2104.12452] Bin Sun, Thomas Grap, Thorben Frahm et al.: Role of electron and ion irradiation in a reliable lift-off process with e-beam evaporation and a bilayer PMMA resist system
[2104.12453] Anastasiia Gorbunova, Carlo Pagani, Guilaume Balarac et al.: Eulerian spatio-temporal correlations in passive scalar turbulence
[2104.12457] Ksenia R. Briling, Alberto Fabrizio, Clemence Corminboeuf: Impact of quantum-chemical metrics on the machine learning prediction of electron density
[2104.12480] Janus J. Eriksen: Decomposed Mean-Field Simulations of Local Properties in Condensed Phases
[2104.12487] Nikolay Popov: Space-time structure in the microcosm and its relation to the properties of elementary particles
[2104.12488] D-M. Cabaret, T. Grandou, E. Perrier: Shrodinger's Cat: From false Paradox to genuine Paradigm
[2104.12490] Abdel Challa, Vladimir V. Kassandrov, Nina V. Markova: Conservative relativistic algebrodynamics induced on an implicitly defined worldline
[2104.12491] Igor Nikitin: Wormholes and Teleporters
[2104.12494] Alexandre Gutenberg da Costa Moura: Propagation of the angular spectrum of electromagnetic fields in uniaxial crystals of finite length in the regime of the paraxial approximation
[2104.12497] Ramesh B. M., Rahul Murali Vongole, Yashas Nagraj et al.: Valorization of incinerator bottom ash for the production of resource-efficient eco-friendly concrete: Performance and toxicological ch...
[2104.12506] Maike Sonnewald, Redouane Lguensat, Daniel C. Jones et al.: Bridging observation, theory and numerical simulation of the ocean using Machine Learning
[2104.12515] V.D. Efros: Computing the coefficients of transformations between oscillator states
[2104.12531] E.Won, WoodoLee: A development of a compact software package for systematic error studies in muon $g-2$/EDM experiment at J-PARC
[2104.12540] Wenjie Jia, Manuel S. Mariani, Linyuan Lü et al.: Detecting new edge types in a temporal network model
[2104.12585] Ajay C. J., Stephan Brunner, Justin Ball: Effect of collisions on non-adiabatic electron dynamics in ITG-driven microturbulence
[2104.12600] Carlos Plana, Baofang Song, Marc Avila: Direct numerical simulation of two-phase pipe flow: influence of the domain length on the flow regime
[2104.12612] O.R. Blanco Garcia: Low emittance muon beam in the 2 to 40 GeV energy range for muon and neutrino experiments
[2104.12613] Xiang Yu, Yibin Fu, Hui-Hui Dai: On propagation of waves in pressurized fiber-reinforced hyperelastic tubes based on a reduced model
[2104.12614] Isabel Gonzalvez Perez William Barford: Ultrafast Fluorescence Depolarization in Conjugated Polymers
[2104.12626] Toby Kirk, Colin P. Please, S. Jon Chapman: Physical modelling of the slow voltage relaxation phenomenon in lithium-ion batteries
[2104.12650] I. Simonsen, J.B. Kryvi, A.A. Maradudin: Inversion of in-plane, co-polarized light scattering data in p and s polarization to obtain the normalized surface-height autocorrelation function and th...
[2104.12659] Carlos Cartes, Toby P. Davies: Public disorder and transport networks in the Latin American Context
[2104.12683] Joseph Kraisler, John C Schotland: Collective Spontaneous Emission in Random Media
[2104.12728] Alvaro Suarez, Martin Monteiro, Mateo Dutra et al.: How far away is infinity? An electromagnetic exercise to develop intuition regarding models
[2104.12730] F. Scazza, G. Del Pace, L. Pieri et al.: An efficient high-current circuit for fast radio-frequency spectroscopy in cold atomic gases
[2104.12743] Angelos Klothakis, Helio Quintanilha Jr, Saurabh S. Sawant et al.: Linear stability analysis of hypersonic boundary layers computed by a kinetic approach: A semi-infinite flat plate at Mach 4.5...
[2104.12746] Santiago J. Benavides, Keaton J. Burns, Basile Gallet et al.: Inverse cascade suppression and shear layer formation in MHD turbulence subject to a guide field and misaligned rotation
[2104.12751] Pavel Pokhilko, Dominika Zgid: Interpretation of multiple solutions in fully iterative GF2 and GW schemes using local analysis of two-particle density matrices
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Tue, 27 Apr 21","img":""}
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