Test Your Grants Knowledge

A group of diverse professionals collaborating over grant documentation and invoices, with charts and graphs in the background, conveying the theme of grants management.

Test Your Grants Knowledge

Are you ready to challenge your understanding of grants? This quiz will test your knowledge on various aspects of grant management, including invoicing, deliverables, and contract setups. Perfect for grant administrators and fund managers looking to sharpen their skills!

  • 6 engaging questions
  • Multiple choice and checkbox formats
  • Learn while you play!
6 Questions2 MinutesCreated by ManagingFunds202
A grant has experienced work delays so no work has been done the past 3 months (Oct, Nov, Dec). True or False - A PA has the capability to delete the overdue invoices?
You are setting up a contract to an independent consultant with monthly invoicing, what should the payment schedule look like?
An advanced payment with signed agreement and remainder at the end
Equal payments scheduled 30 days past invoice due date
Go back to PO to discuss payment schedule
How are conference support grants structured? Select all that apply
1 payment, 1 deliverable - signed agreement
1 payment, 2 deliverables - signed agreement & final agenda
Multiple payments & deliverables
True or False - Only the signature page is required to be uploaded to SF?
Fixed fee grant - what is the prep sheet missing? Select all that apply
Financial Reports
Specific due dates
Prep sheet looks right to me
True or False - A payment can be set up without any contingent deliverables?
{"name":"Test Your Grants Knowledge", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you ready to challenge your understanding of grants? This quiz will test your knowledge on various aspects of grant management, including invoicing, deliverables, and contract setups. Perfect for grant administrators and fund managers looking to sharpen their skills!6 engaging questionsMultiple choice and checkbox formatsLearn while you play!","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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