How Self Confident Are You?

I have a realistic sense of my strengths and weaknesses
Not Really or Never
I am willing to take risks for something I really want to achieve
Little or Never
I plan, prepare and get excited for new experiences?
Little or Never
I have strategies to manage my Fears and Doubts
Yes Many
A Couple
Not Really or No
I reflect on my past successes
Little or Never
I understand, recognise and am comfortable that 'failure' will happen in life
I am, I know its part of life
Not Really or No its an Issue
I am good at managing and coping with unexpected change or situations
Little or Never
I am happy and comfortable reaching out for support if I need it
Little or Never
I know what my values are in life
Maybe some of them
Not really or No
I live in a way that makes me happy and lines up with my values in life
Little or Never
I don't give up easily
No, I do not
I can give up easily sometimes
I often or always give up quickly if I find something hard
I know and am comfortable in the fact that not everyone I meet will like or approve of me
I'm ok with that
Its an issue at times
I need people to like and approve of me
I have a good sense of my worth as a person
It can waver at times
I often feel unworthy
I understand setbacks are normal, expected and that I can move forwards from them
I do
Depends on the setback
I struggle to move forwards when I experience setbacks
I don't criticise and berate myself when going through a hard time
No, I am compassionate towards myself
I can do at times
I'm really self critical and rarely or never compassionate towards myself
When trying something new I don't allow my fearful or negative thoughts to stop me
I don't I move past them
I can do sometimes
I never try anything new, for this reason
{"name":"How Self Confident Are You?", "url":"","txt":"I have a realistic sense of my strengths and weaknesses, I am willing to take risks for something I really want to achieve, I plan, prepare and get excited for new experiences?","img":""}
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