Lead - Booking/Scheduling Process Test - May 2023

A detailed and organized workspace featuring a laptop displaying a spreadsheet with booking and scheduling information, sticky notes, and cleaning supplies, bright and inviting atmosphere.

Booking and Scheduling Mastery Quiz

Test your knowledge of the booking and scheduling process with our comprehensive quiz! Designed for both new and experienced team members, this quiz covers essential practices in managing customer leads, assigning cleaners, and handling scheduling conflicts.

  • Assess your understanding of the booking workflow.
  • Identify best practices for managing customer expectations.
  • Enhance your effectiveness in the scheduling process.
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by OrganizingBee57
Once the Customer has accepted the quote, What should you do in the "Spreadsheet"?
In your personal sheet - Update the quote status to sold
Find Cleaner and assign him the job
Schedule the job in the ServiceM8 Calendar against your name
Create/Email invoice and book the cleaner
Create/Email invoice to Cust and wait for payment then only proceed with the booking
Do nothing, Admin or TL will process the job
In your personal sheet - Copy the sold record to Bookings Sheet
What is the purpose of using separate sheets in the spreadsheet to track leads and bookings?
To confuse staff members
To keep all information in one place
To organize and differentiate between different stages of the Lead and Booking Process
To limit access to specific information
What information is typically included in the booking tracking sheet?
Customer feedback and reviews
Assigned cleaner
Invoice and payment status
ServiceM8 Job Number
Carpet Cleaning Required or Not
Job Details Messaged to Cleaner.
All of the Above
Job Reschedule Required
Bonus for Cleaners
Email Booking Confirmation to the Client
What is the purpose of having specific columns in the spreadsheet for each stage of the process?
To limit the amount of information tracked
To provide a visual representation of progress
To ensure consistency across all leads and bookings
To make the spreadsheet look more organized
What are the potential consequences of not accurately entering data in the spreadsheet for leads and bookings?
Greater productivity, effective task management, enhanced data visualization, and improved team coordination.
Higher efficiency, improved collaboration, better decision-making, and enhanced data security.
Streamlined processes, reduced workload, increased customer satisfaction, and improved reporting accuracy.
Miscommunication, delayed actions, poor customer service, reporting issues, and loss of trust and credibility.
How can spreadsheets help in managing lead and booking information effectively?
By automatically generating invoices
By providing real-time updates and visibility of the status
By automatically assigning cleaners to jobs
By sending email reminders to customers
Once the Customer has accepted the quote, what are the TWO processes you need to do
After you have updated the quote record to sold in your personal sheet and copied the record to the Bookings sheet. Go to Service M8 and Schedule the job in the ServiceM8 Calendar against your name with Start time of 6am, (6 am time means we have to find the cleaner). Please ensure the booking Confirmation is unticked.
Find a Cleaner and assign him the job
Create/Email invoice and book the cleaner
Create/Email invoice to Cust and wait for payment then only proceed with the booking
Do nothing, Admin or TL will process the job
You have messaged a cleaner for availability, But he has not responded and now time is running out and job is booked for service within next 72 hours. What should you do
Call the Cust and tell them that we can't find any cleaner and will have to cancel the job
Call the cleaner and ask if he is available or not. If he is not available on that day/time what other times can he do the service.
Email the cleaner for update
If that cleaner is not responding and not answering calls, Find other cleaner for the job and assign him the job
Update the quote record to sold and copy it to the Bookings sheet
Cancel the booking
After each call, Update the job notes
Update the booking tabs “Cleaner Requested” column after each attempt
You have messaged a cleaner for availability, He has replied to your message but requested start time to be 2pm instead of 11am. What should you do
Before calling Cust to reschedule, we must exhaust all options like call all cleaners in that area to see if any of them is available at the requested time and ask each cleaner to give you two alternate options on when he can carry out the work.
Call the cleaner and ask why he can't start at 11 am?
Reschedule the job to new time but don't inform the Cust?
Cancel the booking
As you were unable to find any cleaner at the requested time slot, call the cust Inform the Cust about the alternate times you have captured from all cleaners in that area and ask if any of them will suit the Cust, If Cust is happy with any of the alternate times then update the job, inform the cleaner.
Do nothing, let the cleaner arrive late and he will them apologise for his delay.
Update the job notes and Spreadsheet
Send the new booking confirmation message to Cust
After the booking is confirmed, the Cust has requested change of time what do you need to do
If possible Ask Customer to give you two or more preferred dates and times
Call the Assigned cleaner and ask if he/she can work on the either of the preferred dates/times.
If the assigned Cleaner is unavailable on the phone, Send him message to inform him about the requested changes and ask if he can still do the job on new requested schedule. If after multiple attempts you still can’t contact him, call other cleaners for availability and find and assign job to a new cleaner.
Cancel the booking and refund the money
Find new cleaner
Do nothing, once the cleaner arrives he will wait or return home.
Once you have managed to find the cleaner at the requested day/time, Update Cust, Create job notes, Update Job schedule, Update spreadsheet Bookings tab with the new assigned cleaner, new date.
Send the new schedule or reschedule job message to the assigned cleaner
In Service M8 Send the Update booking message to the Cust
How often you need to update the your personal sheet page in the spreadsheet
After you received a new Lead
After each attempt to contact the Cust
After you email the quote
When Quote has been accepted
When ever you go on break
When ever cust sends you an email
After raising the invoice
After you attempt to find a cleaner for the job
After you assign the job to a cleaner
After you send the booking confirmation message to the Client
After the sale is lost
After you collect the feedback
After Cust requests a call back
How often you need to update the your Booking sheet page in the spreadsheet
After raising the invoice
After you email the quote
When Quote has been accepted
When ever you go on break
When ever cust sends you an email
After you assign the job to a cleaner
After you attempt to find a cleaner for the job
After Payment is received
After each attempt to contact the Cust
After you send the booking confirmation message to the Client
After the sale is lost
After you collect the feedback
After Cust requests a call back
After you change the job status in Service M8
All of the Above
You called a cleaner and asked him if he is available at 11 am on Wednesday? He said No. What should you do?
Tell him: Thank you, no problem we will find you another assignment and hang up the call
Threaten him to do the job on the requested time.
Beg him to do the job on the requested time.
Inform him: Ok, what other times can you do this job? Same day afternoon or evening? Or sometime next day
While on the call try to get his availability for alternate slots when he can be available to do this job.
In the order of precedence who is more important?
When scheduling jobs, whose preference is more important? (Choose Multiple - All Possible)
Customer's required time slot.
Cleaner's available time slot
Cust is paying so we must aim to cater for his required time.
Cleaners are important so we should force cust to change their requirement to match cleaners availability
Customer's requirements are always important but if we can't cater for them, like we have contacted all of our cleaners and no one is available at that time slot then we should present alternate options and request the cust to re-schedule the job
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